Common characteristics of successful ICT-enabled learning innovations Mainstreaming ICT-enabled innovation for learning in Europe Exploring conditions for scalability and sustained impact at system level An overview of the study "Up-scaling Creative Classrooms in Europe" (SCALE CCR) conducted by the Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies on behalf of the DG Education and Culture (Dec 2011 - Jun 2013) 1 The challenge 2 The approach How to make ICT-enabled innovation for learning sustainable? How to reach a significant scale and/or systemic impact? Need for a systemic approach and changes at organisational, technological & pedagogical level for the sustainable implementation and progressive scaling up of Creative Classrooms. 'Creative' refers to innovative practices while the term 'classroom' includes all types of learning environments, in formal and informal settings. 3 The research cycle 7 case studies Consultations 2 experts workshops (Seville & Hong Kong) 7 interviews Desk research Focus on what is possible in today's practices with today's technologies! 300+ educational stakeholders involved ICT-enabled innovation for learning: profoundly new ways of using and creating information and knowledge made possible by the use of ICT The multi-dimensional concept of Creative Classrooms: a systemic approach for mainstreaming ICT-enabled innovation for learning. See more in the related JRC Scientific & Policy Report and journal paper 4 7 cases of ICT-enabled learning innovation from Europe & Asia* 5 Mapping & analysing the 7 cases …through the five-dimensional framework of ICT-enabled innovation for learning (see the related JRC Scientific & Policy Report): Diversity across and within the cases Built on system level initiatives that started years ago Multiple pathways to innovate and scale Support from many stakeholders Technological, pedagogical and organisational innovations Significant scale and/or impact at system level eTwinning – the fast-developing teacher network in Europe Digital Textbook – the project for developing digital textbook contents in S. Korea Hellerup School –a highly innovative public school in Denmark CoREF – the project for reforming public education in Japan e-Learning Pilot – the pilot scheme for developing e-Learning solutions for Hong Kong, SAR 1:1 Learning – 31 recent 1:1 initiatives in 19 European countries Third Masterplan for ICT in Education – the system-wide initiative in Singapore * In collaboration with the Centre of Information Technology in Education – University of Hong Kong (coordinator: Prof. Nancy Law). Case reports authors: P. Kampylis, N. Law, Y. Punie, S. Bocconi, B. Brečko, S. Han, C. K. Looi & N. Miyake (see the related JRC Scientific & Policy Report) The framework provides a 'snapshot' of their current stage of development and insights for strategic planning at micro, meso and macro level. 6 Key findings Common characteristics of successful ICT-enabled learning innovations They have been developed 'organically' over time (ecological model of change) They follow top-down strategies for supporting bottom-up innovations They provide architectures for self-organized learning across sites and levels They facilitate shared ownership for continuous innovation and sustainable change at many levels They enable leadership strategies for strategic alignment They foster multilevel, system-wide connectivity and strategic partnerships Conditions for ICT-enabled innovations to have significant impact on learning Pedagogy first Teacher support and teacher autonomy Better definitions and assessment for 21st century skills The more innovative practices are, the more difficult they are to scale up! 7 60 recommendations for policy actions 8 Dissemination Based on the case studies and online consultation with ≈150 stakeholders - organized in 7 clusters. Key recommendations Ecological approach: room for flexibility & adaptation Shared ownership of innovation Equal and ubiquitous ICT access for all School staff professional development and digital competences Innovation agenda with shared, long-term vision & short-term goals Open Educational Practices (including Open Educational Resources) Reforming assessment practices Changes in organizational structures and routines JRC Scientific and Policy Reports journal papers conference papers book chapters invited keynote speeches conference presentations policy support activities 6 2 7 5 Find more at Contact:, & The views expressed here are purely those of the authors and should not be regarded as the official position of the European Commission