Customer Log-In One-Stop Service Tracking (OSST) System Food Stamp Employment & Training (FSET) Program Spring Training 2011
Objective New user log-in access Recurring user log-in access Types of access System generated access Staff generated access Resolving issues In this training session, we will discuss how potential volunteers are authorized to access the One-Stop Service Tracking (OSST) system. We will also discuss the steps a recurring user will take if he or she forgets his/her user name and/or password.
New User Log-In Process This is an example of a default letter that is sent to a potential volunteer to inform him that he has access to log into the system. The volunteer would need to have access to a computer with Internet access in order to access the link. Later on during this presentation, we will discuss which participants receive letters and how a case manager can give a customer authorization to log on to the system.
Recurring User Log-In Process What if the volunteer has logged in before? Many volunteers have logged in before and have forgotten. They click the “New User” button and receive an error message If the individual forgets their User ID, (s)he can click the “Forgot” button next to the User ID box If the individual forgets their Password, (s)he can enter the User ID and click the “Forgot” button next to the Password box If the volunteer has logged in before, he would need to enter the user name and password that was already created. However, many volunteers forget that they have logged in before and they click the “New User” button and go through the new user process. When this happens, the system does not allow them to log in, and it would take them back to the log in screen. If this happens, the user will need to click on the “Forgot” button next to User Id and enter the appropriate information to retrieve their User Id. This process will be discussed later on in the presentation.
New User Log-in Process If the volunteer has never logged into the OSST system, he or she will need to click the “New User” button on the log-in screen.
New User Log-In Process Once the volunteer clicks on the “New User” button, he or she will need to enter his Social Security Number (SSN), (without dashes), date of birth and zip code. The user should be mindful to use the zip code that is located on his letter (even if it is not his correct zip code.)
New User Log-In Process If the user wishes to receive email reminders from the auto system, he can enter and verify his email address. If the user does not have an email address, he or (s)he can create one using the options that are hyperlinked in the Email Address box. If the volunteer chooses not to create an email address and not to receive emails, he can click the “Skip” button and move on to the next screen.
New User Log-In Process On this screen, the user will have to select at least three “security” questions. The user is to select questions and answers that cannot be easily guessed by anyone else. These questions and responses will be used when a volunteer has forgotten his or her password and cannot login to the system. This practice is commonly used by participants. Therefore, staff should be mindful not to complete this process for the participant, but staff may assist. After the volunteer selects the three questions and clicks the “Answer These Three Questions” button, the user will be taken to a screen to answer the questions. After this process is complete, the user will be taken to a screen to create and confirm a new password.
New User Log-In Process The user should enter and confirm a password that meets the requirements for the password. Once this is done, the user would click the “submit” button.
New User Log-In Process The user will then be taken to the “My Status” screen.
Type of Access Participants/volunteers will need to have authority to access the OSST system 599 “FSET Participation Notice Activity” 593 “Authorization for On-line Activity” 594 “Staff Initiated On-line Authorization (FSET)” Two types of access to allow participants into OSST Type 1 - system generated access codes 599 and 593 Type 2 - staff initiated access code 594 In order for the volunteer to complete the initial engagement process using the OSST system, the volunteer will need to be able to log into the OSST system. If an individual has an “active” 599, 593 or 594 on the Skill Development screen, the volunteer will be able to log into the OSST system. The 599 and 593 are created by the on-line process when the engagement to-do is confirmed. The 594 can be added to an open FSET case by a program staff member, which allows the user to access the OSST system’s initial engagement process.
Type of Access System Generated Codes 599 code The volunteer was mailed an outreach letter If the 599 has an Actual Start Date but not an Actual End Date or Outcome, the potential volunteer can log into the OSST system 593 code, volunteer has access to OSST The volunteer was not mailed an outreach letter If the 593 has an Actual Start Date but not an Actual End Date or Outcome, the potential volunteer can log into the OSST system If the individual has an active 599 code on the case, this indicates that an Outreach Letter was mailed to the potential volunteer. The Actual Start Date is the same as the date the Outreach Letter was mailed. The potential volunteer also has the ability to log into OSST as long as the 599 is active. This means the activity has an Actual Start Date but no Actual End Date or Outcome. If the individual’s case has an active 593 code, this indicates that an outreach letter was not mailed to the participant, and the participant has authorization to access the on-line system. An Actual Start Date exists with no Actual End Date or Outcome.
