Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing: Overview of A Modern Model for Practice Ferris State University NURS501 Kelli Benson Heather Deal Thomas Kane Hazel Lim
Objectives To explain an overview of Dr. Rozzano Locsin’s Theory of Technological Competence as Caring To describe how the theory defines the nursing metaparadigm concepts To provide an abbreviated analysis of the theory
Overview “Technological competency as caring in nursing is a conceptual model that presents the link between technology and caring in nursing as coexisting harmoniously” (Locsin, 2005, p. 6). Caring is critical to the practice of nursing. However, the demand that technology is placing on nursing is making it difficult for nurses to express caring as they once did. Locsin’s contemporary theory developed in 2005 speaks to the increasing demands that technology is placing on nurses. Where would our profession be if not for the advances being made on an almost daily basis? We understand that advances are crucial to the betterment of healthcare delivery, however, nurses must not compromise the care that they give. Locsin strives to meld the two into one, so that nurses may continue to feel competent with technology while still knowing their patients, building strong relationships, and providing exceptional nursing care.
Metaparadigm Concepts Nursing “Nurses value technological competency as an expression of caring in nursing” (Locsin, 2013). Health Humanity is preserved by technology “An experience that is often expressed in terms of wellness and illness, and may occur in the presence or absence of disease” (Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice, 2010, p. 65) The metaparadigm concepts of nursing, health, environment, and person are evident within Locsin’s theory. Nursing is a caring profession that can add technological competence to improve the relationship with the patient. While keeping caring as a core value, Locsin also sees the importance of combining technological competence and caring to form a coexisting relationship. This allows the nurse to feel competent in skills while still providing nursing care to the patient that is meaningful (Locsin, 2005). Health, as defined by the 2010 Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice, is “An experience that is often expressed in terms of wellness and illness and may occur in the presence or absence of disease” (Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice, 2010, p. 65). When observed within the context of Locsin’s theory of technology and nursing care, technology is used to assist the patient to realize their full health potential, whatever that may be.
Metaparadigm Concepts Environment Environment as the technological world in which we live Person Patients seen as “participants in their care rather than object of nurse care” (Locsin, 2013). Describes persons as human beings who are whole and complete in any moment (Locsin, 2005) Environment is one of advancing technology that will continue to grow and change over time. Locsin’s theory speaks to the need for coexistence between the caring that is basic to the nursing profession and the advancing technological environment (Locsin, 2005) Person: Locsin’s theory sees the person as an unpredictable, dynamic living being that must be understood as whole and complete. This is a foundation of Locsin’s theory and is reiterated many times within the text. Nurses should continue to strive to build strong relationships with patients through their competent use of technology. This allows nurses to more completely know their patients as whole and complete and prevents the nurse from objectifying the patient as broken and needing to be fixed (Locsin, 2005).
Analysis Accuracy Simplicity Scope According to a 1997 article by Sharon Dudley-Brown, evaluation of nursing theories is important to the furthering of nursing science, as well as acting as a system of checks and balances to ensure that nursing theories continue to be relevant in the future (Dudley-Brown, 1997). In relation to theory evaluation, accuracy assesses whether the theory is “consistent with the present reality”. Obviously, as a more recent theory, Locsin’s theory of technology and caring in nursing does speak to the unique challenges in today’s nursing world. Simplicity discusses the complex or simple nature of the theory. Are there many concepts to understand and does the theory make difficult concepts understandable? Locsin’s theory is simple in design and easy to comprehend. Scope: Locins’ theory is considered a middle-range theory that addresses today’s unique issues and challenges (Locsin, 2005).
Analysis Acceptance Socio-cultural Utility Acceptance: How is the theory accepted by other members of the nursing world? The theory is accepted and is used as a basis for research. There are several studies that refer to this theory. It is important to note many of them have Dr. Locsin involved in the study. However, other researchers are using the theory as well. Socio-cultural Utility: How significant is the theory to society? Locin’s theory of technology and caring in nursing has great significance to society. Nurses are consistently bombarded with technology and many complain that they feel unable give care to their patients because of the impersonal demands of the machines. Locsin’s theory emphasizes that technology and caring do not have to be mutually exclusive ideas, but rather concepts that can actually work together in harmony. Locsin has bridged an important gap that will serve as a guide into the future.
References American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice. Silver Spring, MD: Dudley-Brown, S. L. (1997). The evaluation of nursing theory: a method for our madness. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 34(1), 76- 83. Locsin, R. C. (2005). Technological competency as caring in nursing: A model for practice. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International. Locsin, R. C. (2013). Technological competency as caring in nursing: Maintaining humanity in a high-tech world of nursing. Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 7(1). Retrieved from templateone/Documents/Vol7No1/001.pdf .