Grade 2 Life Wind Theme Review
What makes wind? Hot and cold air fan Blowing Hair drier Air conditioner Moving hands
Which materials did we test with wind? Paper clips Bulldog clip Pen cube candy
What did we learn from this experiment? Blowing the objects works better than the fan Big and light objects move farther than small and heavy objects
How did we build a parachute? Take a square shaped paper, tissue or plastic. First Next Then Last Stick string to the 4 corners using tape. Tape 4 strings together with a clip. Hold open and drop from a high level.
Life experiments in order! Observe the materials Predict Observe the example Do the experiment Record the results
Quiz and End of Semester test Wind theme Quiz: Monday, 26th December This is a short quiz like the others done this semester. End of Semester Test: Monday, 9th January This test will cover all themes this semester; the 5 senses, day and night, bubbles and wind. There will not be a review class for the big test but I will send a review power point to help students prepare.