Adapting Curriculum Maps & Intro to Module 5 Grade 4 February 2016 This is the beginning of the third course of the week here at the Standards Institute. Materials for Days 3 and 4: EngageNY Curriculum map Module 5 Wiring Diagram (2 per table printed) or Coherence Map (online) IPG (printed) EngageNY ELL resource (printed)
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Welcome Back! Thank you for your time and attention yesterday!
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Introduction: Who I Am Name 1 Name 2 Insert photo Insert photo *Facilitators edit slide and notes for this slide. Speaker Notes: I am ______ from ______. Include an interesting personal story. My experience has been… Before Common Core, I was… I was skeptical about Common Core until ______ happened.
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Introduction: Who You Are Raise your hand if… you are a math teacher you are a math teacher coach you hold a different role you teach in a district school you teach in a charter school you teach or work in a different type of school or organization Speaker Notes: Let’s see who is in the room today.
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Thank you for your feedback! + ∆ Thank you for your feedback! I want to talk through some trends for the glows and grows and let you know what I’m doing for the grows within my control.
Norms That Support Our Learning ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Take responsibility for yourself as a learner Honor timeframes (start, end, activity) Be an active and hands-on learner Use technology to enhance learning Strive for equity of voice Contribute to a learning environment in which it is “safe to not know” Here’s a reminder of our norms.
Adapting Curriculum Maps & Intro to Module 5 ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) At a Glance Website: Day Ideas Wednesday 8:30-4:00 Focus and Coherence Thursday Rigor and Instructional Practice Friday Adapting Curriculum Maps & Intro to Module 5 Saturday 8:30-2:30 Adapting and Teaching Lessons in Module 5 Learning math content Speaker Notes: Here is what this week will look like. Our approach is to blend the conceptual with the practical. We work to understand the big ideas and how they look in practice. The two strands that run through all of our work are: supporting students with gaps in learning digging deep into math content by “doing” the math We will understand the principles that lie beneath curriculum, how to adapt curriculum, and how to interact with curriculum. This happens best when we understand the “loadbearing walls” of the curriculum--the big ideas that curriculum is based on.
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Sessions Today and Tomorrow Morning: Adapting the Grade 4 Curriculum Map Afternoon: Intro to Module 5 Module 5 Assessment Decomposition and Fraction Equivalence (Topic A) Tomorrow: Adapting and Teaching Lessons in Module 5 Morning: Fraction Equivalence Using Multiplication and Division (Topic B) Afternoon: Fraction Comparison (Topic C) Today we are going to look at the Curriculum Map for Grade 4, see how well it is aligned to the standards and shifts, and also understand how we should think about adapting it for students that are below grade level. This afternoon we’ll look at the assessment for Module 5 along with the lessons for Topic A. Tomorrow we’ll look at Topics B and C. Materials for Day 3: EngageNY Curriculum maps Module 5 Wiring Diagram (2 per table printed) or Coherence Map (online)
Participants will be able to: ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Morning: Adapting the Grade 4 Curriculum Map Participants will be able to: Analyze a curriculum map through the lens of the standards and shifts Describe ways of adapting a curriculum map for students below grade level [Note objectives for participants.]
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Morning: Agenda (Re)-Introductions Curriculum Map Scavenger Hunt Adapting a Scope and Sequence [Note agenda for participants.] “Since this is our first day as a small group, we’ll get “reintroduced.” We’ll then do a “scavenger hunt” to get acquainted with the EngageNY curriculum map for Grade 4. Finally I’ll share a way of thinking about adaptations for students below grade level and we’ll take a moment to try doing this for some modules in Grade 4.”
I. (Re)-Introductions I. (Re)-Introductions Let’s get to know each other!
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Facilitators design intro activity
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) II. Curriculum Map Scavenger Hunt! You’ll look at: The curriculum map for the year Titles of each module The standards associated with each module (If time) Lessons and assessment items in Modules 1 and 2 Speaker’s Notes: Let’s see what we can find in the EngageNY curriculum! For this activity you’ll be looking at “A Story of Units” - the curriculum map for P-5 ENY curriculum AND the lessons and modules from Grade 4. The first half of questions are tied to the scope and sequence. The second half move beyond.
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Scavenger Hunt! Scope and Sequence: 1. How many modules focus on major work? 2. How many days of instruction is this? 3. What percent of the instructional year is this? 4. Name all modules that include both major work and supporting content. 5. Name all modules that include primarily additional content. Beyond! 6. Find a lesson that begins by engaging students in content from a previous grade. 7. Find an assessment item that connects a supporting cluster to a major one. 8. Find a lesson with a learning objective that uses language based on a cluster heading. Speaker Notes: …Go! When done, share answers. Answers are as follows: Grade 4 Scope and Sequence: 1. Five out of 7 focus on major work (Modules 2 and 4 excluded) 2. 153 instructional days 3. 85% 4. Module 3 (Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division), Module 5 (Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations), Module 6 (Decimal Fractions), Module 7 (Exploring Multiplication) Beyond: 5. Module 5, Lesson 1: Students begin by engaging with grade 3 tape diagrams and partitioning, then move to adding unit fractions. 6. Module 3: End-of-module assessment connects factors and multiples with place value strategies for multiplication and division. 6. Module 3, Lesson 12: Learning objective: Solve two step word problems, including multiplicative comparison Cluster heading: Use the four operations with whole numbers to solve word problems
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) III. Adapting a Curriculum Map What should our approach be if we have students with gaps? Speaker’s Notes: Turn and talk to your neighbor. What percentage of your students are not at grade level, do you estimate? Share responses with a show of hands (less than 25%, 25% - 50%, more than 50%). We all know, though, that students don’t show up on grade level. What do we do with students that have gaps?
