data on marble: what and where how to process (visualise, analyse, etc) the data: ncdump, python, ferret, ...
: what ??? data, what? cmip3 (IPCC-AR4) cmip5 (IPCC-AR5) cmip5_25x25 MIP == Model Intercomparision Project The homepage of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP). Here you find links to CMIP Phase 3 (CMIP3) and CMIP Phase 5 (CMIP5). Recommended is the Guide to CMIP5 where you find also links to other MIPs like GeoMIP. GeoMIP Geoengineering - sres special report on emission scenarios – rpc representation concentration pathway
: where ??? data, where? data_dir = /data/marble CMIP3: data_dir/cmip3/IPCC_AR4/list (list with (soon) available data) CMIP5: data_dir/cmip5/experiment/temporal-resolution/variable/model/realisation/*.nc CMIP5_25x25: same like cmip5; 25×25 indicates the regular horizontal grid of 2.5×2.5 deg GeoMIP: data_dir/GeoMIP/experiment/temporal-resolution/mon/variable /institution/model/realisation/*.nc
: what and where ??? data_dir/cmip5/experiment/ CMIP5-experiments: piControl, rcp26, rcp45, rcp60, rcp85, historical, historicalExt, historicalGHG, historicalMisc, historicalNat, 1pctCO2, abrupt4xCO2, esmFdbk1, esmFixClim2, esmHistorical, esmrcp85, amip GeoMIP-experiments: piControl, rcp45, 1pctCO2, abrupt4xCO2, db, G1, G1oceanAlbedo, G2, G3, G3S, G4, G4cdnc, G5 data_dir/cmip5/experiment/temporal-resolution/ As temporal resolution we have at our disposal: monthly data from the Atmosphere, Ocean and Land (Amon, Omon and Lmon) and fixed data (fx) containing e.g. area (areacello) and volume (volcello) information about the model. data_dir/cmip5/experiment/temporal-resolution/variable/ e.g. ~$ ls /data/marble/cmip5/piControl/Omon: fgco2 hfds so thetao tos zos zostoga e.g. ~$ ls /data/marble/GeoMIP/piControl/Amon/mon: cSoil lai pr ra rsdt so tasmax thetao ts gpp orog prsn rlut rsut tas tasmin tos zos Two useful pdf-files about the model experiments and variables: experiment controlled vocabulary and standard_output. The latter is quite comprehensive and is reduced to our available variables (based on the pre-industrial control experiment (piControl)): standard_output_red.xlsx (this list also holds for our GeoMIP data). e.g. fgco2 downward CO2 flux at ocean surface (positive into the ocean) – hfds downward net heat flux into the ocean (positive net ocean heat gain) – gpp gross primary carbon production on land
: what and where ??? data_dir/cmip5/experiment/temporal-resolution/variable/model/ e.g. $ ls /data/marble/cmip5/piControl/Amon/ts: ACCESS1-0 CESM1-CAM5-1-FV2 FGOALS-g2 GISS-E2-R-CC MIROC5 ACCESS1-3 CESM1-FASTCHEM FGOALS-s2 HadGEM2-AO MIROC-ESM bcc-csm1-1 CESM1-WACCM FIO-ESM HadGEM2-CC MIROC-ESM-CHEM bcc-csm1-1-m CMCC-CESM GFDL-CM3 HadGEM2-ES MPI-ESM-LR BNU-ESM CMCC-CM GFDL-ESM2G inmcm4 MPI-ESM-MR CanESM2 CMCC-CMS GFDL-ESM2M IPSL-CM5A-LR MPI-ESM-P CCSM4 CNRM-CM5 GISS-E2-H IPSL-CM5A-MR MRI-CGCM3 CESM1-BGC CNRM-CM5-2 GISS-E2-H-CC IPSL-CM5B-LR NorESM1-M CESM1-CAM5 CSIRO-Mk3-6-0 GISS-E2-R MIROC4h NorESM1-ME CMIP5_modeling_groups.pdf data_dir/cmip5/experiment/temporal-resolution/variable/model/realisation/*.nc e.g. $ ls /data/marble/cmip5/historical/Omon/zostoga/ACCESS1-3: r1i1p1 r2i1p1 r3i1p1 (you always can check the availability of data with e.g. 'ls /data/marble/cmip5/* > out.dat')
: what and where ??? example file (3d, x,y,t) time series at each areal grid-point cd /data/marble/cmip5/rcp85/Omon/hfds/ACCESS1-0/r1i1p1 ~$ ls -> example file (4d, x,y,z,t) time series at each volumetric grid point cd /data/marble/cmip5/rcp85/Omon/thetao/ACCESS1-0/r1i1p1 -> ...
