The Haunted Mansion
You undertake the challenge to find the Lapris Pen You undertake the challenge to find the Lapris Pen. All your friends are amazed with your bravery. As you approach the colossal mansion you realise your friends have left and you’re all alone. You continue your march towards the rusted metal door and stop. Do you: Open the front door Go around the back
Use the handle Ring the bell You find yourself in front of a dark creepy door with razor sharp claws round the edges. There is an old, rusty door handle and a mouldy doorbell. Do you: Use the handle Ring the bell
Open the door Climb through the window As you are walking to the back you see a scarecrow walking to you saying, “Dada dada dada!” It grabs you but you have a pocket knife and cut yourself free. The garden has a lot of dead plants and there are leaves on the ground and also small twigs. The moonlight is very bright. You hear rustling and you feel very scared. A few seconds later a fox comes out and you start to run but he does not follow you. You finally get to the back of the mansion. There is a window and a door. Do you: Open the door Climb through the window
You walk up to a creepy looking door and ring the disgusting doorbell You walk up to a creepy looking door and ring the disgusting doorbell. The front door opens and you find yourself looking at a horrible, creepy, large entrance hall. You carry on walking and you hear the floor creek. A chandelier flickers above you. You feel small cold drops of water falling onto your head. You look up and you see white long planks on the ceiling. A plank falls from the roof and you want to run as fast as you can but you don’t know where to go. Do you: Open the door on the left The door on the right Take the stairs leading up
Light the fire Don’t light the fire Go back to the hall You come into a cold, dark and dusty living room. First you see an unlit fire and a couch. The couch is covered in feathers and has so many scrapes. The paintings on the walls are half wrecked. You see a grandfather clock that is covered in dust, yet ticks steadily like a heartbeat. There is a smell of cigars all over the room and there are bird skulls all over the ground. Your choices are: Light the fire Don’t light the fire Go back to the hall
Choose the right door Choose the left door You find yourself in the kitchen. You see a cake on the table and you are really hungry but you don’t know what to do. The cake looks nice but there is also two doors. You don’t know where to go. Do you: Choose the right door Choose the left door Eat the cake
Which door do you choose: As you walk up the crippled, withered staircase, you’re afraid of what lies ahead in this nightmare scenario that you were dared to. You regret your mistake of coming to this place to see if the Lapris Pen exists. When you get to the top you see old paintings with old rusty frames made out of copper and an old torn rug. You see two doors, one to the left and one to the right. Then you hear something from the painting in the middle. You take down the heavy painting and drop it on the floor, which reveals another door. Which door do you choose: Left Right Middle
You find a box of matches and light the fire You find a box of matches and light the fire. You throw the match into the fire and flames come out and give you a shock. You calm down and amongst the burning inferno you see a key. You reach in quickly and grab it. Leave the living room
Drink the tap water Leave the bathroom You walk into an old dirty smelly bathroom with a blocked toilet. You see a running tap. A rat runs across the room and there is water on the floor. You smell the water and begin to feel sick. You think it’s urine a the water smells like something that’s not water. You’re really thirsty. Your choices are: Drink the tap water Leave the bathroom
Open the left Open the right Leave You open the door and inside there’s a pantry. There are hundreds of jars and when you read them they say things like, ‘Wizard guts’, ‘Werewolf brains’, ‘Vampire fangs’ and ‘Dragon tooth’. Then you see something in the corner. You scream and jump backwards but it is only a rat. Then you see two doors, one on the left and one on the right. Do you: Open the left Open the right Leave
You exit the house and the wind is blowing in your face You exit the house and the wind is blowing in your face. The moon light shines down on you. You are very scared and cold. You run for the gates and exit the courtyard. You’ll never come back again. Your adventure is truly over and you failed in your challenge to get the Lapris Pen.
You smell a delicious tasty smell You smell a delicious tasty smell. The smell is coming from the cake which is on the steel table. You slowly make your move for the fantastic cake. It seemed to be strange for such a lovely cake to be in such an old house. You taste the cake but after a while you start to feel very ill in your stomach. You exit the house but you have failed to get the Lapris Pen. Your adventure is over.
Investigate the bedside table As you open the door, the first thing that you see is a long bed. As you walk in further, you feel more and more sleepy. You slap yourself to stop yourself from falling asleep. The ground creaks as you take another step. You look over to the right and see a big wardrobe. It is nearly twice the size of you. You start looking around and you see a cabinet beside the bed. It was carefully designed. Do you: Lie down Investigate the bedside table Look in the wardrobe
Investigate the bookcase Climb through the open window You open the big, wooden, splintered door and realise it’s a child’s bedroom due to all the dolls on the huge four-poster bed. It’s freezing cold because the window above the massive bookcase is open. The bookcase is flooding with books. They look like they haven’t been touched in years. Do you: Investigate the bookcase Climb through the open window
The minute you put your head on the pillow you drift off into a deep, deep sleep. When you wake up, you try to move but there is no space. You find yourself trapped between solid walls. You realise that you are stuck forever. Your adventure is over.