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) From the Appendix to the Publishers’ Criteria “The natural distribution of prior knowledge in classrooms should not prompt abandoning instruction in grade level content, but should prompt explicit attention to connecting grade level content to content from prior learning. To do this, instruction should reflect the progressions on which the CCSSM are built…Much unfinished learning from earlier grades can be managed best inside grade level work when the progressions are used to understand student thinking.” Speaker’s Notes: Unfinished prior learning is best completed in context. That is, we find the places in our curriculum where unfinished earlier learning logically fits. This allows us to preserve focus and coherence.
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) What We’re Trying to Avoid: “Blanket Review” Speaker’s Notes: We are trying to avoid the kind of “blanket review” that we grew accustomed to in the past--spending half the year reviewing what we did last year.
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Percentage of 8th Grade Math Lessons That Were Entirely Review By Country (1999) Speaker’s Notes: In fact, TIMSS data show that in the US, we spend a major chunk of the school year just reviewing. Adapted from FIGURE 3.9. Percentage of eighth-grade mathematics lessons that were entirely review, by country: 1999,
Consider expanding focus on major content where necessary. ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Adaptation Process: Scope and Sequences Use the progressions to add prerequisite standards from prior grades to all units. Consider expanding focus on major content where necessary. + X.1, Y.2 + X.1, Z.5 + Z.2 + X.3 + X.1, Z.5 + X.1, Y.5 + X.4, Y.5, Z.6 X = Grade Below Y = 2 Grades Below Z = 3 Grades Below Speaker Notes: Let’s review from yesterday. Adapting for students with gaps is a multi-step process. When we consider a scope and sequence, we start by thinking about the prerequisites for all units. Imagine, here, that “Grade X” is the year before, “Grade Y” is two years prior,” and “Grade Z” is three years below the grade you teach. When a unit is focused on Major Content—we consider spending more time there. Major Content Major Content Major Content
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Adaptation Process: Lessons Adapt lessons to include prerequisite content in the context of grade-level objectives. The prerequisite standards we associate with each unit allow us to adapt lessons and add additional lessons. Consider adding additional lessons that address prerequisite content where necessary and appropriate. Speaker’s Notes: Once we have identified prerequisite content, we are able to adapt lessons themselves. We use grade level content as opportunities to review prior learning; for example, using addition of fractions with unlike denominators as an opportunity to review fraction equivalence. If necessary, we consider adding additional content lessons as well, where necessary and appropriate. In cases where upwards of 50%of students are not at grade level, this strategy may be emphasized more. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) The Three C’s Coherent Content in Context Speaker’s Notes: A handy way to remember! When we adapt resources, we are always looking for coherent content in context. This is not a “blanket review”-- this is choosing important prerequisite content and inserting it where appropriate.
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Coherent Content Speaker’s Notes: Student Achievement Partners has created a couple of resources that help us to locate prerequisite standards. The “Wiring Diagram” is a pdf that shows the connections among the standards in Grades K-8. The “Coherence Map” is an interactive tool that allows you to navigate the standards and see embedded examples from Illustrative Math.
ADAPTING CURRICULUM MAPS (GRADE 4) Now you try: Adaptation At your tables: (1) Look for two modules in Grade 4 that you might spend more time on. Why these modules? (2) What, in your experience, will students struggle with related to that content? (3) What are the prerequisite standards you'd use to adapt those modules? Speaker’s Notes: Now you try with your grade level. Look for two modules you would consider adding more time to, and discuss why. What do kids struggle with related to this content? Use the standards, the “Wiring Diagram,” and/or the “Coherence Map” to determine the prerequisite standards to add to these modules.
Share Out Share Out Speaker’s Notes: What are some of the adaptations we made? Highlighted Examples from Module 1 (Participants may have chosen other modules to adapt): Grade 4 Module 1: Relevant prerequisite standards include the following: 3.OA.8 Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. 3.NBT.1 Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. 3.NBT.2 Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. Share Out
SESSION 1 (111M): Rigor– Calibrating Common Core (6 – 8) BREAK Lunch
INTRO TO MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Sessions Today and Tomorrow Morning: Adapting the Grade 4 Curriculum Map Afternoon: Intro to Module 5 Module 5 Assessment Decomposition and Fraction Equivalence (Topic A) Tomorrow: Adapting and Teaching Lessons in Module 5 Morning: Fraction Equivalence Using Multiplication and Division (Topic B) Afternoon: Fraction Comparison (Topic C) The session names are based on the content of each topic. Session 1 includes a look at the mid-module and end-of-module assessments.
INTRO TO MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Afternoon: Intro to Module 5 in Grade 4 Participants will be able to: analyze curriculum through the lens of the standards and shifts use the lens of the shifts and increased understanding of focus content to make appropriate curricular adaptations for students who lack prerequisite skills for grade-level work anticipate student misunderstandings and support them instructionally [Note objectives for participants.] “Our approach will involve doing a lot of math in the lessons and working collaboratively to understand as much about the modules as possible. We’ll be focused on a couple of aspects: (a) making adaptations for this module by adding lessons and adapting them and (b) anticipating student misunderstandings and using these instructionally.
INTRO TO MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Afternoon: Agenda Assessing the Assessments Deep Dive: Decomposition and Fraction Equivalence (Topic A) Essential Understandings Coherent Content in Context: What are My Students’ Needs? [Note agenda for participants.] “Our approach today will be to look first at some selected items from the module assessment materials, and then dive into Topic A. We’ll look at a “cool moment” from Topic A, then explore the lessons and sequence of content. Finally we’ll reflect on the big ideas from Topic A and how we can take them back to our classrooms.”