... some plots ... 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ hfds
: netcdf ??? netCDF: network Common Data Form info faq meta-data: ~$ ncdump –h file_name example: ~$ ncdump –h /data/marble/cmip5/rcp45/Omon/zostoga/ACCESS1-0/r1i1p1/ netcdf zostoga_Omon_ACCESS1-0_rcp45_r1i1p1_200601-210012 { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED ; // (1140 currently) bnds = 2 ; variables: double time(time) ; time:bounds = "time_bnds" ; time:units = "days since 0001-01-01" ; double time_bnds(time, bnds) ; float zostoga(time) ; zostoga:standard_name = "global_average_thermosteric_sea_level_change" ; raw-data: ~$ ncdump –v variable_name file_name example: ~$ ncdump –vzostoga /data/marble/cmip5/rcp45/Omon/zostoga/ACCESS1-0/r1i1p1/ zostoga = 0.05949634, 0.06122969, 0.06356658, 0.06492361, 0.06417097, 0.06184246, 0.05911458, 0.05761012, .... Typically you would use ncview to get a quick and easy, push-button look at your netCDF files. NO data analysis tool
: netcdf ??? first visualisation step: ~$ ncview file_name e.g. ~$ ncview /data/marble/GeoMIP/piControl/Amon/mon/ra/NASA-GISS/ GISS-E2-R/r1i1p1/ non-script-based netcdf_software panoply
data visualization with ferret What data means without proper visualization? Unprocessed data is bunch of jargon to many. Cleansing can make it edible. And yes, not everyone is a data scientist: data visualization with ferret ferret_users_guide start ferret: ~$ ferret -nojnl load data: yes? use "file_dir/file_name show data: yes? sh variable_name plot data[1d]: yes? plot variable_name shade data[2d]: yes? shade variable_name[i=,j=,z=,t=] make (non-weighted) averages: yes? variable_name[i=@ave] visualising data tool – limited analysis tool – script-based
(/home/UNIMELB/kdommenget/ferret_scripts/examples) ferret examples for shading, plot a time series and profile plot and how to remove the seasonal climatology (/home/UNIMELB/kdommenget/ferret_scripts/examples) 1/ shading_tave_ex.jnl, 2/ plot_tseries_aave_ex.jnl, 3/ plot_tave_profile_ex.jnl, 4/ rem_seasonal_clim_ex.jnl 1/ shading_tave_ex.jnl ca da/all ca var/all !""" contours/shades from your monthly time series, based on: """ !""" usage go shade_tave_ex.jnl dir file_name var_name tb te """ !dir = /data/marble/cmip5/rcp85/Omon/hfds/ACCESS1-0/r1i1p1 !file_name = !var_name = hfds !tb = 2006 !te = 2100 define symb dir = $1 define symb file_name = $2 define symb var_name = $3 define symb te = $4 define symb tb = $5 !""" example data set: monthly downward heat flux at sea water surface (in W/m**2) """ !""" comment: this is the net heat entering the liquid water column through its upper surface. """ use "($dir)/($file_name)" !""" (optional) set the time range of data ""“ efine axis/calendar=gregorian/t="15-jan-($tb)":"15-dec-($te)":1/unit=months tmon let var_name_of_interest = ($var_name)[gt=tmon@asn] !""" compute the temporal mean """ let var_name_ave = var_name_of_interest[l=@ave] !""" contour/shade variable """ shade/lev="(-inf)(-100,100,20)(inf)" var_name_ave, lon, lat !""" save file """ frame/file=test.gif sp convert test.gif shade_tave_ex.pdf sp \rm test.gif] 2/ plot_tseries_ex.jnl ca da/all ca var/all !""" plots your monthly time series, based on: """ !""" usage go plot_tseries_ex.jnl dir file_name var_name tb te """ !dir = /data/marble/cmip5/rcp85/Omon/hfds/ACCESS1-0/r1i1p1 !file_name = !var_name = hfds !tb = 2006 !te = 2100 define symb dir = $1 define symb file_name = $2 define symb var_name = $3 define symb te = $4 define symb tb = $5 !""" example data set: monthly downward heat flux at sea water surface (in W/m**2) """ !""" comment: this is the net heat entering the liquid water column through its upper surface. """ use "($dir)/($file_name)" !""" (optional) set the time range of data ""“ let var_name_of_interest = ($var_name)[gt=tmon@asn] !""" plot variable """ let/title="global mean" var_gm=var_name_of_interest[i=@ave,j=@ave,l=@shn:23] let/title="cold tongue" var_ct=var_name_of_interest[i=150,j=150,l=@shn:23] let/title="Labrador Sea" var_ls=var_name_of_interest[i=225,j=230,l=@shn:23] plot var_gm, var_ct, var_ls !""" save file """ frame/file=test.gif sp convert test.gif plot_tseries_ex.pdf sp \rm test.gif 3/ plot_tave_profile_ex.jnl ca da/all ca var/all !""" plots profile from your monthly time series, based on: """ !""" usage go plot_tave_profile.jnl dir file_name var_name tb te """ !dir = /data/marble/cmip5/historical/Omon/thetao/ACCESS1-0/r1i1p1 !file_name = !var_name = thetao !tb = 2000 !te = 2004 define symb dir = $1 define symb file_name = $2 define symb var_name = $3 define symb te = $4 define symb tb = $5 !""" example data set: monthly potential temperature (in K) """ use "($dir)/($file_name)" !""" (optional) set the time range of data ""“ define axis/calendar=gregorian/t="15-jan-($tb)":"15-dec-($te)":1/unit=months tmon let var_name_of_interest = ($var_name)[gt=tmon@asn] !""" define depths levels """ let zz = z[gz=var_name_of_interest] define axis/z/units=m/depth zlevn = zz !""" plot variable """ let/title='global mean' var_gm=var_name_of_interest[i=@ave,j=@ave,l=25:36@ave,gz=zlevn@asn]-273.15 let/title='cold tongue' var_ct=var_name_of_interest[i=150,j=150,l=@ave,gz=zlevn@asn]-273.15 let/title='Labrador Sea' var_ls=var_name_of_interest[i=225,j=230,l=@ave,gz=zlevn@asn]-273.15 plot var_gm, var_ct, var_ls !""" save file """ frame/file=test.gif sp convert test.gif plot_tave_profile.pdf sp \rm test.gif 4/ rem_seasonal_clim_ex.jnl ca da/all ca var/all !""" removes seasonal climatology (climatological annual cycle) from your monthly time series, based on: """ !""" """ !""" usage go remove_seasonal_clim.jnl dir file_name var_name tb te """ !dir = /data/marble/cmip5/historical/Omon/zostoga/ACCESS1-0/r1i1p1 !file_name = !var_name = zostoga !tb = 1850 !te = 2005 define symb dir = $1 define symb file_name = $2 define symb var_name = $3 define symb te = $4 define symb tb = $5 !""" example data set: monthly global mean thermosteric sea level """ use "($dir)/($file_name)" !""" get the climatological axis that you want to use """ !""" here we will use the pre-defined axis ("month-reg") """ use climatological_axes cancel data climatological_axes !""" (optional) set the time range of data to be used in the climatology """ define axis/calendar=gregorian/t="15-jan-($tb)":"15-dec-($te)":1/unit=months tmon let var_name_of_interest = ($var_name)[gt=tmon@asn] !""" compute the climatology """ let var_name_climatology = var_name_of_interest[gt=month_reg@mod] !""" subtract to get the anomaly """ !""" regrid the anomaly back to the original time axis using @asn to guarantee success """ !""" (subtle interpolation errors may occur on irregular time axes if the @asn regridding isn't done.) """ let var_name_anomaly = var_name_of_interest - var_name_climatology[gt=var_name_of_interest@asn] plot var_name_anomaly[gt=var_name_of_interest@asn] plot/ov var_name_of_interest plot/ov var_name_climatology[gt=var_name_of_interest@asn]
where to find ferret examples and demo-scripts? resulting plots ... 1/ shading_tave_ex.jnl 2/ plot_tseries_aave_ex.jnl 3/ plot_tave_profile_ex.jnl 4/ rem_seasonal_clim_ex.jnl where to find ferret examples and demo-scripts? /data/marble/fer_dsets/data /usr/local/ferret/examples (in ferret: go example_file.jnl)
: python ??? python faq – stackoverflow a python tutorial for climate scientist (by ARC-CCS center of excellence in climate system science) a netcdf data reading routine with python (>2.7) ( main file: ## this is an example for the header of the main program import as spn import glob from cmip5_rd import * ## read netcdf-data and process further with a1.keys() and look at the key-variables with a1['var'][:] or firstly, to get the shape: a1['var'].shape a1 = rdnetcdfdata('filename_as_string') subroutine: ## this could be subroutine "" import as sp def rdnetcdfdata(filename): """reads netcdf-data: output is a dictionary process further with keys etc """ fobj = sp.netcdf_file(filename, mode='r') outputarray = fobj.variables fobj.close() return outputarray visualising and analysis tool – script-based
: python ??? read_and_write_netcdf_files: some plots ... example files in /home/UNIMELB/kdommenget/python_scripts no basemap yet read_and_write_netcdf_files: examples for a variety of programming languages including python and matlab.
What is the difference between Data, Presentation, Information and Knowledge?