Beresford School District Report Card Data 16-17 Smarter Balanced Assessment, School Performance index scores, & ACT Data
2016-17 Beresford School District Report Card—SBA Data, SPI Scores Aug. 16-22 – Districts review and validate data in SD-STARS. If data errors are discovered, this is the time to fix them. Sept. 14 – DOE provides districts with final data prior to the public release of the Report Card. Sept. 14-18 – Districts share local data with key stakeholders, including boards of education. Sept. 19 – Public release of statewide data in the 2016-17 Report Card. Sept. 29 – Deadline for formal appeals to be submitted to DOE. Oct. 6 – Deadline for DOE to make decisions on formal appeals.
Changes to the 2016-17 Report Card This is the last year under the state’s No Child Left Behind flexibility waiver—new reporting requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for 2017-18. The main changes are: The addition of a third year (14-15, 15-16, 16-17) of Smarter Balanced data to the multi-year Student Achievement indicator; and The addition of Smarter Balanced data in the College Readiness indicator. A student will count as college-ready as long as he or she achieved a level of 3 or 4 in math or English language arts.
English Language Arts (ELA) % Proficient or Advanced Beresford Elementary School (Grades 3-5) ELA Student Achievement 16-17 Smarter Balanced Assessment English Language Arts (ELA) Grades 3-5 Beresford Current Year 16-17 Multi-Year 14-15, 15-16, & 16-17 State of SD % Proficient or Advanced 56.25% 53.62% > 51.61%
% Proficient or Advanced Beresford Elementary School (Grades 3-5) Math Student Achievement 16-17 Smarter Balanced Assessment Mathematics Grades 3-5 Beresford Current Year 16-17 Multi-Year 14-15, 15-16, & 16-17 State of SD % Proficient or Advanced 54.86% 50.11% > 44.03%
Beresford Elementary School (Grades 3-5) ELA Student Growth 16-17 Smarter Balanced Assessment English Language Arts (ELA) Grades 3-5 Academic Growth Beresford Current Year 16-17 State of SD % showing growth from previous year’s assessment 60.71% > 55.69%
% showing growth from previous year’s assessment Beresford Elementary School (Grades 3-5) Math Student Growth 16-17 Smarter Balanced Assessment Mathematics Grades 3-5 Academic Growth Beresford Current Year 16-17 State of SD % showing growth from previous year’s assessment 55.36% > 52.81%
Beresford Elementary School (Gr. 3-5) School Performance Index 16-17 Indicators Beresford Elementary Points Possible Totals Attendance (94% or > enrolled days) 18.17 (90.85%) 20 Student Achievement (14-15, 15-16, & 16-17— ELA & Math— Gap & Non-Gap) 20.75 (51.88%) 40 Academic Growth (ELA & Math) 17.68 (44.20%) SPI Total Points 56.60 100
Beresford Elementary School Report Card 16-17 Performance Indicators Percentages Students attending 94% of more of enrolled days 90.85% ELA Multi-year Proficiency 53.62% Math Multi-year Proficiency 50.11% ELA Current Year Participation 98.64% Math Current Year Participation ELA Academic Growth 60.71% Math Academic Growth 55.36% 19.02 Teachers 14 Years Avg. Teaching Experience Degrees 47.62% Bachelors / 52.38% Advanced
English Language Arts (ELA) % Proficient or Advanced Beresford Middle School (Grades 6-8) ELA Student Achievement 16-17 Smarter Balanced Assessment English Language Arts (ELA) Grades 6-8 Beresford Current Year 16-17 Multi-Year 14-15, 15-16, & 16-17 State of SD % Proficient or Advanced 58.28% 58.15% > 51.61%
% Proficient or Advanced Beresford Middle School (Grades 6-8) Math Student Achievement 16-17 Smarter Balanced Assessment Mathematics Grades 6-8 Beresford Current Year 16-17 Multi-Year 14-15, 15-16, & 16-17 State of SD % Proficient or Advanced 45.03% 41.19% < 44.03%
Beresford Middle School (Grades 6-8) ELA Student Growth 16-17 Smarter Balanced Assessment English Language Arts (ELA) Grades 6-8 Academic Growth Beresford Current Year 16-17 State of SD % showing growth from previous year’s assessment 61.90% > 55.69%
% showing growth from previous year’s assessment Beresford Middle School (Grades 6-8) Math Student Growth 16-17 Smarter Balanced Assessment Mathematics Grades 6-8 Academic Growth Beresford Current Year 16-17 State of SD % showing growth from previous year’s assessment 42.18% < 52.81%