INTRO TO MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) I. Assessing the Assessments (Grade 4) Speaker Notes: Before we dig into the math: Examine the standards associated with the mid-module assessment. What aspects of rigor are highlighted in these standards? Fluency: Students have to be able to fluently find equivalent fractions. Conceptual Understanding: Students have to be able to use a visual model to defend why a/b is equivalent to (nxa)/(nxb) and explain why the fractions are equivalent even though the number of parts differ. Application: Students need to apply fraction addition and subtraction understanding to solving word problems. Bonus: What kinds of problems and tasks do you expect to see in the assessment? There might be problems or tasks where students have to find equivalent fractions then justify their equivalence using visual models and words. They might have to solve fraction addition and subtraction word problems.
Mid-Module Assessment: End-of-Module Assessment: INTRO TO MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Let’s “Do the math” for some assessment items Mid-Module Assessment: Grade 4 Question 6 End-of-Module Assessment: Grade 4 Questions 1 - 2 Have participants “do” these assessment items: From the Grade 4 Mid-Module 5 Assessment: Question 6 From the Grade 4 End-of-Module 5 Assessment: Questions 1 - 2
INTRO TO MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Assessing the Assessments For each assessment item: What standards are evident in this item and how do you know? What aspects of rigor are highlighted in this item and how do you know? Also consider: (3) Compare the mid-module assessment to the end-of-module assessment. How does learning progress across the module? Have participants score their own responses using the rubric and sample responses provided after the assessment, and then discuss the questions. Mid-Module Grade 4 Question 6: Standards: (Examine the Rubric to find standards assessed by question) This addresses the following standards: Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. 4.NF.1 Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to recognize and generate equivalent fractions. 4.NF.2 Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators, e.g., by creating common denominators or numerators, or by comparing to a benchmark fraction such as 1/2. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations of whole numbers. 4.NF.3 Understand a fraction a/b with a > 1 as a sum of fractions 1/b. Understand addition and subtraction of fractions as joining and separating parts referring to the same whole. Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions with the same denominator in more than one way, recording each decomposition by an equation. Justify decompositions, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. Examples: 3/8 = 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8; 3/8 = 1/8 + 2/8; 2 1/8 = 1 + 1 + 1/8 = 8/8 + 8/8 + 1/8. d. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole and having like denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. 4.NF.4 Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number. a. Understand a fraction a/b as a multiple of 1/b. For example, use a visual fraction model to represent 5/4 as the product 5 × (1/4), recording the conclusion by the equation 5/4 = 5 × (1/4). Rigor: Application: Students apply their fraction addition and subtraction understanding to word problems and explain their thinking with numbers, pictures, and words. Conceptual Development: Students have to describe how a situation could exist in which ½ is greater than ¾. In the case in problem six, Robin thinks her water bottle that is half full has more water than Freddie’s water bottle that is ¾ full. Students have to internalize and describe how the size of the whole impacts the size of the fractional parts. Students must reason that Robin’s water bottle is larger than Freddie’s, so that ½ is greater than ¾. End-of-Module Grade 4 Question 1: 4.NF.4 Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number. Understand a multiple of a/b as a multiple of 1/b, and use this understanding to multiply a fraction by a whole number. For example, use a visual fraction model to express 3 × (2/5) as 6 × (1/5), recognizing this product as 6/5. (In general, n × (a/b) = (n × a)/b.) Conceptual Development: Students have to explain the equivalence using the models and number sentences. Application: Students have to apply their understanding of fractions to a number line and tape diagram by partitioning a number line and tape diagram according to the given fraction problem. End-of-Module Grade 4 Question 2: Fluency: Students build and express fluency comparing fractions. Conceptual Development: Students explain their fraction comparisons using numbers, pictures, and words. Grade 4 Learning Progression: Students study fraction equivalence in through decomposition then through multiplication and division. Then, they use their deep understanding of fraction equivalence to be able to compare fractions and finding fractions with common denominators. Then, they use this understanding to solve fraction addition and subtraction problems presented with unlike denominators.
INTRO TO MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) II. Deep Dive: Topic A Grade 4: Decomposition and Fraction Equivalence
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic A Overview Speaker Notes: Create one or more Grade 4 group(s). Have each group complete the given question or protocol together as a table. Then have each group share with the whole group something they noticed in their work. Keep these groups for all the related grade-level activities in the slides that follow. Participants: Take a moment to read through the Topic Overview for Topic A for Grade 4. What do you notice? What is this topic about? Grade 4: “Topic A builds on Grade 3 work with unit fractions. Students explore fraction equivalence through the decomposition of non-unit fractions into unit fractions, as well as the decomposition of unit fractions into smaller unit fractions. They represent these decompositions, and prove equivalence, using visual models.”
Complete the Exit Tickets for Topic A. Discuss at your table: ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Sequence of Content Protocol: Complete the Exit Tickets for Topic A. Discuss at your table: The sequence of content Examples of rigor Examples that exemplify the mathematical practices Present your observations to the whole group. Speaker Notes: This part starts with participants “doing” the Exit Tickets for the Topic. Once participants have had an opportunity to do this, discuss the points above. The point is for participants to understand the progression of content, understand the rigor, and note any mathematical practices. Examples of rigor to highlight: Conceptual Development: In the Lesson 1 Exit Ticket, notice how students have to label a tape diagram and a number bond to show their decomposition of a whole. Then, they have to look a decomposition and create the tape diagram to model it. Examples of mathematical practices to highlight: Students practice modeling with mathematics (MP.4).
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Get Acquainted with Lesson 1 Speaker Notes: Participants may have already seen Lesson 1 in earlier sessions. Here participants dig into the structures of Lesson 1 deeply as a group, then investigate the progression of these structures across Topic A. The focus is on understanding the content of Topic A and the “nuts and bolts” of implementing the materials.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Fluency Activities in Lesson 1 Speaker Notes: Study the fluency activities for Lesson 1. What do you notice? What makes them effective? Grade 4: Students work on their fluency in reading tape diagrams and adding fractions in unit form. This is effective because it builds students’ foundation in these skills so they are prepared for the content in Lesson 1 where they need to decompose fractions and represent the decomposition on a tape diagram and as repeated addition of unit fractions. How will you “personalize” these?
