ivote A system for polling students in the class Chapter 3: ivote and SPSS integration Julien T. Groulx et Denis Cousineau
Overview ivote is a system to get votes from student in a classroom setting To learn more: Read T. Groulx, J. & Cousineau, D. (in press) ivote: A simple system to conduct polls and quiz in class settings, The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, vol 12(3). See http://www.tqmp.org/ivote/iVoteInANutshell.pptm for a general introduction See http://www.tqmp.org/ivote/iVoteWithPowerPoint.pptm for using ivote within PowerPoint.
How does ivote work to upload the results in SPSS You can upload the data into SPSS a short syntax is all that is needed Python for SPSS must be installed (the upload takes less than 1 second)
How to fetch votes using SPSS
How to fetch votes using SPSS (1) Get a « syntax » window The « syntax » window is used to enter instructions
How to fetch votes using SPSS (2) Check once that Python is present The first time, verify that the Python extension to SPSS is installed (offered during the installation of SPSS). Select all the lines (e.g., ctrl-A) then execute them (e.g., ctrl-R) If the word Hello! appears in the output window, you’re all set to go!
How to fetch votes using SPSS (3) Install the GetIVotes bundle You need an extension command for SPSS, GetIVotes, downloadable from the ivote web site. Upload GetIVotes.spe to a folder of your choice; In SPSS, go to « Utilitiles »: « Extension bundles »: « Install exention Bundle » and locate the GetIVotes.spe bundle. This step needs to be done only once on a given computer.
How to fetch votes using SPSS (4) Request votes Use the GetIVotes command to request votes. SPSS commands are case-insensitive but question name and access code are case-sensitive Possible formats are : A1 for single letter choices (e.g., A, B, C, D, E) A5 for true/false (the word “FALSE” has 5 letters) F8.0 for numeric input with no decimals. F8.2 for numeric input with 2 decimals, The format is given by ivote on the instructor’s web page
A minimal example 1- Create a question named x1 on www.tqmp.org/ivote Use access code « tt » so that you can erase it as someone else –me– created this question; Choose a numeric format 2- Show a question to the students, (see next slide) 3- Invite them to go to www.tqmp.org/ivote/x1.php or 4- When the students are done, go to SPSS and execute GetIVote /question = x1 /accesscode = tt /format = f8.0.
A minimal example Example of descriptive statistics Enter your height in inches To vote: www.tqmp.org/ivote/x1.php
A minimal example Start SPSS Request a syntax window (file: new: syntax) Type the following GetIVote /question = x1 /format = A1 /accesscode = tt. Select all (ctrl-A) and execute (ctrl-R) That’s it! the data are in the editor window. (you can save time if you start SPSS prior to the class)
Things to remember
Things to remember A question is erased seven days after its creation the votes recorded are also erased at that time No more than 500 votes can be recorded for one question You cannot create a question if it already exists unless the access code matches the one given at creation i.e., you can overwrite your own questions but not a question created by someone else