Бабушкин Александр Владимирович Бабушкин Александр Владимирович Название ОУ: Пермский химико-технологический Техникум, ФГОУ СПО Отделение: Очное Курс: 2 ФИО руководителя проекта: Анянова Наталья Васильева
Presentation plan Who is Bill Gates? Why did i want to talk about him? Childhood Study Microsoft Personal life Income
Who is Bill Gates? American businessman and public figure, philanthropist, one of the creators and former largest shareholder of Microsoft.
Why did i want to talk about him? In my opinion, Bill Gates is one of the greatest men of the world who changed the world. Because of its desire to be the best and love for computers, he was able to achieve such great heights, as the richest person on the planet within 12 years.
Childhood The date of birth of Bill Gates is October 28, 1955. He was born in the family of William Gates, a corporate lawyer, and Mary Maxwell Gates, a board member of First Interstate Bank. Gates has 2 sisters: the eldest is Christie and the youngest is Libby.
Study Gates studied at Seattle's most privileged school, Lakeside, where he was able to develop his programming skills on a school mini-computer. In 1973, Mr. Gates entered Harvard University. While in Harvard, Bill Gates developed the BASIC programming language for the first minicomputer - MITS Altair.
Study After 2 years Gates was expelled and immediately began to create software. 32 years later, the university administration decided to make Gates his graduate, thus honoring his special merits.
Microsoft The company history started in 1975 when fellow students at Harvard, Bill Gates and Paul Allen decided to create his own company. Their company, they thought, is called "Allen and Gates", but felt that it was more appropriate for a law office, and then Paul suggested - «Micro-Soft», "microcomputer" and "software". His first year of the new company, which employs three people, finished with a turnover of $ 16,005.
Personal life On January 1, 1994, Gates married Melinda French. Bill first met Melinda in 1987, at a press briefing of Microsoft in New York. She has long worked in his company. They have three children - Jennifer Katarin (born in 1996), Rory John (born in 1999) and Phoebe Adel (born in 2002).
Income Over the following years, Microsoft became one of the largest players in this market segment and in 1986 entered the exchange, and Gates suddenly became millionaires. In 2015, his fortune reached $ 79.2 billion, which is $ 3.2 billion more than a year before.
Sources https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft https://24smi.org/celebrity/1280-bill-gejts.html http://www.seoded.ru/istoriya/biography/gates.html
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