Achievement Award Mia For coming to a familiar adult and requesting interaction and a game that she likes. Well done Mia! Date: 12th May 2017
Achievement Award Cameron For engaging with and exploring the sensory music garden and following a rhythm with the Bamboo Tamboo equipment. Well done Cameron! Date: 12th May 2017
Achievement Award Sienna For fantastic independent work in maths. Well done Sienna! Date: 12th May 2017
Achievement Award Nalin For excellent work in geography - using his PECS to comment on what he could see. Well done Nalin! Date: 12th May 2017
Achievement Award Demi-Lee-Mea For fantastic bravery in swimming - pushing away the float to move independently after the toy. Well done Demi! Date: 12th May 2017
Achievement Award Ethan For excellent observational work in geography - using his PECS to comment on what he could see. Well done Ethan! Date: 12th May 2017
Achievement Award Conor For excellent engagement and independence when using the music garden and the parachute. Well done Conor! Date: 12th May 2017
For remembering our sign of the week. Well done Eden! Achievement Award Eden For remembering our sign of the week. Well done Eden! Date: 12th May 2017
Achievement Award Andrew For good concentration during maths - working out odd and even numbers. Well done Andrew! Date: 12th May 2017
Achievement Award Brendan For excellent concentration for 40 minutes when using the iPad in music and the whiteboard in ICT. Well done Brendan! Date: 12th May 2017
Achievement Award Kenneth For recognising, counting and exchanging coins in maths. Well done Kenneth! Date: 12th May 2017
Communicator of the Week Henry For asking to go to the toilet and then using the toilet correctly. Well done Henry! Date: 12th May 2017
Communicator of the Week Sophia For calmly and consistently communicating what she wanted at snack time, using eye contact and gesture. Well done Sophia! Date: 12th May 2017
Communicator of the Week Harry For excellent work on the prox-talker by creating a sentence to communicate a greeting independently. Well done Harry! Date: 12th May 2017
Communicator of the Week Tj For excellent work using the Magic Carpet. Well done Tj! Date: 12th May 2017