Type of Access What if the volunteer does not have an active 599 or 593 on the case, but staff wants the individual to log into the OSST system to complete the initial engagement process? What if the staff member creates a case or reopens a case and an automated engagement activity is not active on the case, and the staff member wants the potential volunteer to be able to log into the OSST system and complete the on-line initial engagement process? How can the case manager authorize the individual to access to the computer system?
Authorizing Access Program staff can add a 594 with an Actual Start Date and Anticipated End Date under “Add Activity” on the Skill Development screen The case manager would add a code 594 to the individual’s case– which means that the authorization was staff-initiated. The activity is added under the Skill Development section of the Skill Development screen by clicking the Add Activity feature. The activity must have an Actual Start Date and Anticipated End Date to be considered open and active.
Authorizing Access First, the program staff must verify the individual is getting food stamps To be a volunteer in the program, the individual has to be getting food stamps Next, the program staff have to ensure the case is open and in the correct OSST unit The individual cannot be a mandatory participant in the WT program The case must be in the correct program and unit in order for the activity to be entered on the case Before giving a customer access to the online system, or enrolling him as a volunteer in the FSET program, staff must ensure that the individual is getting food stamps and that the individual is not a participant in the WT program. If this criteria is satisfied, the individual can be “enrolled” in the FSET program as a volunteer. Also, prior to the “594” being created or entered on the case, the case must be open and in the correct FSET unit.
Adding a 594 Activity Code Let’s review the process for entering the activity in the system. First, you must be on the Skill Development screen of the specific case. If the case is both open and in an FSET unit, you should be able to add a 594 to the case. Notice in this example that the case does not have an activity or training open on the case. The hyperlinks above indicate that these activity/training codes are not “active” or open. Also, an Actual Start Date does not exist in the system. Click the “Add Activity” button under the “Skill Development” section of the Skill Development screen
Adding a 594 Activity Code After the “Add Activity” icon on the Skill Development screen is selected, the user will be required to search for a provider. The user should enter the required information in the search parameters. For example, the staff may enter the provider’s name or phone number. He or she must then click “Search”. Every activity, training, and service has a “provider” associated with the entry. Many of the career centers or regional offices are tied directly to engaging customers in the initial engagement process. As you can see, the user entered “One Stop” as the provider name. This is the region’s designated provider’s name.
Adding a 594 Activity Code The user would then select the icon associated with the appropriate provider.
Adding a 594 Activity Code The selection -“Staff Initiated Online Authorization FSET 594” should be chosen from the dropdown of the “Activity Category”.
Adding a 594 Activity Code An Actual Start Date and an Anticipated End Date must be entered An Actual Start Date and Anticipated End Date, as well as the Hours Scheduled must be entered to successfully add a 594 Activity code. Because the initial engagement process should not take more than two hours, we recommend entering between one and two hours in the “Hours Scheduled” box. The user must then click the Save button.
Adding a 594 Activity Code If successful, program staff will get a pop-up box reminding them that the critical elements, such as the Actual Start Date, cannot be changed once “saved”. The Anticipated End Date can be modified to give the potential volunteer more time to complete the initial engagement process. If the appropriate information was entered, program staff will receive a pop-up box stating, “ You have attempted to save an activity that allows the user access to the on-line orientation, assessment and activity selection process. Once saved, the Actual State Date cannot be changed. To save this record, click “OK”. To cancel, click “Cancel”.
Adding a 594 Activity Code Once the user clicks the “ok” button, the cost pop-up box will appear. You may opt to enter a cost. If you would like to enter a cost, click “OK”. If the you would like to skip this process, click “Cancel”.
Frequently Asked Question A potential volunteer attempted to log into the OSST system. The system did not let the potential volunteer access the initial engagement screens. How can we identify the problem? So, if a potential volunteer attempts to log into the system, but they cannot get into the system. How would you identify the problem and resolve it quickly?
Access Issues First, check the Skill Development screen Does the Skill Development section of the Skill Development screen have an active code that authorizes the individual to access the system? First, you should check the skill development screen to ensure that the volunteer has access to enter OSST. In this case the volunteer has access because a 599 FSET Participation Notice Activity has been added to the case. Remember, the 599 code also informs you that a letter was mailed to this participant.
Access Issues An authorization code must be open and active on the case 599 593 594 The activity must have an Actual Start Date The activity cannot have an Actual End Date As a reminder, the authorization codes needed for a customer to access the system are: 599, 593 and 594. There should exist an Actual Start Date but no Actual End Date.
