Six Essential Nutrients Project Unhealthy- Travis Stork-Dr.s Show Carbohydrates Protein Fat Vitamins Mineral Water
What is Nutrition? The Study of nutrients and how the body uses them.
So what is a nutrient? Substances that are important for the body’s growth and maintenance. Nutrients are found in the foods we eat. We need to eat a variety of foods because one food does not have all the nutrients.
There are 6 essential nutrients… Can Fanny Play Violin Much Worse?
Carbohydrates The body’s main source of energy. Two types: simple (sugars) & complex (starches) Simple: sugars (fructose, glucose and lactose)— fruit empty calories candy, soda, doughnuts Complex: Long term energy---comes from foods like pasta, bread, starchy vegetables and fruits The body breaks down (or converts) most carbohydrates into the sugar glucose, which is absorbed into the bloodstream. As the glucose level rises in the body, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. Insulin is needed to move sugar from the blood into the cells, where it can be used as a source of energy.
Carbohydrates Continued Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate. Comes from plant sources only-- such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains Cannot be digested but aids in digestion by helping to eliminate waste products from the body. Soluble fiber partially dissolves in water and has been shown to lower cholesterol. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, but that's why it helps with constipation that includes foods that are rich in fiber can help lower blood cholesterol and prevent diabetes and heart disease. When carbohydrates are combined with fiber, it slows the absorption of sugar and regulates insulin response. And food with fiber make us feel full, which discourages overeating.
Fats/Lipids Used by the body to store energy. But have twice as many calories as carbohydrates. Fats store energy & form cell membranes Insulated body & Protect organs Fats solid at room temperature are saturated fats and trans fats. They are most harmful to your health Unsaturated Fats are liquid at room temperature Omega’s are good fats…Polyunsaturated fats Saturated fat comes mostly from animal products, but some tropical oils, like palm kernel oil and coconut oil, also contain saturated fat. tans fats are often found in packaged baked goods, like cookies or crackers. They also may be found in fried foods like french fries and doughnuts. Because saturated fat and trans fat raise blood cholesterol levels, increasing a person's risk of developing heart disease, a gram of one of these fats is worse for a person's health than a gram of unsaturated fat.
Proteins When proteins are digested amino acids are left for the body. Building blocks for the body for growth and repair. Your skin, hair, blood, muscles and vital organs are made of proteins. Protein sources: Plant (incomplete) & Animal (complete) Plant sources: Beans, Soy, Lentils Animals sources: Beef, Pork, Fish, Eggs, Cheese, Poultry here are two kinds of proteins: complete proteins and incomplete proteins. Complete proteins include animal-based protein like meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, and cheese. They're "complete" because they have all the essential amino acids our bodies need. Incomplete proteins are plant-based sources of protein, like beans or nuts. A plant-based protein doesn't include all the essential amino acids.
Water Necessary for survival Water keeps us hydrated Water helps move foods and nutrients through our bodies; aids in digestion Need approximately 9 Cups per day. Sources: fruits, veggies, soups, juices, & dairy products.
Vitamins Are substances needed in small amounts to help regulate body functions. They help your body use other nutrients, store and use energy and fight infection. Examples include vitamin A, B, C, D, E & K Most come from fruits, veggies, & dairy. Some vitamins are stored in your body. Nutrition Facts label includes Vitamins A & C
Vitamins Continued Some vitamins are fat soluble-stored in your fats. A,E,D,&K Some vitamins are water soluble-stored in the fluids in your body. B&C
Minerals Main function is to control important chemical reactions in the body. Needed in small amounts to help keep bones strong, teeth healthy, blood healthy. Your body needs 17 minerals daily Come from earth’s crust—examples are iron, calcium, and iodine (iron & calcium are included on nutrition facts label) Sources—milk, salt, spinach, fruits & veggies
Fat Soluble Vitamins A- Benefits the eyes increase immune system Carrots spinach, pumpkins, mangos, sweet potato's E- Helps to heal skin keeps reds blood cells healthy Peanut Butter, Almonds, olive oil, Sunflower oil D-Essential to absorb calcium and phosphorus promote healthy bones and teeth Daily Products, Eggs, Sunlight, Seeds K- Enables blood clotting incase of blood lose Milk, green leafy vegetables, wheat bran
Water Soluble Vitamins Vitamin B6- Increase nervous system function, and production red cells. Bananas, wheat , walnuts, salmon, tuna, meat Vitamin B12- Folate DNA synthesis, nervous system Fish, beef, liver, eggs Lentils, Beans, green leafy veggies, Nuts, Bran Vitamin C Increase immune system, absorbing iron form body Citrus Fruits, Broccoli, Red Chilies B Vitamins Thiamin B1- Use carbohydrates Whole Grains, seeds/nuts and meats Vitamin B2- Riboflavin Regulates metabolism Beneficial for eyes Cereals, eggs, milk, almonds Vitamin B3- Niacin Increase healthy brain function and nervous system Beef, Chicken, Tuna, Barley, Rice, Bran, Rice
Minerals Calcium- Strong bones and teeth, help with blood clotting Dairy, Tofu Iron- help red blood cells carry oxygen to the cells Leafy Greens , Red Meats, Potassium- Regulate fluid levels, Spinach, Bananas, Pumpkin, milk, yogurt, salmon Sodium-Regulate fluid levels and Alkali levels Salt, Eggs, Beef, Cheese Zinc- immune system and nerve function Red meats, some seafood, fortified cereals Magnesium-helps muscles and nerves function, steadies the heart rhythm, and keeps bones strong. It also helps the body create energy and make proteins Whole grains, nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, beans, Foods that are high in fiber are generally high in magnesium. Athletes sometimes use magnesium to increase energy and endurance. Magnesium is also used for treating attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, leg cramps during pregnancy, diabetes, kidney stones, migraineheadaches, weak bones (osteoporosis), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), altitude sickness, urinary incontinence,restless leg syndrome, asthma, hayfever, multiple sclerosis, and for preventing hearing loss.
Get a Well Balanced Plate Eating the Rainbow helps to maintain all the essential macro nutrients without over eating calories or missing essential parts to the diet.