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Fluency throughout Topic A Examine the fluency activities for the remainder of the lessons in Topic A. How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the Fluency activities throughout Topic A and discuss this question: How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? Grade 4: The fluency drills continue to support the focus content of the module in terms of having students practice breaking apart fractions, working with tape diagrams, and writing repeated addition as multiplication. Students apply these skills to decomposing fractions, showing their thinking using tape diagram models, and representing the decomposition of fractions as a multiplication sentence of a whole number times the unit fraction.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Application Problem in Lesson 1 Speaker Notes: Study the Application Problem for Lesson 1. What do you notice? What makes the Application Problem effective? Grade 4: “This Application Problem reviews and reinforces the concept that fractional parts have the same area. Many students may say that the diagonal lines do not create fourths because the triangles created by the diagonals do not look alike. Exploration will help students see that the areas are, in fact, equal and prepare them for the work with tape diagrams that is done in this lesson.” How will you “personalize” these?
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Application throughout Topic A Examine the application problems for the remainder of the lessons in Topic A. How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the application activities throughout Topic A and discuss this question: How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? Grade 4: The application problems draw on students prior knowledge from a previous lesson or from grade 3 in order to prepare students with the necessary understanding and fluency they need to grasp the content within the lesson they are about to study.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Concept Development in Lesson 1 Speaker Notes: Study the Concept Development for Lesson 1. What do you notice? What is the math that students are learning? Grade 4: Students use concrete materials such as fraction strips to fold and identify the unit fractions that compose the whole. They learn how to decompose a whole into unit fractions from this activity, and they learn how to represent it in a tape diagram since the concrete paper strip becomes a picture of the tape diagram they can draw to represent the decomposition. What previous understandings do students need to have? Grade 4: Students should be able to fold the paper into the parts and understand that the parts of the fraction add to create the whole and how each part is representing in fraction form. What makes the concept development effective? Grade 4: This concept development is effective in that students discover the decomposition of a fraction by manipulating a concrete fraction strip. Then, they learn how to take what makes sense to them and model it on paper using the tape diagram and number bond. How will you “personalize” these?
How does student understanding build over time? ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Concept Development throughout Topic A Examine the concept development for the remainder of the lessons in Topic A. How does student understanding build over time? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the concept development activities throughout Topic A and discuss this question: How does student understanding build over time? Students develop their understanding through looking at the decomposition of fractions. While focusing on the composition of fractions, they build understanding through representing the decompositions with tape diagrams and area models.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Problem Set in Lesson 1 Speaker Notes: Study the Problem Set in Lesson 1. Then we will discuss these questions: Identify evidence of rigor in the Problem Set. Grade 4: Fluency: Students repeatedly label tape diagrams as the decomposition of the whole and record the decomposition as a number bond. They also repeatedly draw and label tape diagrams to represent given decompositions. Identify any mathematical practices. Grade 4: Students model with mathematics (MP.4).
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Student Debrief in Lesson 1 Speaker Notes: Study the Student Debrief in the first lesson. Then we will discuss this question: How does the Student Debrief relate to the problem set? Grade 4: The Student Debrief encourages reflection and discussion as students look closely at their work and think about how it connects to other concepts. For example, “How do the number sentences connect to the number bonds?” Students also infer about other concepts. For example, “Compare the size of the shaded fractions in Problems 1(c) and 1(e). Assume the wholes are equal. What can you infer about the two number sentences?” This prepares students to make connections to future learning.
How do these embody the rigor of the standards? ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Problem Set and Student Debrief throughout Topic A Examine the Problem Set and Student Debrief for the remainder of the lessons in Topic A. How do these embody the rigor of the standards? How do these embody the mathematical practices? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the Problem Set and Student Debrief activities throughout Topic A. How do these embody the rigor of the standards? How do these embody the mathematical practices? [Facilitators generate talking points]
III. Essential Understandings
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Essential Understandings Reflect on Topic A: What is the focus content and how does instruction support student understanding of it? What are the essential student learning experiences that support the focus content? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to reflect on Topic A and consider these questions: What is the focus content and how does instruction support student understanding of it? What are the essential student learning experiences that support the focus content? [Facilitators generate talking points]
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Spotlight: Module 5, Topic A Speaker Notes: Facilitator leads participants through a impactful activity from Module 5, Topic A. This is from Lesson 5’s Concept Development. What are the potential misconceptions students might have here? Students who might consider themselves as advanced and able to find equivalent fractions their own way may not understand the value or importance of approaching these problems using area models and writing the fractions as a sum of unit fractions. While connecting that 1/3 times 4/4 is equivalent to 4/12 so 1/3 is equivalent to 4/12, students deepen their understanding of why this works if they can become fluent in expressing the decomposition of the fraction using the area model and writing it as the sum of unit fractions. What instructional/teacher moves should the teacher plan for? The math practice standards and the math standards emphasize that students need to be able to show their thinking in various ways including building models and justifying their thinking. Build a classroom culture that emphasizes various strategies and processes rather than solutions. Focus on how students arrive at their answers and celebrate students when they prove their thinking visually or in a new way. When students know that their thinking and their process is valued more than the solution, they will not be as likely to constantly search for the answer-getting procedure that masks the mathematics.
