Third Mission of HEI in the Migration Crisis recovering potential – building perspectives in the Federal State of Bremen / Germany Jens Kemper June 2017
In 2015 about 700.000 refugees reached Germany Study Potential In 2015 about 700.000 refugees reached Germany Registrated asylum seekers 2) Average numbers in percent Level of education 1) 6-17 years 18 years and older 18-24 years 25-34 years 35-64 years Low 36 31 26 30 Medium 42 29 32 High 13 39 37 Other 8 3 1) Low: No school or elementary school attendance. Medium: Attendance at middle or professional schools. High: Attendance at higher secondary schools, universities or Universities of Applied Sciences. Totals may deviate from 100% due to roundings. 2) Voluntary self-reported data of registrated asylum seekers in 2015, first instance and subsequent applications. Data may be subject to a selection bias since only 53% of all asylum seekers participated in the survey at their registration. Source: Federal Agency of Migration and Refugees (BAMF)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Article 26 (1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free […] and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 Nationality Luxury
Lisbon Convention 11.IV.1997 Article VII Each Party shall take all feasible and reasonable steps […] to assess fairly and expeditiously whether refugees, displaced persons and persons in a refugee-like situation fulfil the relevant requirements for access to higher education, to further higher education programmes […]. Nationality Luxury
Academic Opportunities for Refugees with Academic Background before 2014 in Germany
GF-H Federal-Funding
April 2014 Idea: Refugees with academic background visit regular lectures at the university and use resources.
Institutional Core Guiding Principles High Quality of Teaching and Research Practice Orientation and Commitment to Society […] The instructional staff and students of the University of Bremen must be dedicated to the fundamental values of democracy, human rights, and social justice […] Interdisciplinary Orientation Internationalization of Education and Research Equal Gender Opportunity Environmentally Sustainable Activity Principles of Diversity-Strategy 1. As a science organisation embedded in the society the University of Bremen takes responsibilty for designing structures and institutional methods under the criteria of social diversity.
„IN-Touch was the best thing that happened to me in Offers: Use of university ressources: Library, Online / Network Account Meet Bremen-Students Guest-Listener Aims: Higher Education „First Aid“ (no credit points or degree) Keep occupied, give sense Learn about academic culture in Germany Envision career directions Win talented and ambitious young people for the university Social Stability Starting-Point for change of institutional policy „IN-Touch was the best thing that happened to me in Germany“ Hiba, Student of Journalism Cost: Initially no funding – extra workload
Participants: Outreach: 400 until summer term 2017 800 registrations – high drop out rate Diverse usage Average duration of former studies per registered: 5 Semesters = 20.000 € per Head = 16.000.000 € Until 2015 this educational capital was lost through systematically excluding refugees from studies. Outreach: Student Initiatives > Volontary Service > Intercultural Certificate 2015 joint programme of the 4 public universities in Bremen Many similar projects at other German universities Austrian Universities Conference adepts for whole of Austria Presence in the media Reaching state and federal government
Needs identified: Solution: Language – German C1 Qualification Missing Documents Organization Finance Solution: Course in academic speed Test for Academic Studies Assesment New Office HERE (Bremen)
Preparational Studies Duration 1- 4 Semesters German Language at Goethe-Institut Bremen / Study Skills Minority: prep Semester + Higher Education Entrance Exam Prep-Student status (incl. semesterticket) June 2017: 260 Participants ca. 60 to be reaching German C1 in June - September
After loss of home, family, friends, identity … Flight After loss of home, family, friends, identity … Universities host resources to rebuild life. Thank You for Listening Emo true future society