Politically neutral or politically neutered? Balancing political neutrality with human rights - the issues for union members
Politically neutral – or politically neutered? Conflict between code of conduct and human rights. Example: “Attendance at such a demonstration may well be perceived as crossing the line by criticising a decision by the government. Attendance at the rally in whatever capacity may therefore call into question our role as public servants serving the government of the day.”
Speaking out as a union member The double bind – citizen rights and union rights Example: Public servant/PSA delegate sought permission from manager for interview in PSA Journal on pay equity. Manager counselled her not to speak out – “best not to”
Guidance SSC is not providing clear guidance And does not place enough emphasis on human rights PSA is preparing advice for members – we want your input. What is the practice in your department? What should we say to members? How best to get the message out?