IOOS National Glider Data Assembly Center Metadata, Archiving and Community Tools April 6, 2017 14:00 – 15:00 EST
Topics QARTOD QC Quality Metadata and NCEI Archiving Process Development of Community Tools
Data Quality Control Supplied by: Criteria Data provider DAC For all QARTOD CTD parameters/variables, if the variable:ancillary_variables attribute contains variables, assume QC has been implemented by the data provider If variable:ancillary_variables is left blank, QARTOD tests will be applied by the DAC and appended to the data provider NetCDF files.
Improving Metadata Archiving Goal: “to preserve data and associated information for future users…” “To accomplish this goal, the expert knowledge of the data provider must be acquired and preserved with the data” Metadata is only as good as you make it. This will require additional time (although not as much as you’d think)
Common Metadata Issues Glider names Incorrect WMO id Provider Name Project Summary Acknowledgment CF Standard Names
Glider Name Use the name provided by the data provider on the deployment registration page Capital or lowercase, exactly as entered on the deployment registration page
WMO ID WMO ids are not required for DAC submission and NCEI archiving If specified, must match the WMO id that has been previously assigned to that glider deployed in the same WMO id region Only near real-time datasets with valid WMO ids are transmitted to GTS Older deployments that do not include a WMO id are still accepted by the DAC and archived by NCEI
Institution/Provider Names Required global attribute Use the provider name you would like, but consistency matters. Institution/Provider name should not contain the street address Archiving and searching for deployments by provider name requires consistency
Institution/Provider Examples Coastal Ocean Observation Lab, Rutgers University, USA Rutgers University Coastal Ocean Observation Lab, Rutgers University, 71 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 RU
Project Name Required global attribute Project should contain the official project name and acronym, if applicable.
Project Examples “TEMPESTS: The Experiment to Measure and Predict East Coast STorm Strength” “SECOORA: SouthEast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association” “This is where the project should go”
Summary The summary attribute is used by NCEI as the official description of the dataset. This is what everyone sees when they search NCEI for glider datasets and, utlimately, how the dataset is identified. A useful summary or abstract explaining the purpose of the deployment, the type of data included in the file and any additional information deemed useful to the data user.
Summary Examples “Seaglider La Push NANOOS line, Washington. Glider covering a 200km SW-NE transect off La Push (Olympic Peninsula), Washington, as part of the Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems (NANOOS). Glider deployments complement two NANOOS moorings off La Push at the onshore (NE) end of the transect, and provide observations on dissolved oxygen and oceanographic conditions in this dynamic upwelling region that interacts with waters in the Salish Sea. Operated by the University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory (UW-APL) and funded by NOAA via the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), with previous support from the Murdock Charitable Trust and the UW.” “This is a summary of the Originator, Group, Mission or whatever” “Glider profile data from <Insert University Here>.” Acknowledgment Acknowledges funding agencies 2 ways to provide acknowledgement: “Attribution” input element on deployment registration page “Acknowledgment” global attribute in data provider NetCDF files Regardless of which method is used, no need to start with “Funding provided by…”. Just state the funding agencies or any other parties.
CF Standard Names Standard name indicates correct spelling Standard name indicates correct spelling For NCEI archiving and CF-compliant purposes, these names have to be properly spelled. If they are not, the are not “standard” names.
Community Tools IOOS NetCDF compliance checker: IOOS Glider DAC plugin: GCOOS/SECOORA Slocum Toolbox Process binary or ascii Slocum glider files to IOOS Glider DAC-compliant NetCDF files Python 2 or 3 compliant Currently does not provide QC, but support is planned Need to build raw seaglider and spray glider (others?) raw data file readers to provide support for these glider types (Need example files from the community). Plan is for pull request merge by April 14. Future webinar and/or python notebooks on usage
IOOS DAC 2017 Goals Acceptance of delayed mode datasets Acceptance of native glider data files and creation of IOOS Glider DAC-compliant NetCDF files GTS proof What are the priorities from the community?