The Great American Solar Eclipse 8/21/2017 Academy for Life Long Learning April 18, 2017 Gary J. Senn, PhD -
What is an eclipse? Eclipse: Obscuring of one solar body. It is all in the name. Solar Eclipse: Sol or the Sun Lunar Eclipse: Luna or the Moon - SME - SEM
Eclipse Resources Credit: Rick Fienberg / TravelQuest Int'l. / Wilderness Travel.
How do eclipses occur? Lunar eclipse Solar eclipse Moon phase? Order? Full moon Order? SEM Solar eclipse New moon SME
Types of eclipses Partial Total Annular Hybrid
Lunar eclipse from space Image Credit:
Solar eclipse from space Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons
How often do eclipses occur? Why not every month? Image Credit:
Saros series - Series of eclipses Chaldeans 300-100 BC Background - types of months Sidereal Month (star to star) = 27.321661 days = 27d 7h 43m 11.5 s Synodic Month (new moon to new moon) = 29.530589 days = 29d 12h 44m 03s Anomalistic Month (perigee to perigee) = 27.554550 days = 27d 13h 18m 33s Draconic Month (node to node) = 27.212221 days = 27d 05h 05m 36s Sidereal month - 27.321661 days (27 d 7 h 43 min 11.5 s). Time to get back to the same spot in the sky Latin = Sidera. English = Stars Synodic month – Latin = Synod. English = Meeting Anomalistic month Anomoly – something different or abnormal – going from perigee to perigee is abnormal from the observer’s perspective Draconic month – or Nodical month. Named for the dragons that live in the nodes and eat the sun or moon during eclipses
Saros series One cycle in series repeats every: 6,585.3 days (18 years 11 days 8 hours) 223 Synodic Months = 6585.3223 days = 6585d 07h 43m 239 Anomalistic Months = 6585.5375 days = 6585d 12h 54m 242 Draconic Months = 6585.3575 days = 6585d 08h 35m
Saros Series Characteristics Duration: 1226 – 1550 years Number of Eclipses: 69-87 Odd Saros Numbers: Solar Eclipse Near Moon’s ascending node Begins near north pole Shift southward Even Saros Numbers: Solar Eclipse Opposite Moon, opposite from Sun
Saros 145 – 8/21/17 Eclipse Began 1639 – partial near north pole First Annular 1891 First total 1927 Last total 2648 End 3009 – partial near south pole Series of 10 1891, 1909, 1927, 1945, 1963, 1981, 1999, 2017, 2035 and 2053
Saros 136 – longest eclipses of 20th and 21st centuries Even number – South to North
Saros 145 Includes 8/21/2017 Eclipse Odd number – North to South
21st Centurey Solar Eclipses
21st Century Solar Eclipses