Cryptic Studios General introduction and History Background Mission: Vision: Values:
Cryptic Studios General introduction and History Background
General introduction and History Background
Organizational chart (Hierarchy) Cryptic Studios Organizational chart (Hierarchy)
Pictures with code plan Reception Table
Pictures with code plan Meeting Area
Pictures with code plan Manager Office
Pictures with code plan Workgroup Room
Pictures with code plan Filling & Management
Zoning v Reception and Meeting Area Workgroup Area Bath Manager Office Filing and Management Room Services Toilet Private Semi Private Public
Functional relationship Toilet Filing and Management Services Workgroup Area Manager Office Reception and Meeting 2 1 3
Area Calculation and percentages space 6 % 7 𝑚 2 Wall thickness 20% 22 𝑚 2 Circulation 16 % 18 𝑚 2 Reception and Meeting 11 % 12 𝑚 2 Manager Office 22 % 24 𝑚 2 Workgroup Area 6 𝑚 2 Services 17 𝑚 2 Filing and Management 3 % 4 𝑚 2 Toilet 100% 110 𝑚 2 Total
Minor Major Area percentage for Major minor, and circulation Reception and Meeting Manager Office Workgroup Area Services Filing and Management Toilet
Critical Opinion The old design was better than the new one, because the new one does not have private meeting room and is located near to the entrance
<<< Shared Office Critical Opinion Their office and group work have big windows that help them to work in natural light with refreshing air ^ Ala’a Hariri Office <<< Shared Office