OFFICIALLY SPEAKING Limited exploitation and strict structuring Best practices only Confirmed potential and assessed economic viability
SOCIAL OIL: THE OIL YOU DON’T BURN GHG transition/reduction Uphold petrochemical industry 511 companies 20,000 employees $5.3 billion in sales Community engagement There is a more specific GHG target as to what policy must make possible: a 37.5% reduction below the 1990 level by 2030
POLITICALLY SPEAKING According to IQ spokesperson: “The Bourque and Galt projects differ from the Anticosti project in one significant way. The Gaspé deposits are conventional and do not require hydraulic fracking, a technique opposed by Premier Couillard. As far as we know, the Premier has never said anything against traditional drilling. He seems to be against fracking. The government has never given any indication that it is against traditional drilling.” September 20, 2016 The Premier has never slammed the door shut on hydraulic fracturing… except maybe for the St-Lawrence Lowlands region. But, eternal optimist that I am: if the communities want it…
FINANCIALLY SPEAKING Capital Mines Énergie Fund = $1 billion Plan Nord: $500 million South: $500 million Mines: $800 million Hydrocarbons: $200 million A minimum of $200 million must be applied to investment projects in the hydrocarbon sector, particularly to favour initiatives involving the transition to liquefied natural gas. There is $200 million for the South – better still if it can serve for the Plan Nord and the North Shore industrials
Though this IQ subsidiary (Ressources Québec) is responsible for its management, “the government always makes the decisions”. - L’Actualité gouvernementale, February 1, 2016