Beresford Middle School (Gr. 6-8) School Performance Index 16-17 Indicators Beresford Middle School Points Possible Totals Attendance (94% or > enrolled days) 17.18 (85.90%) 20 Student Achievement (14-15, 15-16 & 16-17— ELA & Math— Gap & Non-Gap) 19.87 (49.67%) 40 Academic Growth (ELA & Math) 14.38 (35.95%) SPI Total Points 51.43 100
Beresford Middle School Report Card 16-17 Performance Indicators Percentages Students attending 94% of more of enrolled days 85.90% ELA Multi-year Proficiency 58.15% Math Multi-year Proficiency 41.19% ELA Current Year Participation 100.00% Math Current Year Participation ELA Academic Growth 58.39% Math Academic Growth 50.34% 8.60 Teachers 14 Years Avg. Teaching Experience Degrees 53.33% Bachelors / 46.67% Advanced
English Language Arts (ELA) % Proficient or Advanced Beresford High School (Grade 11) ELA Student Achievement 16-17 Smarter Balanced Assessment English Language Arts (ELA) Grade 11 Beresford Current Year 16-17 Multi-Year 14-15, 15-16, & 16-17 State of SD % Proficient or Advanced 82.61% 67.63% > 51.61%
% Proficient or Advanced Beresford High School (Grade 11) Math Student Achievement 16-17 Smarter Balanced Assessment Mathematics Grade 11 Beresford Current Year 16-17 Multi-Year 14-15, 15-16, & 16-17 State of SD % Proficient or Advanced 54.35% 45.32% > 44.03%
Beresford High School (Gr. 11) School Performance Index 16-17 Indicators Beresford High School Points Possible Totals High School Completion 29.42 (98.07%) 30 College & Career Readiness (ACT—English 18 or > & Math 20 or > / NCRC Test / SBA 3 or 4) 21.36 (71.20%) Student Achievement (14-15, 15-16 & 16-17— ELA & Math) 22.59 (56.48%) 40 SPI Total Points 73.37 100
Beresford High School Report Card 16-17 Performance Indicators Percentages ELA Multi-year Proficiency 67.63% Math Multi-year Proficiency 45.32% ELA Current Year Participation 100.00% Math Current Year Participation Four-year Cohort Graduation 96.15% HS Completion Career Readiness 95.24% English College Readiness 63.41% Math College Readiness 55.00% 15.67 Teachers 15 Years Avg. Teaching Experience Degrees 42.11% Bachelors / 57.89% Advanced
Smarter Balanced Assessment English Language Arts (% of students proficient & advanced) Grade 2017 Beresford 2017 State of SD 3 54.84% > 47.78% 4 59.02% > 49.41% 5 52.73% > 51.02% 6 61.67% > 48.89% 7 51.92% < 53.40% 8 60.00% > 49.06% 11 82.60% > 66.51% All Grades 60.29% > 51.87%
Smarter Balanced Assessment Mathematics (% of students proficient & advanced) Grade 2017 Beresford 2017 State of SD 3 54.84% > 53.90% 4 60.66% > 50.09% 5 47.27% > 41.67% 6 48.33% > 42.29% 7 30.77% < 45.25% 8 57.50% > 42.48% 11 54.35% > 42.11% All Grades 50.14% > 45.53%
Beresford School District Report Card 16-17 Performance Indicators Beresford Percentages State Percentages Students attending 94% of more of enrolled days 89.14% > 79.32% ELA Multi-year Proficiency 57.38% > 51.61% Math Multi-year Proficiency 45.69% > 44.03% ELA Current Year Participation 99.42% < 99.58% Math Current Year Participation 99.57% ELA Academic Growth 59.39% > 55.69% Math Academic Growth 52.49% < 52.81%
Beresford School District Report Card 16-17 Performance Indicators Beresford Percentages State Percentages Four-year Cohort Graduation 95.15% > 83.73% HS Completion 100.00% > 91.31% Career Readiness 95.24% > 94.12% English College Readiness 63.41% < 70.37% Math College Readiness 55.00% < 55.44% Avg. Teaching Experience 14 Years > 13 Years % with 3 or Fewer Years of Experience 14% < 17% Advanced Degrees 55.55% > 34.79%
“Progressing” Schools State Report Card 16-17 State Rating Districts Percentage “Exemplary” Schools 34 / 663 Schools 5.13% “Status” Schools 32 / 663 Schools 4.83% “Progressing” Schools 449 / 663 Schools 67.72% “Priority” Schools 23 / 663 Schools 3.47% “Focus” Schools 18 / 663 Schools 2.71% “Small” Schools 17 / 663 Schools 2.56% “Priority” Districts 5 /150 Districts 3.33%
Beresford School District Report Card 16-17 State Rating Elementary School Progressing Middle School High School
ACT Scores 2017 BHS Graduates Subject Areas BHS (46 students) State of SD (6698 students) English 21.9 > 20.7 Mathematics 21.8 > 21.5 Reading 23.4 > 22.3 Science 22.1 > 22.0 Composite 22.5 > 21.8
Percent of ACT-Tested Students Ready for College-Level Coursework Subject Areas BHS Class of 2017 State of SD Classes of 2017 College English Comp. (18 on ACT English) 78% > 68% College Algebra (22 on ACT Math) 57% > 49% College Social Science (22 on ACT Reading) 63% > 54% College Biology (23 on ACT Science) 50% > 46% Meeting All 4 39% > 33%