2016-17 Was A Very Good Year! Annual Meeting Review
2016-17 Business Plan Time Line
2016-17 Events Plan Time Line
2015-16 Board Position Full Name Phone# E-mail Year Term President John August 941.320.9795 BuckeyeJohn@gmail.com.com 1968 2 Years Vice-President Debbie Therrien 941-923-4881 Debbietherrien@Verizon.net 1982 Treasurer Tom McConnell 330-796-8666 tmcconnellthg@aol.com 1971 Secretary Cheryl Spurbeck 330-827-2446 DENCHER1COMCAST.NET 1970 2 Year Past President Cory Boff 941-961-0505 buckeyecory@gmail.com 2005 Membership Joyce & Bob Hunt 614-557-7887. jkhunt2007@gmail.com 1977 Scholarship Jim McMahon 941-377-4474 BUCKEYEJP45@gmail 1973 Social Chair 1 Years At Large Bill Lawyer 941-383-1084 WFLawyer@yahoo.com 1965 Mike Kennelly 941-922-0854 MKNLY4@AOL.COM AT Large Bob Hall 941-727-3066 bobjah757@gmail.com 1956
Other Major Buckeye Contibutors Cheryl Spurbeck – New Secretary David Taylor Game watch Coordinator Captain Curt’s Annual Golf Event Coordinator Kristen McMahon Square Coordinator Lynn McMahon Spirit coordinator at all game watches and events
Passing of Past Membership Director – Dr. Leonard Kritzer
NEW OSUAA 1st FULL YEAR Sarasota-Manatee One of 12 chosen focus cities Brendan Braaten Southeast US Regional Engagement Managers Debbie & I went to National Announcement We signed up to New agreement and Constitution Brendan & Chad Warren came to our board meeting
Student Send-off August 7th Send off at Rusty Bucket
10 Scholarship Recipients
Game Watch Success
2016-17 Events Michigan Game Brunch Bird Key Clean up Holiday Party OSUAA Paint & Pour OSUAA Mote Dinner with Student Volunteer OSUAA Marina Jack Sertoma Hometown Event
2016-17 Other Events Fiesta Bowl Big Ten Luncheon Archie Griffin Classic All Faiths Food Bank Competition Pines of Sarasota Balloon Volleyball McCudy’s Comedy Wine Tasting at Paris Bistrot
1st Annual College Gameday 5K 48 Colleges Represented 36 Volunteers – Buckeyes & Manasota Track Multiple Awards Based on Participation: $750 Indiana University $1,000 University of Florida $5,000-The Ohio State University
Circus Sarasota 20th Circus Sarasota after Wallenda Disaster Community outreach serve children, elderly, & those in care facilities 50 Members Participated
2016 Golf Outing 15th Annual Golf Tournament Legacy Golf of Lakewood Ranch Net over $9,000 100 Attendees – 84 Golfers Guest speaker Jamie Skelton
2017-18 Another Great Year Ahead New Board: President Debbie Therrien Vice President Tom Wagenhauser Retirement of Membership Director Joyce Hunt - THANK YOU! New Scholarship Recipients (12 Scholarship Recipients) Two locations for Game Watches Captain Curts Evies 53rd Expansion of our Events OSUAA Integration: Sponsored Events Financially supported Board Meetings and Events Group Football Tickets Brendan’s Personal Support