Racism sucks
Sit-ins, jail-ins, wade-ins, kneel-ins
Sit-ins February 1, 1960
Process Protesters usually seat themselves at a strategic location They remain until they are evicted, usually by force, or arrested, or until their requests have been met.
United States On February 1. 1960, Greensboro NC Four African American college students walked up to a whites-only lunch counter at the local WOOLWORTH'S store in Greensboro, North Carolina, and asked for coffee. The civil rights movement sit-in was born.
Consequences 1960 Mayfair Cafeteria, Greensboro February, 1960 Nashville 1961 Rock Hill, South Carolina 1977 San Francisco sit-in Disability rights movement
Jail-ins February 1961 Rock Hill SC, "Jail-No-Bail" The Friendship Nine a group of African American men who went to jail after staging a sit-in at a segregated McCrory's lunch counter in Rock Hill, South Carolina in 1961
Purpose? "Jail, No Bail„ They refuse to pay the bail They did not have so much money to bail out everyone They put pressure on local authorities who had to pay for them They met new people with the same problems
Wade-ins protests that occurred on the beaches of Biloxi, Mississippi between 1959 and 1963. African Americans were restricted to designated areas of the beachfront.
The beginning On May 14, 1959, Gilbert Mason, a physician in Biloxi, went swimming at a local beach with seven other black friends. They were told "Negroes don't come to the sand beach."
In October 1959 Mason and two other black residents petitioned the board to allow "unrestrained use of the beach." On April 17, 1960, Mason returned to the beach and was arrested as a "repeat offender."
The "Bloody Wade-in" The third protest occurred a week later, on April 24, 1960 with 125 gathering before violence erupted in what has become known as "Bloody Sunday" or "The Bloody Wade-in.
The final protest June 23, 1963 assassination of Medgar Evers supporter of the Biloxi Wade-Ins It was not until 1967 that the Justice Department won its case, and in 1968 the entire beachfront was opened to all races for the first time
Kneel-ins August 1960 effort to desegregate Christian places of worship, included the Presbyterian Church in the United States the protesters included white students from the local Presbyterian college "The Last segregated Hour“
There were "sleep-ins" in motel lobbies, "swim-ins" in pools, "wade-ins" on restricted beaches, "read-ins" at public libraries, "play-ins" in parks, even "watch- ins" in movie theaters...
http://marginalia. lareviewofbooks http://marginalia.lareviewofbooks.org/phillip-luke-sinitiere-on-the-last- segregated-hour-by-stephen-r-haynes/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stephen-r-haynes/kneel-in-and-the-last- segregated-hour_b_2199312.html https://books.google.cz/books?id=2OZoAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA257&lpg=PA25 7&dq=kneel- ins&source=bl&ots=kMmjFn0N9Y&sig=Yt3a6YtGFTQ3h0IqDfmbVLzEVUI &hl=cs&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiX0PPStcfKAhUFdXIKHVrlBac4ChDoAQgiM AE#v=onepage&q=kneel-ins&f=false http://www.ushistory.org/us/54d.asp http://todayinclh.com/?event=civil-rights-jail-in-in-rock-hill-south-carolina https://www.ibiblio.org/sncc/sitin.html http://www.crmvet.org/images/imgcoll.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-cIWfDpXMs