Protection Of Vulnerable Adults Abuse Protection Of Vulnerable Adults
Aims and Objectives This session looks at scenarios in a care setting You will be guided through a series of slides sequencing a series of events At the end of the session you will explore any safeguarding issues presented in these events
The Potential for Abuse in the Care Home Miriam is a care assistant at Sunnyside Residential Home She has worked there for five years and is quite happy with her role The question is….. are her clients happy with her role?
Mrs Sandhurst 6.30 a.m. Miriam walks into Mrs Sandhursts’ room without knocking and says, “C’mon Maggie, lets get your carcass out of bed. There’s only two of us on this morning so we’re having to start early.”
Henry 6.45 a.m. Henry rings the buzzer and asks if he can be assisted to go to the toilet “You’ll have to wait a minute, Henry, I’ve got Mrs Smith in the bath and the other care assistant is busy” “But its urgent” says Harry “Look, I’ll tell you what, I’ll put you on the commode and you ring me when you’ve finished”
In the Kitchen 6.55 a.m. Miriam goes in to find the other care assistant, Laura putting the kettle on “Make me one will you? I’m just going for a fag. I’ve got Henry on the commode and Mrs Smith is in the bath. I’ve left both doors open so they can shout if they need anything”
7.15 a.m. Miriam and Laura have finished their tea “Can you give me a hand with Edith?” says Laura “Yeah, lets get her out of the way before I get Mrs Smith dressed”
7.20 a.m. Ediths Room “Oh blimey! You’re all messed up, Edith!” says Miriam “Why didn’t you ring the bell?” “C’mon, lets get her in the bath. Grab her under her arms, I’ll wheelchair her to the upstairs bathroom. There’s no hoist so we’ll have to leg and a wing her into the bath” says Laura
7.35 a.m. Mrs Smith shouts “HELP” Henry holds his finger on his call bell Miriam goes into his room and takes the call bell away from him and throws it on the bed “You’ll just have to wait a minute Henry, we’ve got Edith in the bath. She’s messed herself again”
8.00 a.m. Miriam and Laura go to Mrs Smith to get her out of the bath “I’m cold” says Mrs Smith “You’ll soon get warm. I’ve brought your clothes” says Miriam “But I hate that dress. It makes me itch because its got wool in it” cries Mrs Smith “Well, I haven’t got time to run after you. You’ll have to put it on” snaps Miriam
8.15 a.m. Cook comes on duty to start breakfast “Miriam” shouts cook “Henry’s on the floor!” “He’s done that deliberately, because he knows we’re busy!” says Miriam. “Well he can stay in his room for his breakfast!”
Questions How long was Henry on the commode? What’s wrong with getting someone up at 6.30? How long was Mrs Smith in the bath? How was confidentiality breached? What was wrong with the way they moved Edith? In what ways was Henry abused? What other signs of abuse did you notice?