Global warming Conservation biology challenges Habitat destruction Extinctions (loss of biodiversity) Overexploitation (harvest) Exotic species loss of genetic diversity
What is the basic unit of conservation? (what are we trying to conserve?)
Levels of genetic diversity ATTGACTTAAGCGTAG TAACTGAATTCGCATC loci chromosomes individuals populations species
What is a species?
What is a species? = X lake trout brook trout (Salvelinus namaycush) (Salvelinus fontinalis) = splake
What is a species? = X X lake trout brook trout (Salvelinus namaycush) (Salvelinus fontinalis) = X splake lake trout = ‘backcross’
Problems with defining/differentiating species What do these plants have in common? cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, collard greens, kohlrabi they are all Brassica oleraceae
Problems with defining/differentiating species for conservation
easy example: geographic separation… Eurasian yellow perch (Perca fluviatilis) Yellow perch (Perca flavescens)
more challenging – sympatric groups Smelt (Osmerus mordax) – normal race Smelt (Osmerus mordax) – giant race
Problems with defining/differentiating species cryptic species (look the same, actually different) grey tree frog Hyla versicolor (4N) Hyla chrysoscelis (2N)
Problems with defining/differentiating species cryptic species morphological differences (look different, actually the same) phenotypic plasticity zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis)
Are these fish in the same family? Genus? Species? How do you know?
Problems with defining/differentiating species cryptic species morphological differences life history differences within species Freshwater, landlocked Marine, anadromous rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Problems with defining/differentiating species cryptic species morphological differences life history differences taxonomic decisions - lumpers vs. splitters Lampsilis cardium (pocketbook mussel) Lampsilis ovata (pocketbook mussel)
Problems of incorrect taxonomic classification Endangered species may not be recognized, protected (tiger, tuatara) Resources may be wasted by conserving common species, or hybrids (red wolf) Genetic pollution due to incorrect transplantation or augmentation of populations (ibex) Resources for improving fitness of inbred populations may be missed (dusky seaside sparrow) (credit to K. Dasmahapartra)
Evolutionary Unit (EU) ~ Evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) (Waples 1991): population of organisms that is considered distinct for purposes of conservation “a group of organisms that represents a segment of biological diversity that shares evolutionary lineage and contains the potential for a unique evolutionary future.”
Defining evolutionarily significant units: Current geographic separation, or Genetic differentiation at neutral markers among related ESUs caused by past restriction of gene flow, Locally adapted phenotypic traits caused by differences in selection.
Why genetics??? Taxonomic identification and errors Importance of genetic diversity for evolutionary potential Population fragmentation and loss of gene flow Issues of small population size (inbreeding, drift) Captive population management (selection, reintroduction) Forensics