Underentreprenørerer og kampen mot kriminell adferd i norsk BAE-næring Jardar Lohne Research scientist, dr. art Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) jardar.lohne@ntnu.no http://www.prosjektnorge.no/krim
Specificities of construction projects: Low technological entry point Unique products On-site production One-off’s Unique project teams Complex, non-stable material value chains Norwegian construction sector: Yearly turnover (2016): NOK 420 bill. 300 000 + employees
The building process: mapping of ethical challenges Commissioning/handover (2014-17) Design (2015-17) Termination (2017-) Concept phase Use phase Production phase Design phase Needs identification Contract strategies (2017-) Facilities management (2017-)
The building process: mapping of ethical challenges Lohne, Jardar; Shirkavand, Iman; Firing, Martine; Schneider, Kim; Lædre, Ola. Ethics in Commissioning in Construction. Procedia Economics and Finance 2015 ;Volum 21. s. 256-263 NTNU Concept phase Use phase Production phase Design phase Needs identification Lohne, Jardar; Drevland, Frode; Åsgård, Tina; Hoven, Tore; Lædre, Ola; Ryum, Truls. Homines Oeconomici or Moral Saints? On the Purpose of Educating Civil Engineers. I: Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization. Polyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag 2017 ISBN 9788750211259. s. 362-374
Value chains Concept phase Use phase Production phase Design phase Owner Main contractor Main contractor Main contractor Sub-con Sub-con Sub-con Sub-con Sub-con Sub-con Sub-con Sub-con Sub-con Concept phase Use phase Production phase Design phase Needs identification Main wholesaler Producer Producer Producer Mat-prod Mat-prod Mat-prod Mat-prod Mat-prod Mat-prod Mat-prod Mat-prod Mat-prod
Lohne et al. (2016-17): Crime in construction: A literature review Surprisingly little done Almost nothing concerning materials HSE also lacking No comprehensive analysis Survey (2015-16)
Atle Engebø (2015-2016): Counterfeit Materials in the Norwegian AEC-industry 1900: 50 building materials 2015: 75 000 building materials Counterfeit (“false”) materials are experienced by 80 % of informants
Marie Hammer Iversen (2016): How work-related crime affects long-term branding in the Norwegian construction industry Atle Engebø (2015-2016): Counterfeit Materials in the Norwegian AEC-industry
Marie Hammer Iversen (2016): How work-related crime affects long-term branding in the Norwegian construction industry Alida Mørenskog og Marianne Skovly (2016-17) Crime prevention and control from a client perspective – the case of Oslo Airport Gardermoen (OSL) Proactive leadership actually works Employ quality leader/risk manager Complex juridical situation challenging ProjMAN, 2017 Atle Engebø (2015-2016): Counterfeit Materials in the Norwegian AEC-industry
Marie Hammer Iversen (2016): How work-related crime affects long-term branding in the Norwegian construction industry Alida Mørenskog og Marianne Skovly (2016-17) Crime prevention and control from a client perspective – the case of Oslo Airport Gardermoen (OSL) Aleksander Berg Husa (2016-17): Contractor control with sub-contractors – experiences with the control system of Betonmast Have excluded tax-evading firms in construction projects Existing registers (e.g. StartBANK) have their limits Company internal control crucial IGLC 2018 Atle Engebø (2015-2016): Counterfeit Materials in the Norwegian AEC-industry
Marie Hammer Iversen (2016): How work-related crime affects long-term branding in the Norwegian construction industry Alida Mørenskog og Marianne Skovly (2016-17) Crime prevention and control from a client perspective – the case of Oslo Airport Gardermoen (OSL) Aleksander Berg Husa (2016-17): Contractor control with sub-contractors – experiences with the control system of Betonmast Yara Louisa Richani (2016-17): Knowing who we are - Identity issues in the Norwegian construction industry Widespread sharing of ID-cards Imposters more common as cultural background alters ID is commonly not controlled ProjMAN 2017 Atle Engebø (2015-2016): Counterfeit Materials in the Norwegian AEC-industry
Marie Hammer Iversen (2016): How work-related crime affects long-term branding in the Norwegian construction industry Alida Mørenskog og Marianne Skovly (2016-17) Crime prevention and control from a client perspective – the case of Oslo Airport Gardermoen (OSL) Aleksander Berg Husa (2016-17): Contractor control with sub-contractors – experiences with the control system of Betonmast Yara Louisa Richani (2016-17): Knowing who we are - Identity issues in the Norwegian construction industry Atle Engebø (2015-2016): Counterfeit Materials in the Norwegian AEC-industry Nina Kjesbu (2016-17): Counterfeit, fraudulent and sub-standard materials: The case of steel in Norway «False» steel materials are currently implemented in Norway, including in structural elements Price as the unique driving factor most important driver The problem of control – «steel is steel» IGLC 2017 og IGLC 2018
Marie Hammer Iversen (2016): How work-related crime affects long-term branding in the Norwegian construction industry Atle Engebø (2017): Norwegian contractors’ professional ethics: the case of ethical frameworks 27frameworks identified among 50 largest contractors 16 of the 27 does not differantiate between legal and unethical Alida Mørenskog og Marianne Skovly (2016-17) Crime prevention and control from a client perspective – the case of Oslo Airport Gardermoen (OSL) Aleksander Berg Husa (2016-17): Contractor control with sub-contractors – experiences with the control system of Betonmast Marit Saltvik Faanes (2017) Experiences with social dumping among contractors IGLC 2018 Yara Louisa Richani (2016-17): Knowing who we are - Identity issues in the Norwegian construction industry Atle Engebø (2015-2016): Counterfeit Materials in the Norwegian AEC-industry Nina Kjesbu (2016-17): Counterfeit, fraudulent and sub-standard materials: The case of steel in Norway
Underentreprenørerer og kampen mot kriminell adferd i norsk BAE-næring Tre akser overordnet organisering av byggeprosjekter og utfordringer underentreprenører møter ved konkurranse med useriøse aktører gjennom typiske kontraktsutforminger; en vurdering av kontrollsystemer og –tiltak allerede gjennomført av kontrolletatene (i hovedsak på byggeplass) og en vurdering av hvilke ikke-monetære insentivsystemer som påvirker bruken av useriøse aktører.
Underentreprenørerer og kampen mot kriminell adferd i norsk BAE-næring Fire mål: 3-5 – publikasjoner i peer-reviewed konferanse-proceedings skrevet i forbindelse med masteroppgaver. 2 journalpublikasjoner basert på resultater fremkommet gjennom forprosjektet. Utarbeiding av søknader om Utarbeiding av veiledere til å gripe utfordringene dages situasjon i byggebransjen.
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