Access Issues There are two processes The user has an authorization code active in the system Ask the individual for their primary or “New User” information and check the OSST system Social Security Number (SSN) Date of Birth (DOB) Zip code The user does not have an authorization code active in the system Review the case If the individual needs to complete the on-line initial engagement process, update the system accordingly Ensure the individual is eligible to volunteer If the volunteer has an appropriate authorization code to access the system and is still having difficulty logging in, what would be the next step for staff to use to determine what the problem could be?
Access Issues If the authorization activity exists and is active, the program staff should determine why the volunteer cannot get in the system successfully Step 1: Is the individual clicking on “New User”? If the individual has never logged in before, the individual needs to click the New User button on the log-in screen The user may be clicking the “new user” button and has already logged into the system before.
Access Issues Step 1: Is the individual clicking on “New User”? Staff at the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) have received hundreds of calls from new users who have attempted to enter a random user id and password instead of clicking the “New User” button Or, the user may be entering random User Id’s and passwords.
Access Issues If the individual has not accessed the system before, the program staff will see that the Username and Password are either completely identical or almost identical.
Access Issues Notice that the Skill Development screen includes the open “authorization activity” but there is no automated orientation or assessment either open or completed since the authorization activity was started.
Access Issues Step 2: Is the volunteer entering the correct “primary information” required when (s)he clicks the “New User” button? If the volunteer is in fact, a “new” user and is attempting to enter the required information on the log in screen, and still cannot get in, then staff would have to check to see if the volunteer is entering the correct information.
Access Issues Step 2: Is the volunteer entering the correct “primary information” required when (s)he clicks the “New User” button? Go to the Case at a Glance screen associated with the volunteer’s case Check the information against what the New User is entering in the OSST system SSN Date of birth Zip code Staff should check to see if the volunteer is entering the SSN, date of birth and zip code as they exist in the OSST system. It is important to note that staff should not convey this information to the volunteer. The staff should ask the volunteer to provide this information to them.
Access Issues Step 2: Is the volunteer entering the correct “primary information” required when (s)he clicks the “New User” button? If the information provided by the volunteer does not match what is in the system, check the FLORIDA system to ensure that the OSST system has the correct data If the information that the volunteer provides does not match what is in the system, the case manager should check the FLORIDA computer system to ensure that the OSST system has the correct data.
Access Issues If the SSN, date of birth and zip code in the OSST system match the data found in the Department of Children and Families (DCF) data entry system, FLORIDA, the volunteer may not be entering the SSN, date of birth or zip code that was entered on the application The volunteer may have moved or may have entered information incorrectly on the application Ask the individual, “What did you enter on the application?” If the SSN, date of birth and zip code in the OSST system match the data found in the Department of Children and Families (DCF) data entry system, FLORIDA system, the volunteer may not be entering the SSN, date of birth or zip code that was entered on the application. The volunteer may have moved or may have entered information incorrectly on the application. Ask the individual, “what did you enter on the application?” Many times, this will yield the correct information. If the individual provides the correct information, then tell the individual to enter that information on the New User screen. But, what if the information the individual is giving the staff member still does not match what is in FLORIDA and OSST?
Access Issues If the SSN, date of birth or zip code the volunteer is offering verbally do not match what is in both OSST and/or FLORIDA, the appropriate system has to be updated If the volunteer’s case was created or reopened by workforce staff based on FLORIDA data, the workforce staff can update the OSST system using the FLORIDA system information If the volunteer’s case was generated by the FLORIDA to OSST interface, the volunteer needs to report the changes to the DCF. Then, the changes will be automatically received from DCF If the SSN, date of birth or zip code the volunteer is offering verbally do not match what is in both OSST and/or FLORIDA, the appropriate system has to be updated. If the volunteer’s case was created or reopened by workforce staff, the workforce staff can update the OSST system. This will allow the user to access the system after the appropriate information is updated. If the volunteer’s case was generated by the FLORIDA to OSST interface, the volunteer needs to report the changes to the DCF. Then, the changes will be automatically received from DCF.
Questions If you have any questions, please contact the Department of Economic Opportunity’s Food Stamp Employment and Training team at 1-866-352-2345 That concludes this presentation. If you have any questions, please contact the FSET team by calling 1-866-352-2345. An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this document may be reached by person using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.