IV. Coherent Content in Context: What Are My Students’ Needs?
Where would you add supplementary lessons? On which standards? ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Coherent Content in Context: What Are My Students’ Needs? Where would you add supplementary lessons? On which standards? How could you adapt the fluency activities to meet student needs? How could you adapt the application problems to meet student needs? How could you adapt the concept development progression to meet student needs? How could you adapt the problem set and student debrief to meet student needs? Speaker Notes: Now that you have a deep understanding of the content and the learning outcomes for this topic, you are ready to think about adapting the content to address the needs of your students. Remember, the focus for adaptation should be “coherent content in context. Where would you add supplementary lessons? On which standards? How could you adapt the fluency activities to meet student needs? How could you adapt the application problems to meet student needs? How could you adapt the concept development progression to meet student needs? How could you adapt the problem set and student debrief to meet student needs? [Facilitators generate talking points]
Feedback Click “February Institute” on the top right Speaker’s Notes: Please fill out the survey to help us improve! The survey is located here: Click “February Institute” on the top right Click “Details” on the center of the page Submit online via our website:
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Welcome Back! Thank you for your time and attention yesterday!
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Thank you for your feedback! + ∆ Thank you for your feedback! I want to talk through some trends for the glows and grows and let you know what I’m doing for the grows within my control.
Norms That Support Our Learning ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Take responsibility for yourself as a learner Honor timeframes (start, end, activity) Be an active and hands-on learner Use technology to enhance learning Strive for equity of voice Contribute to a learning environment in which it is “safe to not know”
Adapting and Teaching Lessons in Module 5 ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At a Glance Website: Day Ideas Wednesday 8:30-4:00 Focus and Coherence Thursday Rigor and Instructional Practice Friday Adapting Curriculum Maps and Intro to Module 5 Saturday 8:30-2:30 Adapting and Teaching Lessons in Module 5 Learning math content Speaker Notes: Here is what this week will look like. Our approach is to blend the conceptual with the practical. We work to understand the big ideas and how they look in practice. The two strands that run through all of our work are: supporting students with gaps in learning digging deep into math content by “doing” the math We will understand the principles that lie beneath curriculum, how to adapt curriculum, and how to interact with curriculum. This happens best when we understand the “loadbearing walls” of the curriculum--the big ideas that curriculum is based on.
Morning: Adapting the Grade 4 Curriculum Map ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Sessions Yesterday and Today Yesterday Morning: Adapting the Grade 4 Curriculum Map Afternoon: Intro to Module 5 Module 5 Assessment Decomposition and Fraction Equivalence (Topic A) Today: Adapting and Teaching Lessons in Module 5 Morning: Fraction Equivalence Using Multiplication and Division (Topic B) Afternoon: Fraction Comparison (Topic C) Yesterday we looked at the scope and sequence for this grade and started to look at a module. Today we’ll continue in our journey through the module. Materials for Day 4: Module 5 Wiring Diagram (2 per table printed) or Coherence Map (online) IPG (printed) EngageNY ELL resource (printed)
Participants will be able to: ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Morning: Fraction Equivalence Using Multiplication and Division (Topic B) Participants will be able to: analyze curriculum through the lens of the standards and shifts deliver lessons using the core actions in the IPG use the lens of the shifts and increased understanding of focus content to make appropriate curricular adaptations for students who lack prerequisite skills for grade-level work [Note objectives for participants.] “Our approach will involve doing a lot the math in the lessons and working collaboratively to understand as much about the modules as possible. We’ll see how the modules connect back to the big ideas of the instructional shifts; we’ll also see how the lessons can be adapted and can come alive using the Instructional Practice Guide. We will even teach some lessons to each other!”
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Morning: Agenda Deep Dive: Fraction Equivalence Using Multiplication and Division (Topic B) Buddy Teaching with IPG Essential Understandings Coherent Content in Context: What Are My Students’ Needs? [Note agenda for participants.] “Our approach today will be to dive into Topic B. We’ll look at a “cool moment” from Topic B, then explore the lessons and sequence of content. Finally we’ll reflect on the big ideas from Topic B and how we can take them back to our classrooms.”
I. Deep Dive: Module 5, Topic B Fraction Equivalence Using Multiplication and Division
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic B Overview Speaker Notes: Take a moment to read through the Topic Overview for Topic B. What do you notice? What is this Topic about? Grade 4: “In Topic B, students begin generalizing their work with fraction equivalence.” Students will start using the idea that a/b = (axn)/(bxn). However, they will not use this as an answer-getting strategy but will support it using models and by connecting to the understanding they built when they decomposed fractions in Topic A.
Complete the Exit Tickets for Topic B. Discuss at your table: ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Sequence of Content Protocol: Complete the Exit Tickets for Topic B. Discuss at your table: The sequence of content Examples of rigor Examples that exemplify the mathematical practices Present your observations to the whole group. Speaker Notes: This part starts with participants “doing” the Exit Tickets for the topic. Once participants have had an opportunity to do this, discuss the questions above. The point is for participants to understand the progression of content, understand the rigor, and note any mathematical practices. Examples of rigor to highlight Conceptual Development: Students have to show their developing understanding in Lesson 9 Exit Ticket, Question a, students have to do the following: “in the first area model, show 2 sixths. In the second area model, show 4 twelfths. Show how both fractions can be composed, or renamed, as the same unit fraction.” (This is also an example of MP.4, modeling with mathematics.) Examples of mathematical practices to highlight In Lesson 8 Exit Ticket, Question 2, students have to decide if the two fractions are equivalent and correct them if they are not. This supports MP.3 where students have to critique the work of others and form viable arguments to support their own thinking.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) First Lesson in Topic B Speaker Notes: Here participants dig into the structures of the first lesson deeply as a group, then investigate the progression of these structures across Topic B.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic B, First Lesson Fluency Speaker Notes: Study the fluency activities for the first lesson in Topic B. What do you notice? What makes the fluency activities effective? Grade 4: Students have to break apart fractions, count by equivalent fractions, and draw equivalent fractions. They build familiarity and fluency with equivalent fractions through these exercises. How will you “personalize” these?
