Indian Health Service Portland Area Director’s Update Dean M Seyler - Area Director August 9, 2016 NPAIHB Quarterly Board Meeting Suquamish Casino Resort Suquamish WA
Indian Health Service Portland Area New Staff: LCDR Kathi Murray, MS, RDN, CDE – Area Diabetes Consultant 503-414-5555 FY18 Budget Formulation (Area Meeting) Date – November 29th Location – Portland CAPT Ann Arnett, Executive Officer Andy Joseph and Steve Kutz – Tribal Reps to National Meeting
Indian Health Service Portland Area Mandatory Seasonal Influenza Immunizations for Civilian Health Care Personnel Policy applies to all Civil Service employees, contract staff, temporary employees, students and volunteers whose duties and responsibilities require them to work permanently, temporarily or occasionally in an IHS health care facility (hospital, clinic or health station) regardless of their job category or level of patient contact (definition of Health Care Personnel [HCP]) Must provide acceptable documentation substantiating influenza vaccine receipt or request for exemption by October 31 Two forms of exemption considered: 1) Medical 2) Religious
Indian Health Service Portland Area
Indian Health Service Portland Area Portland Area Recognized for Achievement in Adolescent Immunizations Received at the National Immunization Conference, September, 2016 Tdap/Td 95.1% Meningococcal 91.4% 1 dose Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) 81% 85.4% (Females) 77.0% (Males) New Adult Immunizations Measure for GPRA Testing and validation conducted by NWTEC with IHS and Tribal sites in Portland Area and two other IHS Areas Developmental measure for 2016-2017 Will be implemented in 2017-2018
Indian Health Service Portland Area FY16 CHEF Balance – $13,177,538* 1.6 million submitted for Portland Area $1.3 million approved and returned PRC Area Risk Pool Conference Call November 8, 2016 10AM Email sent to six Tribal Health Directors * As of September 30th
Indian Health Service Portland Area Maximum Supportable Space (MSS) Approved IHS Program Space is Used to Determine the Share of Maintenance & Improvement (M&I) and Equipment (EQ) Funds. Each Program Has an Established Maximum – MSS PAO Division of Health Facilities Engineering (DHFE) Has Identified an Approach that May Increase the Established MSS, Potentially Increasing the Share of M&I and EQ Distributed to Programs Currently Over Their MSS. In FY 2017, PAO/DHFE Plans To: Analyze Current Space Records for All Tribal Health Programs with Retained Shares. Notify Programs that May Benefit From This Process to Increase MSS. Work with the Identified Programs to Increase Their MSS. In FY 2018, Subject to Workload and Resource Availability, There May Be Buy-Back Opportunities for Tribes Who Have Taken Their Shares to Follow This Process.
Indian Health Service Portland Area Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) GY 2016- 24 measures Four new measures: Statin Therapy to Reduce CVD Risk with Diabetes Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Children (6 mo-17 yrs) Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Adults (18 and older) HIV Screening Ever (13-64 years old) Two revised indicators: FAS Prevention (alcohol screening)- Age range expanded to females 14-46 years. DV/IPV Screening- Age range expanded to females14-46 years.
Indian Health Service Portland Area Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) GY 2016 Results (24 measures) National- Results pending Portland (Federal & Tribal)- Met 15 measures
Indian Health Service Portland Area Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Portland Area GPRA Reporting Sites Federal- Colville, Ft. Hall, Warm Springs, Wellpinit, Western Oregon, Yakama Urban- NARA, Spokane NATIVE Confederated Tribe of the Chehalis Reservation Nooksack Indian Tribe Quinault Indian Nation (Roger Saux Clinic) Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (Inchelium Clinic) Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians Skokomish Indian Tribe Snoqualmie Tribe Cowlitz Indian Tribe Squaxin island Tribe Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Lummi Nation Tulalip Tribes Makah Tribe (Sophie Trettevick Clinic) Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (Yellowhawk Clinic) Muckleshoot Indian Tribe Nez Perce Tribe (Nimiipuu Clinic)
Indian Health Service Portland Area
Indian Health Service Portland Area Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) GY 2016 Results (24 measures) National- Pending Portland (Federal & Tribal)- Met 15 measures Portland (Federal Only)- Met 19 measures Western Oregon- 5th year in a row Warm Springs & Colville- Met 23 of 24 measures
Indian Health Service Portland Area
Indian Health Service Portland Area Fall 2016 Portland Area Clinical Director’s Meeting October 27-28, 2016 Warwick Hotel, Seattle, WA Topics: CDC Opiate Prescribing Guidelines Addressing Childhood Obesity Salish Integrative Oncology Center VA-IHS Collaboratives Integrating Environmental Health into Clinical Practice Use of an ECHO Model for Hepatitis C Case Management
Questions or Comments Our Mission... to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level. Our Goal... to assure that comprehensive, culturally acceptable personal and public health services are available and accessible to American Indian and Alaska Native people. Our Foundation... to uphold the Federal Government's obligation to promote healthy American Indian and Alaska Native people, communities, and cultures and to honor and protect the inherent sovereign rights of Tribes.