Adding direct links to online archives from your VLE Step 1 Log in with your username and password
Adding direct links to online archives from your VLE Step 2 Click on the button Add direct link to your archives
Adding direct links to online archives from your VLE Type of VLE (1): If your institution’s VLE has an http address, you need to: Step 3 Click on Add New URL and then, in the box that appears, add the location(s) (urls) of the page(s) on your VLE from where you would like to link to the archives. You can add multiple locations by clicking on Add New URL each time. Save your locations at the end. Step 4 Copy the link that appears onto the pages you have chosen on your VLE.
Adding direct links to online archives from your VLE Student access to archives (VLE with http address) Step 1 Students log in to their VLE, navigate to the page(s) about Magazines online archive subs and click the link. Step 2 Students are automatically logged in as a generic user and taken to the archive page
Adding direct links to online archives from your VLE Type of VLE (2): If your institution’s VLE has an https address, you need to: Step 3 Click the Generate link button to generate an encrypted link to your archive subscriptions Step 4 Copy the link onto the page of your VLE from where you would like to link to your archive subscriptions. You cannot add multiple locations from VLEs with added security.
Adding direct links to online archives from your VLE Student access to archives (VLE with https address) Step 1 Students log in to the VLE, navigate to the page where you have created the link, click on the link. Step 2 Students are automatically logged in as a generic user and taken to the archive page. Magazines online archive link
Adding direct links to online archives from your VLE More information on Magazines online is available by clicking on the Help and FAQs tab More information on direct links from your VLE and giving students access to your archive subscriptions can be found in this section