Choices, Choices, Choices.
Choices and Consequences
Subject Choices. All students will study Irish, English and Maths plus four additional subjects. These four additional subjects the students will take for the Leaving Certificate.
Students will also be timetabled for Religious Education, PE, Computers and a number of Transition Year Modules.
Subject Choices
The Four Additional Subjects. Subject you enjoy doing. Subject you are good at. Subject as an entry requirement. Subject you have an aptitude for.
In relation to subject choices you are asked to pick six subjects from the following list and number them in order of your choice. 1 for first choice, 2 for second choice etc. and return your selection to M. Killen on or before Wednesday 16th March 2016.
Design & Communication Graphics. SUBJECT ORDER OF CHOICE French. History. Geography. Biology. Physics Chemistry Home Economics. Engineering. Construction Studies. Design & Communication Graphics. Business. Art. Music.
Design & Communication Graphics. SUBJECT ORDER OF CHOICE French. History. Geography. 4 Biology. Physics 3 Chemistry 6 Home Economics. Engineering. 5 Construction Studies. 1 Design & Communication Graphics. 2 Business. Art. Music.
TY Year. Same rules and regulations as every other year. Attendance. Classwork Regular Homework Commitment/Effort