A Century of Change Ireland 1916-2016
Population 1916 2016 3,139,688 4,588,252 Limerick 143,069 191,809
Cars Clothes In 1916 there were only 9,850 cars in Ireland. Today there are 1.9 million cars in the country. Ford Model T touring car 1916 Is that you Luke???!!!
Baby Names Girls 2016 1916 Mary Bridget Margaret Ellen Catherine Emily Sophie Emma Grace Ava
Baby Names Boys 1916 2016 John Patrick James Michael Thomas Jack James Daniel Conor Sean
9 month old baby!! “FOOD FOR CHILDREN OF NINE MONTHS …Raw meat juice is another useful method of feeding where for any reason cow’s milk or other foods disagree.
How Long Will You Live? Male 1916 2016 53.6 yrs 78.3 yrs Female