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Pointing Students in the Right Direction! [xxx Insert Textbook here] is your required text for this course. You will be assigned homework from 3-2-1 Calc! Comprehensive Dosage Calculations Online V2.0 Benefits You can compare calculations in all three calculation methods—formula, ratio-proportion, and dimensional analysis or choose the one method that works best for you. Interactive with realistic drug labels, interactive syringes and videos Clear, step-by-step explanations and a wealth of practice problems 3. Study tools designed to help you study smarter (not harder) are available at CengageBrain.com.
Where to Buy Your Required Course Materials Check with your instructor on where to purchase 3-2-1 Calc! Comprehensive Dosage Calculations Online V2.0
Signing in to 3-2-1 Calc! Go to login.cengagebrain.com Click “Create an Account” (After first time, use “Log In”)
Signing in to 3-2-1 Calc! Step 1: Enter access code from the Printed Access Card that accompanied your text or Instant Access Code you obtained from CengageBrain.com Step 2: Fill out account information and click “I agree” to License Agreement
Signing in to 3-2-1 Calc! Step 3: Enter school information and click “Search” Step 4: Select school and click “Continue”
Step 5: Click “Open” to access 3-2-1 Calc! Signing in to 3-2-1 Calc! Step 5: Click “Open” to access 3-2-1 Calc!
Signing in to 3-2-1 Calc! Step 6: Enter the Learning Code - this is given to you by your instructor or administrator if you are using 3-2-1 Calc in a classroom course. Click the “Continue” button to complete registration. NOTE: You do not need a Learning Code if you purchased 3-2-1 Calc! for self-study and do not have an instructor. If this is the case, then select the No code? Click here to access your content, or I Don’t Have an Instructor options.
Personal Settings for 3-2-1 Calc! Step 7: Proceed to first activity assigned by your instructor or set your Personal Settings.
Personal Settings for 3-2-1 Calc! On the Personal Settings tab you can choose your preferred calculation method and customize your performance color coding.
Reporting in 3-2-1 Calc! You can view your performance at any time by clicking on the Progress button at the top of the page.
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