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wasn’t I He She It We You They weren’t
Famous students Famous people were often different from other children when they were young. But were they always good students? The answer is: no, they weren’t.
Einstein was a great mathematician Einstein was a great mathematician. But he was unhappy at school, and he wasn’t a good student.
Bill Gates was a student at Harvard University Bill Gates was a student at Harvard University. His subject was Computer Studies. But he was only at Harvard for two years. Now, he’s got his own computer company (Microsoft) and a personal fortune of more than $36,000,000.000!
Picasso was a great artist Picasso was a great artist. At school, he wasn’t very good at Maths or Science, but he was brilliant at Art. At the age of fifteen, he was a student at the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona. The entrance exam for the School of Fine Arts was very difficult. For most students, it was a month’s work. But it wasn’t a month’s work for Picasso – it was a day’s work!
Were famous people often different from other children? Yes, they were.
Were famous people always good students? No, they weren’t.
Was Einstein happy at school? No, he wasn’t.
Was Bill Gates a student at Harvard University? Yes, he was .
Was Picasso good at Maths? No, he wasn’t.
Was the School of Fine Arts exam difficult for most students? Yes, it was.
Where was Bill Gates a student? He was a student at Harvard University
Marga Renedo Gómez