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Fluency throughout Topic B Examine the fluency activities for the remainder of the lessons in Topic B. How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the Fluency activities throughout Topic B and discuss this question: How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? [Facilitators generate talking points]
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic B, First Lesson Application Problem Speaker Notes: Study the Application Problem for the first lesson. What do you notice? What makes the Application Problem effective? Grade 4: “This Application Problem reviews Lesson 6 and leads into today’s lesson as students find equivalent fractions using multiplication.” The review of the past lesson allows those students who struggled with the content build on their developing understanding before expanding on the content in lesson 7. How will you “personalize” these?
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Application throughout Topic B Examine the application problems for the remainder of the lessons in Topic B. How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the application activities throughout Topic B and discuss this question: How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? [Facilitators generate talking points]
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic B, First Lesson Concept Development Speaker Notes: Study the Concept Development for the first lesson. What do you notice? What is the math that students are learning? Grade 4: The students are learning the concept that a/b is the same as (axn)/(bxn). What previous understandings do students need to have? Grade 4: Students should be fluent with the idea that fractions can have different numbers in the numerator and denominator but represent the same amount, thus understanding that two different fractions can be equivalent. What makes the concept development effective? Grade 4: This is effective because students create the concrete model with paper and record the mathematical numbers and symbols that match their model. They are already familiar with the models, so the new learning is understanding how to record multiplying the numerator and denominator by n. How will you “personalize” these?
How does content build over time? ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Concept Development throughout Topic B Examine the concept development for the remainder of the lessons in Topic B. How does content build over time? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the concept development activities throughout Topic B and discuss this question: How does student understanding build over time? Students move from using an area model and multiplication to show fraction equivalence to using an area model and division to using a tape diagram and number line and relating these visual models to the multiplication and division.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic B, First Lesson Problem Set Speaker Notes: Study the Problem Set in the first lesson. Then we will discuss these questions: Identify evidence of rigor in the problem set. Conceptual Development: Students build their understanding by relating the numbers and operations to their drawings. They are not memorizing an answer-getting strategy explaining their drawings mathematically. Identify any mathematical practices. [Facilitators generate talking points]
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic B, First Lesson Student Debrief Speaker Notes: Study the Student Debrief in the first lesson. Then we will discuss this question: How does the Student Debrief relate to the problem set? Grade 4: The Student Debrief allows the students to examine their answers in the Problem Set and make connections, identify patterns, and deepen their understanding. The Student Debrief helps students continue to develop their understanding of how the size of a unit fraction is related to its denominator.
How do these embody the rigor of the standards? ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Problem Set and Student Debrief throughout Topic B Examine the Problem Set and Student Debrief for the remainder of the lessons in Topic B. How do these embody the rigor of the standards? How do these embody the mathematical practices? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the Problem Set and Student Debrief activities throughout Topic B. How do these embody the rigor of the standards? How do these embody the mathematical practices? [Facilitators generate talking points]
As you prepare, think about: ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) II. Buddy Teaching with the IPG As you prepare, think about: Framing your objective in the context of Topic B. What content came before? What are students doing during the lesson? As the teacher, what will you be doing? Prepare participants to engage in a sample teaching activity at their tables. Have table groups count off by fours, so that there are 1-2 people on each team. Each team will prepare one lesson in Topic B to teach to the rest of the table. (Note: they will not be teaching the entire lesson--just the opening example and accompanying discussion/questions.)
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Summary of Core Actions Ask participants to summarize each Core Action at their tables. Then summarize for the group: Core Action 1 is about meeting the demands of the standards and shifts. Core Action 2 is about long-standing best practices (i.e., establishing clear learning goals, checking for understanding). Core Action 3 is about engaging students in the mathematical practices (i.e., attending to precision, constructing arguments). Remind yourself about the IPG and annotate the plan to ensure it shows at least one indicator for each Core Action.
Teach the lesson through to the end of the discussion portion. ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Table Teaching Ground Rules Teachers go “all in” for their roles. Stay in character through any trouble spots. Students are “middle of the class.” Follow directions, practice, don’t “know it all.” Teach the lesson through to the end of the discussion portion. Stick to the time limits so everyone has a chance to teach. Set a reasonable time limit on each sample teach (6-7 minutes should be adequate in most cases). Give participants the ground rules and elaborate as needed to prepare them for the activity.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) After Teaching The team to the left of the teachers gives one “glow” (something successful) and one “grow” (a question or comment) for the lesson. Teachers briefly describe their planning processes for the lesson: How did the problem and discussion advance the key concept of the lesson? How would you adapt these problems to meet student needs? Suggest that participants ground their feedback in the language of the IPG. As teaching gets underway, supervise and keep time to make sure the exercise is running smoothly at each table.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Essential Understandings Reflect on Topic B: What is the focus content and how does instruction support student understanding of it? What are the essential student learning experiences that support the focus content? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to reflect on Topics B and consider these questions: What is the focus content and how does instruction support student understanding of it? What are the essential student learning experiences that support the focus content?
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Spotlight: Module 5, Topic B Speaker Notes: Facilitator leads participants through an impactful activity from Module 5, Topic B. This comes from Lesson 9 Concept Development. What are the potential misconceptions students might have here? When students are finding equivalent fractions, it is common to encourage them to “simplify” or “reduce” their fractions. However, this triggers the misconception that the resulting fraction will be smaller instead of equivalent. What instructional/teacher moves should the teacher plan for? This is from the Notes on Multiple Means of Expression: “As the conceptual foundation for simplification is being set, the word simplify is initially avoided with students as they compose higher value units. The process is rather referred to as composition, the opposite of decomposition, which relates directly to their drawing, work throughout the last two lessons, and work with whole numbers. When working numerically, the process is referred to at times as renaming, again in an effort to relate to whole number work.”