You are walking down to the cellar when you smell the beautiful smell of cupcakes lying on an old rusty wooden windowsill. You get overwhelmed by the delightful treat and start to munch away. When you have finished you turn around to leave and you realise the exit is no longer there. Your adventure is over.
You are looking in a wardrobe and you see a skull made of diamonds You are looking in a wardrobe and you see a skull made of diamonds. It opens and you see a really shiny object inside. You reach to grab the shiny object and it gobbles you up. You turn into a beautiful blue colourful dress. You are left hanging on the rail forever.
You see the running water You see the running water. Even though you know you aren’t thirsty you feel as if you are. You walk over and turn the tap off. As you walk away from it you observe the room like you hadn’t done before. The room has a toilet, bath and nice pictures of a family. Then you glance back at the tap and it is running again. Again you know you’re not thirsty but you feel the urge to drink. Without hesitation you open your mouth and try to drink the cool running water. Suddenly your head goes under the tap the wrong way. The plug to hold the water isn't there and the hole is getting bigger. The water from the tap is getting stronger and your head is getting pushed down the drain. As the pain gets worse you realise you will never see your friends again. Your adventure is over!
Open the floorboard Open the book You inspect the dusty looking bookcase and you see a loose book. You tug on it. The bookcase opens up and you find a secret passage. As you hike the stairs in the secret passage, there are cobwebs, spiders and a door leading to an ancient attic. You find yourself in the old attic. Amongst all the tattered items you see a loose floorboard and a children’s book beside the floorboard. Do you: Open the floorboard Open the book
You climb out the window with the wind blowing in your face You climb out the window with the wind blowing in your face. You slip and fall. You land heavily on your right leg. Your shin is sticking out and you are bleeding badly. You climb to your feet and stumble from the mansion. Your adventure is over.
You see a small jewellery box. The box is red with gold metal You see a small jewellery box. The box is red with gold metal. You think it looks expensive. You open the box and suddenly are no longer in the house. You are over the sea and you don’t know how to swim. You escape the house but you don’t have food on the ship. You take the quick away out and jump overboard. Your adventure is over.
You lift the loose floorboard and see a lot of dust in the pile You lift the loose floorboard and see a lot of dust in the pile. You move the dust and see a box with blue lights. You take the box out from underneath the floorboard. You notice the lock. Do you have the key? Yes No
As you walk over to the big children’s book As you walk over to the big children’s book. You pick it up and look at the front. You blow away the dust so that you can see the cover clearly. The cover shows children playing and it has “FUN” written in big letters. You carefully open it to the first page and suddenly get sucked in. You are now stuck on the first page forever.
Unfortunately without the key, the box won’t open Unfortunately without the key, the box won’t open. You throw it on the ground. You hear a crack and see ink all over the ground. You know the Lapris Pen is broken. You turn to leave. At the door there is a vicious dog and potentially your life is over.
Open the box Leave the table You walk over to the bedside table when you notice a jewellery box encrusted in gold with jewels around the edges. You start to think about how nice and shiny the box is. Still thinking about the box, you start to think that the legendary Lapris Pen is concealed inside. Do you: Open the box Leave the table
You open the box with the key You open the box with the key. You see the Lapris Pen inside the small dirty box. The blue light shines in your face and you stumble back. When the blue stops shining you walk towards the Lapris Pen, snatch it and run out the gates. Well done, your adventure is over!
Open the door on the left The door on the right You find yourself in a horrible, creepy, large entrance hall. The chandelier flickers above you. You avoid the small cold drops of water falling from the white long planks above. The moonlight is gently streaming through a large window above the stairs. Do you: Open the door on the left The door on the right Take the stairs leading up
Which door do you choose: You exit to the landing. The painting that you removed is back on the wall again and it looks like the eyes of the fierce looking man are following you. The old torn rug grips at your shoes as you step carefully backwards. You can still see all three doors, the left, the right and the middle. Which door do you choose: Left Right Middle
You feel the soft breeze blow into your face and you shiver with cold You feel the soft breeze blow into your face and you shiver with cold. The room is messier than you thought and you feel colder the further you explore. You want to light the fire but there is something stopping you. It must be some sort of magic. You get colder and colder by the minute. Suddenly you can no longer move. You have frozen like an ice sculpture. Your adventure is over.
You climb the dirty stairs leading to the huge grey door You climb the dirty stairs leading to the huge grey door. You twist the huge, decaying door knob that was in the shape of a skull with a black hood above his petrifying face. Suddenly the ground below you slips away and you fall into a pitch black room. The smell is terrible and you search and feel for an exit but the walls are bare. You hear chains clicking into gear and then the walls start to close in on you. There is no way out! Your adventure is over.