Dipl.-Ing. Peter Obricht MBA


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Presentation transcript:

Dipl.-Ing. Peter Obricht MBA WORKING COMMUNITY OF THE DANUBE REGIONS 26th meeting of working group of senior officials Modra, 1. Dezember 2016 working group Sustainability, Energy and environment Energy and environment Dipl.-Ing. Peter Obricht MBA

…around 20 participants from Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Croatia WG Sustainability, Energy and Environment/ Review in the field of Energy and Environment WG Meeting on 21st of May 2016 in Melk …around 20 participants from Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Croatia …focusing on an exchange of experience in E-Mobility activities in the different countries / regions Interesting lectures on: E-mobility services – experiences from Germany | Stefanie Rankl | Institute of Market and Economic Research, University of Passau E-car sharing – experiences from Lower Austria Matthias Komarek | Energy and Environment Agency of Lower Austria Common working group Pleas talk to your colleges at home

Review - E-Mobility Day E-Mobility Day on May 21st 2016 in Melk, Wachau, Lower Austria 8.000 Participants 84 exhibitors on topics related to e-mobility 40 e-cars on the main test course Hundreds of other e-vehicles (scooters, bikes etc.) on other test courses Charging service for e-cars of guests Diversified side programme (music, regional food, activities for kids…) © www.extremfotos.com

Impressions of the E-Mobility Day © www.extremfotos.com

side-event to Annual Forum of EUSDR WG Sustainability, Energy and Environment WG meeting 3rd of November 2016, Bratislava side-event to Annual Forum of EUSDR Around 20 participants, mainly from Slovakia, Czech Republik, Croatia, Austria Key notes in the field of energy and environment: EUSDR Update on PA 2 activities, PA 2 Coordinator Veronika Sikova; CZ Paris Agreement and its challenges, Jürgen Schneider , Austrian Environm. Agency, AT Reports from Regions: Mr. NAGY, Energy and Environmental Program Vukovar-Srijem County/Croatia Mr. STANO, Climate Adaption, Bratislava Region Common working group Pleas talk to your colleges at home

WG Sustainability, Energy and Environment Energy Future Tour across the Austrian Danube Regions took place between August 1st until August 5th 2016 Around 20 participants; originated from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia. During 5-day trip the participants visited companies and research institutions in Austrian member regions of the Working Community of the Danube Regions: Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Vienna and Burgenland Topics: renewable energy generation and efficient energy use and to get the possibility to develop a vision of a possible energy future in their region Common working group Pleas talk to your colleges at home

WG Sustainability, Energy and Environment/ Recommendations in the field of Energy and Environment The initiatives of the working group shall contribute to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the EU Energy and Climate package. Work should be done in close connection with the activities of Priority Area 2 of the EUSDR. The focus should be on dissemination, know how transfer, exchange of best practice (particularly on successful networks of regions and cities, e.g. „Climate Alliance“ and „European Energy Award“) as well as on using synergies with other transnational working partnerships and initiatives, such as the „European Region Danube-Vltava“.    Successful projects of the past should be continued in the near future and new projects should be initiated.

WG Sustainability, Energy and Environment/ work program 2017 and 2018 in the field of Energy and Environment/ Energy Future Tour across the Austrian Danube Regions: The project that focused on an exchange of young people on a sustainable energy future should be continued in one partner region in the year 2017; in this regard, conversations with Slovakia are conducted; in the following years – especially from 2018 on - the project should be further implemented down the Danube river „Facing the Climate“: That project – a touring exhibition addressing the topics of climate / art / caricarture – that was developed in Sweden, should be implemented in the member regions in 2017 and 2018. The “Lower Austrian E-mobility-Day” should take place again in 2017 and 2018 and the member regions should be invited. .