Dictators threaten world peace. Ch16.1
Nationalism grips Europe Many European countries did not get prosperity but rather revolution due to economic depression. Many dictators arose to power due to nationalism.
Failures of wwi peace settlement Treaty of Versailles put most blame on Germany Woodrow Wilson had the plan to create a world “safe for democracy” but there was no tradition of democracy which led to the rise of dictators.
Joseph stalin tranforms the USSR Made agriculture and industrial USSRs main source of income. Made USSR a communist state where Stalin abolished all privately owned businesses and replaced them with collectives (government owned farms) 1928 Launched “Five-Year Plan” all economic activity was put on the government. 2nd worlds largest industrial power in 1937, but human costs were expensive. Stalin also eliminated any opposition (8M.-13M.) Many died as well to famine during reconstruction. Stalin created a totalitarian government, made complete control of citizens.
The rise of fascism in italy Benito Mussolini created a fascist government in Italy. He uses fear to his advantage, Fascism stressed nationalism and placed interest of state above those of individuals. October 1922 marched on Rome with his soldiers called the “Black Shirts” Il Duce “The Leader” self appointed. Also made Italy a totalitarian state.
The Nazis take over Germany Adolf Hitler took a similar path from Mussolini. Joined a group in 1919 called National Socialist German Workers Party. This party had no ties to socialism. Promised Germany out of chaos and adopted the title Der Fuhrer. Wrote Mein Kampf, as the Nazi parties basic beliefs. Recreating German empire. Belief in racial purification that “Aryans” Blonde hair blue eyed, formed a master race, while Jews colored peoples and Slavs were inferior. Believed Germany needed more Lebensraum or living space to create an empire.
Hitler (cont.) Great depression fueled Hitlers cause. 6 million germans unemployed due to investment in American economy but the GD hit the US. Hitler's private army Brown Shirts or Storm Troopers 1933 Hitler was appointed chancellor, established Third Reich.
Militarists gain control in japan Nationalist military leaders, wanted more living space for population Surprise attack on Manchuria 1931 League of Nations condemned Japan’s aggression Japan leaves League of Nations, Militarists tighter control over Japanese Government
Aggression in Europe and Africa 1933 Germany out of League of Nations, 1935 Germany builds up army 1936 German troops into Rhineland 1935 Italy invades Ethiopia League of Nations did little to stop aggression
Civil war breaks out in Spain 1936 Francisco Franco leads rebellion against Spanish Republic Abraham Lincoln Battalion formed in the U.S. fought against Franco Germany and Italy supported Franco 500,000 Killed with Franco’s victory in 1939 Established totalitarian Fascist government in Spain
The united states responds cautiously Most believed U.S. should not get involved in international conflicts 1928 U.S. signed Kellogg-Briand Pact Pact declared that war was not to be used as instrument of national policy, no plan to deal with countries that broke pact
Americans cling to isolationism Beliefs that U.S. was in WWI due to interest of bankers and arms dealers Produced strong Anti-war feeling Isolationism impacted Roosevelt’s foreign policy 1935 Congress passed Neutrality Acts to stay out of war
Neutrality breaks down Roosevelt saw neutrality as impossible 1937 Japan attacked China, U.S sent supplies to assist China Roosevelt delivers quarantine speech in Chicago to promote stopping the spread of war