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The course you are attending is: PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Installing gas piping systems
Introduction to the Course Aims: To be aware of all the materials and installation requirements to install gas pipework.
All must be installed to current standards and legislation Assessment criteria Supply pipework/fitting lines/apparatus Flexible hoses and couplings Installation Apparatus Overpressure protection Install N.G. pipework to three appliances All must be installed to current standards and legislation
Standards which must be followed Codes and Standards Most information can be found in AS5601 for pipework up to 200Kpa……see table on page 247 G.S.R-1999 requirements are Part 1- Definitions Division 2- Meters Division 4- Fitting lines and fittings Division 5- Avoidance of hazards, Bayonet outlets Schedule 7- Codes and standards AS5601 Sections 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 all have some referencing but the majority of info can be found in Section 3.0 Materials and components Section 4.0 Installing consumer piping
Working with Gas Safe working habits should be employed at all times in order to avoid hazards which may contribute to personal injury or damage to property or equipment. When you are working with gas you need to remember the following: Minimise obstructions to reduce the hazards of an untidy work place. Gas in a confined space can be dangerous so make sure the area you work in is ventilated. Follow gas or electrical safety procedures described later in this unit. No naked flames near gas.
Terms and Definitions page 7 onwards Please state the following Bathroom Burner Consumer piping Fitting Gas Gas Installation Services Fitting line Supply Apparatus
Pipework Copper page 3 of notes Materials will depend on various factors Job spec, location, length of run, type of gas. Only 2 types of copper tube are allowed. Name them?
Pipework Copper page 3 of notes Prohibited joints
Pipework Copper page 3 of notes Approved joints
Pipework Copper page 3 of notes Corroded copper
Pipework Copper AS5601
Pipework Steel page 4 of notes Materials will depend on various factors Job spec, location, length of run, type of gas. The steel can be galvanised or black iron.
Pipework Steel page 4 of notes Approved joints All joints must be accessible Approved welding joints and flanges can also be used The table continues over 4 pages, look in the AS5601
See table in AS5601 and answer questions on page 4 of notes. Pipework PVC page 4 of notes Must be approved to AS1464. Max pressure 70KPa . See table in AS5601 and answer questions on page 4 of notes.
Pipework PVC Jointing page 5 of notes Most joints are Solvent weld but you can also use compression fittings with neoprene “o rings” often referred to as philmac . No internal threads can be used and any jointing compounds must be PTFE tape only
Pipework Polyethylene page 5 of notes Must be approved to AS1667. Max pressure 200KPa . See table in AS5601. Can only be installed underground outside (must be accessible) NOT IN BUILDINGS
Jointing Sealants must be PTFE tape only Pipework Polyethylene page 5 of notes Most joints are electro fusion but you can also use compression fittings . Jointing Sealants must be PTFE tape only
Can only be installed out of direct sunlight Pipework Composite Polyethylene also known as cross-linked PEX/AL/PE-X page 5 of notes Must be approved to AS4176. Max pressure 70KPa . See table in AS5601. Can only be installed out of direct sunlight
Prohibited gas fittings in general page 5 of notes Plain threaded type nipples Olive type fittings Long screws Capillary fittings with soft solder Internally threaded UPVC If you see these installed inform your customer and if possible remove . See AS5601.
Flexible hose assemblies page 6 of notes Commonly found to connect to a cooker/flueless space heater. Used where there is the possibility of vibration, and where its connection/disconnection is required.
Pipework support Answer the questions on pages 6,7,8 and the top of page 9 of your training notes.
Approved jointing compounds Some approved pastes are: Boss white (AGA Approved only) Loctite 567 Hawkins Loxeal Mirror 577 Rocol R.A.S. Gas Seal Hermatite gas jointing compound Do not use any jointing compounds on flared joints. Most pastes are limited to 75KPa Check that tapes are AGA approved before using, always try to use compounds as these create a much better joint.
NOT Approved jointing compounds Some non-approved pastes are: Hemp Paint Grease Must be AGA approved
Fit the clip upstream of the work. Downstream Fit the clip upstream of the work. Fit the second clip downstream of the work. Carry out the work without disturbing the temporary continuity bond. When the work is complete, remove the downstream clip first and the upstream clip last. Bridging is only necessary when removing/replacing pipework or removal of meters with no metal bracket.
LOCATION OF CONSUMER PIPING AS5601 Gas Pipework must not be installed in locations where it may constitute a hazard in the event of a fire,or it may be damaged Plastic pipes laid in open trenches requires marker tape and must terminate at least 450mm underground Any risers are to be metallic pipe. Composite pipe exposed to sunlight requires protection from sunlight. Pipework laid in trenches with other services may be damaged when work to excavate those other services is carried out Pipework in concealed locations may also create a hazard if leakage occurs due to corrosion or damage.
LOCATION OF CONSUMER PIPING AS5601 Have a look at the AS5601 for other requirements
LOCATION OF CONSUMER PIPING AS5601 Have a look at the AS5601 for other requirements
LOCATION OF CONSUMER PIPING AS5601 Isolating Valves Plug Cocks Butterfly Valves Needle Valves Solenoid Valves Ball Valve Have a look at the AS5601 for other requirements
LOCATION OF CONSUMER PIPING AS5601 Isolating Valves Have a look at the AS5601 for other requirements
Now complete all the questions in work book Now complete all the questions in work book. Cross referencing to your AS5601