Interview skills Interview Skills 1
Objectives explain the flow and sequence of a typical interview use various techniques to obtain information from the client and achieve an accurate diagnosis explain the importance of giving information in a clear and concise manner, including all options open to them explain the importance of identifying and agreeing upon an appropriate course of action with clients Interview Skills 1
Interview overview 1 Welcoming the client 2 Identifying the issue(s) 3 Researching and giving information 6 Case recording 5 Planning action and ending 4 Identifying and exploring options Interview Skills 1
Pre-Interview - Matters to Consider The client’s feelings? Clarifying the client’s aims? Is signposting/referring on appropriate? Does the client just need information? Are we offering Advice? Advocacy & Negotiation? Representation? Interview Skills
Pre-Interview Our Principles Confidential Independent Impartial Non-judgemental Objective Free Effective Empowerment Interview Skills
Stage 1: Welcoming the client Physical environment entrance to bureau waiting room interview room Verbal communication welcoming polite conversation Non-verbal communication positive body language Interview Skills 1
Video 1 Interview Skills
Non-Verbal Communication Maintain good eye contact Sit facing the client Have an open posture Lean towards client Have a relaxed posture Nod your head Interview Skills
Video 2 Interview Skills
Stage 2: Identifying issue(s) Identify the problem / issue encourage client to explore issues by actively listening use questioning and prompting gather appropriate information (including immigration status) clarify client’s aims and identify any urgent action required Remember: checklists are available Interview Skills 1
Reacting Short words of encouragement Open questions Clarifying Summarising Reflecting
Stage 2: Questions Types of question Closed to confirm or ascertain a fact Open encourages client to explain or describe a situation Probing follow-up to delve further Leading encourages client to give a specific answer Multiple a series of questions in quick succession Types of question Interview Skills 1
Stage 3: Researching Sources of information: information system internal sources external sources Interview Skills 1
Video 3 Interview Skills
Stage 4: Options At this stage, you would: identify options available examine consequences and limitations of each course of action, in light of client’s own circumstances help client to select the most suitable option(s), without telling them what to do There is always the option to do nothing It can be helpful to provide written information. Interview Skills 1
Ensure the client is clear about any agreed action plan Stage 5: Types of action writing letters making phone calls doing calculations making referrals creating an action plan giving information/strategies summarising Ensure the client is clear about any agreed action plan Interview Skills 1
Stage 5: Ending You could: use indicative body language (eg stand up) close notebook or pen push chair back offer a further appointment Bureau policy on length of interviews Interview Skills 1
Stage 6: Case recording Case recording is vital, as it ensures that: there is an accurate record of the client’s enquiry another adviser could pick up the case and carry on with it should the client return at a later date there can be effective quality assurance monitoring Interview Skills 1