Airlifts, A-Bombs And M.A.D. The Cold War Airlifts, A-Bombs And M.A.D.
The Division of Germany When Germany was divided Its capitol Berlin was also divided. Thus West Berlin Was an island of the “Free West” in the “Socialist East” And a thorn in its side.
The Berlin Airlift In 1948 the “West” planned to remove their troops, reunite its half of Germany and give it independence. The Soviet Union closed all highways, rail lines and waterways to West Berlin In hopes of forcing the “West” to keep Germany divided. or lose control of West Berlin. The “West” responded with a massive airlift, which brought supplies to the West Berliners In 278,000 flights over 11 months (6/1948- 5/1949) At which time the Soviets gave up and reopened the roads and rails
NATO and the Warsaw Pact The Berlin Airlift made the “West” decide to have their militaries work closely together to defend against Soviet aggression. In 1949 they formed the: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) with… Ten Western European countries, Canada and the US as members Germany became independent..but the many of the troops and airbases remained, not to control Germany… But to defend it against the Soviets The Soviets created the “Warsaw pact” with the USSR and the puppet states of Eastern Europe as members to balance NATO in 1955
A Weapon Race The Soviets exploded their first Atomic (Fission) bomb in 1949 To maintain military superiority Truman ordered the creation of a fusion H-bomb which was a 1000x more powerful In 1952 The US tests the first H-Bomb Soviet spies used stolen data an plans and.. In 1953 the Soviet Union tested its first H-Bomb
How a “Cold War” is Fought It was called the “Cold War” because neither side actually attacked the other… What they did do was: Brinkmanship: Each country was ready to go to war at all times over any dispute (Both sides’ Armies were permanently mobilized.) Continued Military Build-up In the late 50’s and the 60’s a “Space Race” to the Moon Proxy wars: While the US and SU didn’t go to war directly against each other they often supported to opposing countries that did.
M.A.D. Over the next four decades both sides would continue to build bigger and better ways to destroy the other side A-Bombs & H-Bombs were built and Stockpiled Long distance bombers like the B-52 were built to carry those bombs to the enemy In 1957 the Soviet Union made the first missile that could reach the US the ICBM (intercontinental Ballistic Missile) In 1958 the US had them too. Soon the peace was kept only because both sides had enough bombs to blow up the world… (several times!) It was called Mutually Assured Destruction… M.A.D. Because you would have to be mad (crazy) to start such a war.