IV: Coherent Content in Context: What Are My Students’ Needs?
Where would you add supplementary lessons? On which standards? ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Coherent Content in Context: What Are My Students’ Needs? Where would you add supplementary lessons? On which standards? How could you adapt the fluency activities to meet student needs? How could you adapt the application problems to meet student needs? How could you adapt the concept development progression to meet student needs? How could you adapt the problem set and student debrief to meet student needs? Speaker Notes: Now that you have a deep understanding of the content and the learning outcomes for this topic, you are ready to think about adapting the content to address the needs of your students. Remember, the focus for adaptation should be “coherent content in context.” Where would you add supplementary lessons? On which standards? How could you adapt the fluency activities to meet student needs? How could you adapt the application problems to meet student needs? How could you adapt the concept development progression to meet student needs? How could you adapt the problem set and student debrief to meet student needs?
SESSION 1 (111M): Rigor– Calibrating Common Core (6 – 8) BREAK Lunch
Participants will be able to: ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Afternoon: Fraction Comparison (Topic C) Participants will be able to: analyze curriculum through the lens of the standards and shifts analyze and adapt the sequence of content for Grade 4, Topic C of Module 5 adapt lessons for English Language Learners
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Afternoon: Agenda Deep Dive: Fraction Comparison (Topic C) Adaptations for English Language Learners Essential Understandings Coherent Content in Context: What Are My Students’ Needs? [Note agenda for participants.]
Deep Dive: Module 5, Topic C Fraction Comparison
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic C Overview Speaker Notes: Take a moment to read through the Topic Overview for Topic C. What do you notice? What is this Topic about? Grade 4: “In Topic C, students use benchmarks and common units to compare fractions with different numerators and different denominators.”
Complete the Exit Tickets for Topic C. Discuss at your table: ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Sequence of Content Protocol: Complete the Exit Tickets for Topic C. Discuss at your table: The sequence of content Examples of rigor Examples that exemplify the mathematical practices Present your observations to the whole group. Speaker Notes: This part starts with participants “doing” the Exit Tickets for the topic. Once participants have had an opportunity to do this, discuss the questions above. The point is for participants to understand the progression of content, understand the rigor, and note any mathematical practices. Examples of rigor to highlight Conceptual Development: Lesson 14’s Exit Ticket, Question 1 has students compare fractions by drawing a tape diagram. From the tape diagram, students can visualize how the common number of units allows them to accurately compare the two fractions. Examples of mathematical practices to highlight Lesson 12’s Exit Ticket, Question 1: Students have to plot the fractions on a number line. This represents MP.4, modeling with mathematics.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) First Lesson in Topic C Speaker Notes: Here participants dig into the structures of the first lesson deeply as a group, then investigate the progression of these structures across Topic C.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic C, First Lesson Fluency Speaker Notes: Study the fluency activities for the first lesson in Topic C. What do you notice? What makes the fluency activities effective? Grade 4: Two of the fluency exercises, Find Equivalent Fractions, and Construct a Number Line with Fractions, reviews past lessons, nine and eleven. This helps students who may have struggled with these concepts build a stronger foundation before moving on to the new content in the lesson. It also allows students to activate prior learning, so they can easily connect it to the content of the lesson. How will you “personalize” these?
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Fluency throughout Topic C Examine the fluency activities for the remainder of the lessons in Topic C. How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the Fluency activities throughout Topic C and discuss this question: How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? [Facilitators generate talking points]
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic C, First Lesson Application Problem Speaker Notes: Study the application problem for the first lesson. What do you notice? What makes the Application Problem effective? Grade 4: “This Application Problem reviews equivalent fractions and bridges to today’s lesson, in which students will use reasoning and benchmarks to compare fractions.” This is effective because students are able to make connections with past learning. How will you “personalize” these?
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Application throughout Topic C Examine the application problems for the remainder of the lessons in Topic C. How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the application activities throughout Topic C and discuss this question: How do they relate to each other and to the focus content for this module? [Facilitators generate talking points]
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic C, First Lesson Concept Development Speaker Notes: Study the Concept Development for the first lesson. What do you notice? What is the math that students are learning? Grade 4: Students are learning how to plot fractions on a number line using benchmarks. What previous understandings do students need to have? Grade 4: Students should be able to visualize a fraction and compare it to benchmarks such as 1 whole and ½. What makes the Concept Development effective? Grade 4: This is effective because it requires students to use sense-making strategies for plotting fractions on a number line and comparing them rather than an answer-getting strategy of finding a common denominator. Students reason if a fraction is greater than ½ or less than and think about the fraction’s relation to ½ and to the other fractions. How will you “personalize” these?
How does content build over time? ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Concept Development throughout Topic C Examine the concept development for the remainder of the lessons in Topic C. How does content build over time? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the concept development activities throughout Topic C and discuss this question: How does student understanding build over time? Students move from comparing fractions using benchmarks on a number line to comparing fractions by finding common units or the common number of units.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic C, First Lesson Problem Set Speaker Notes: Study the Problem Set in the first lesson. Then we will discuss these questions: Identify evidence of rigor in the Problem Set. Conceptual Development: Students have to compare fractions and explain their thinking using the benchmarks 0, ½, and 1 on Question 3. Identify any mathematical practices. The students practice MP.2, reasoning abstractly and quantitatively in order to make sense of which fraction is greater using benchmarks on a number line.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Topic C, First Lesson Student Debrief Speaker Notes: Study the Student Debrief in the first lesson. Then we will discuss this question: How does the Student Debrief relate to the problem set? Grade 4: The Student Debrief allows the students to reflect on their Practice Set in a way that connects the to the big ideas of the lesson. Students have to explain how they got their answers and predict if using benchmarks 0, ½, and 1 will always be effective or if there will be instances where they will need another strategy.
