Objectives Improve safety, efficiency of maritime transport and the protection of the environment; Improve efficiency and reliability of information flows;


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Presentation transcript:

Objectives Improve safety, efficiency of maritime transport and the protection of the environment; Improve efficiency and reliability of information flows; Propose administrative, organisational and procedural changes; Propose new legislation and updates for the existing one.

E-maritime: electronic capabilities for efficient maritime transport information sharing

MarNIS Integrated approach Maritime Information Management E-maritime Port Traffic Management Traffic measures at sea Info services on board Systems and technology

MarNIS Integrated approach VTM assessment tools for ports Pilot decision support Tools Port Resource Planning MarNIS Integrated approach MOS (Maritime Operational Services) High Risk Vessels Dynamic Maritime Risk Areas Maritime Information Management E-maritime Port Traffic Management Traffic measures at sea SafeSeaNet++ Single Window concept e- Port Clearance Port Entry Profiles PCS/CCS/RIS MarNIS node Voyage planning Emergency response on board Ship-borne external information flows LRIT and AIS Earth Observation E-navigation services (ECDIS, Hydro meteo) Broad Band comm. Platform Info services on board Systems and technology

MarNIS Supporting activities Assessment Socio-economic & technical Architecture & Standardisation Maritime Information Management e-maritime Port Traffic Management Traffic measures at sea Demonstrators & test-bed Human Machine Interface Training & Education Info services on board Legislation & regulatory framework Organisational & Administrative procedures Systems and technology

Today’s information flow Weather services Cargo related SafeSeaNet Sirenac ENC, SENC Service Navigational providers information Equasis Owner/ Port/flag Management state auth. Port administration ... and still not all! Much data is sent multiple times to many actors. No reuse of information or of information transmission. Also different from country to country and from port to port. Little structure in information management (except SafeSeaNet that has implemented an ”index server”). Customs PCS CCS RIS Other VTM authorities

Maritime Information Management goals Single Window Port/flag state auth. Port administration Customs planning ”tool” SafeSeaNet Navigational information Weather services Service providers Other authorities PCS CCS VTM RIS ENC, SENC Owner/ Management Equasis Cargo related Sirenac Cluster 1 aims at simplification, through introduction of Single window concept (not necessarily electronic, but preferrably) Improved port state control Improved information management for other authorities Improved management for efficeint port planning thrugh cooperation in cluster 1.

Thank you for your attention www.marnis.org Thank you for your attention