How do these embody the rigor of the standards? ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) At Your Table: Problem Set and Student Debrief throughout Topic C Examine the Problem Set and Student Debrief for the remainder of the lessons in Topic C. How do these embody the rigor of the standards? How do these embody the mathematical practices? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to examine the Problem Set and Student Debrief activities throughout Topic C. How do these embody the rigor of the standards? How do these embody the mathematical practices? [Facilitators generate talking points]
II. Adaptations for English Language Learners
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) II ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) II. Adaptations for English Language Learners Direct participants to study pages 6-13 and synthesize some of the key strategies with a neighbor. If possible, ask some to share with the whole group.
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Adaptations for English Language Learners Focus on Lesson 12. Find two strategies from the resource guide that you could use with that lesson specifically. Select at least two strategies from the list that could be integrated into the lesson plan. Facilitators may “think aloud” to model adaptation using the ideas below. Then give teachers time to work and highlight responses below. [Add and Subtract] Students should have a graphic organizer or flashcards to support place value vocabulary (ones, tens, hundreds, etc.). Prior to the start of this activity, give students an opportunity to review vocabulary with a partner, using the graphic organizer or flashcards. [Application Problem] Use teacher modeling to illustrate the meaning of “compare” in this context. For example, model and “think aloud” a comparison between three different numbers using the phrases, “is greater than” or “is less than” as appropriate before letting students attempt the task. [Concept Development] Assign students to work with partners when comparing fractions. Provide sentence frames such as, “I am confused about…” and “Can you tell me more about…?” to provide structure to the conversations. Pair ELLs with more proficient English speakers. [Problem Set #1] Use a side-by-side text for the phrases in the problem. Print a version of #1 in the first language of the ELLs in your classroom. Ensuring that the correct form of the word “plot” is included in the translation. [There are a multiple meanings of this word in English, including the noun “plot” that students may hear in their language arts lessons, so getting the right translation for the verb “plot” will be key.]
Essential Understandings
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Essential Understandings Reflect on Topic C: What is the focus content and how does instruction support student understanding of it? What are the essential student learning experiences that support the focus content? Speaker Notes: Give participants time to reflect on Topic C and consider these questions: What is the focus content and how does instruction support student understanding of it? What are the essential student learning experiences that support the focus content?
ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Spotlight: Module 5, Topic C Speaker Notes: Facilitator leads participants through an impactful activity from Module 5, Topic C. This is from Lesson 13’s Concept Development. What are the potential misconceptions students might have here? Students often forget how to visualize an improper fraction and how to change an improper fraction into a mixed number. The caution here is not to use an answer-getting algorithm such as division but to draw on how the students are being taught to make sense of fractions, through decomposition and modeling. What instructional/teacher moves should the teacher plan for? As the Notes on Multiple Means of Engagement suggests, “review of how to change an improper fraction to a mixed number by drawing a number bond. Before the lesson, instruct students to draw a number bond for an improper fraction in which one addend has a value of 1 whole.”
Coherent Content in Context: What Are My Students’ Needs?
Where would you add supplementary lessons? On which standards? ADAPTING AND TEACHING LESSONS IN MODULE 5 (GRADE 4) Coherent Content in Context: What Are My Students’ Needs? Where would you add supplementary lessons? On which standards? How could you adapt the fluency activities to meet student needs? How could you adapt the application problems to meet student needs? How could you adapt the concept development progression to meet student needs? How could you adapt the problem set and student debrief to meet student needs? Speaker Notes: Now that you have a deep understanding of the content and the learning outcomes for this topic, you are ready to think about adapting the content to address the needs of your students. Remember, the focus for adaptation should be “coherent content in context.” Where would you add supplementary lessons? On which standards? How could you adapt the fluency activities to meet student needs? How could you adapt the application problems to meet student needs? How could you adapt the concept development progression to meet student needs? How could you adapt the problem set and student debrief to meet student needs?
Feedback Click “February Institute” on the top right Speaker’s Notes: Please fill out the survey to help us improve! The survey is located here: Click “February Institute” on the top right Click “Details” on the center of the page Submit online via our website:
References Slide # Source 16 18 Adapted from FIGURE 3.9. Percentage of eighth-grade mathematics lessons that were entirely review, by country: 1999, 22 Wiring Diagram: 73 98 Scaffolding Instruction for English Language Learners: A Resource Guide for Mathematics: 13, 29-30, 33, 35-36, 38, 40, 42-43, 47, 60, 62-63, 65, 67, 69-70, 78, 85, 87-88, 90, 92, 94-95, 102
Image References Slide # Name and Photographer Slide # 2 “Welcome” by Prayitno (Flickr) 76 “Numbers” by Andy Maguire (Flickr) 11 “Meet and Greet” by Andy Morffew (Flickr) 79 “DSC01421 – One Room Schoolhouse” by Dennis Jarvis (Flickr) 15 “Mind the Gap” by CGP Grey (Flickr) 81 “Coffee Break” by Sam Carpenter (Flickr) 24 “Sharing” by ryancr (Flickr) 84 “Docking Diving” by Ryan McGilchrist (Flickr) 25 97 “texture” by ka2rina (Flickr) 32 “NOAA Ocean Explorer” by Deep Discoverer Recovery (Flickr) 100 “fp120907-15” by Dennis Hill (Flickr) 45 “leaf plas brondanw MAY08” by Davina Ware (Flickr) 103 “On the darkside” by Valerie Everett (Flickr) 48 “Free to use Texture” by tanakawho (Flickr) 51 365/365: 12/31/2013” by peddhapati 52 “Welcome” by Bob Duan (Flickr) 59 “Everbody’s Diving at the Beach” by Diana Robinson (Flickr)