Digital Learning Portfolios Abby Hoover & Megan Koester Smithton Elementary School
Download the Seesaw Class App OR Go to Step One: Download the Seesaw Class App OR Go to
Step Two: Sign In
Step Three: Create an Account
Step Four: Seesaw Introduction
-Choose Your Grade Level Step Five: Create Your Class -Name Your Class -Choose Your Grade Level -Hit Green Checkmark
(We will come back to the QR Code) Step Six: (We will come back to the QR Code) Add Students
You’re In! Now Click on the Folder Step Seven: You’re In! Now Click on the Folder
Step Eight: Create a Folder
Step Nine: Create Folder #1
Step Ten: Create Another Folder
Create Two More Folders Step Eleven: Create Two More Folders Journal-Blue Sight Words-Green
Step Twelve: All done with folders Click the X (twice)
MUST HAVE FOLDERS -Core Subjects -Reminders -Weekly Newsletters -Weekly Skills -MEMORIES!!!!
Step Thirteen: Back to the QR Code
-Enable Parent Access then click Invite Parents Step Thirteen: Scroll Down to Parents -Enable Parent Access then click Invite Parents
Here is where you would click to print out your parent access QR codes Here is where you would click to print out your parent access QR codes. You will print these once you have your real class set up. You should distribute these QR codes to the parents right at the beginning of the year.
Step Fourteen: Get Class Code
Step Fifteen: You will print your class code and hang it in your classroom for your students to scan.
Click the green plus sign Step Sixteen: Let’s Add Some Work Click the green plus sign
Step Eighteen: Add New Item
Step Nineteen: Type Question
Who do you want to send it to? Step Twenty: Who do you want to send it to?
Step Twenty One: Choose a folder
Post another assignment to student journal Step Twenty Two: Post another assignment to student journal
Take a photo of an assignment Step Twenty Three: Take a photo of an assignment
Step Twenty Four: Rotate if needed
Step Twenty Five: Checkmark
Who do you want to send it to? Step Twenty Six: Who do you want to send it to?
Choose a folder & Checkmark Step Twenty Seven: Choose a folder & Checkmark
-Go to YouTube and search for a sight word song -Copy the URL Now let’s post a link -Go to YouTube and search for a sight word song -Copy the URL -Go back to Seesaw -Click plus sign -Post to student journal -Choose link -Paste in your URL -Always remember to click the green checkmark when you are done
Did your video post?
-Take a picture of an assessment to be completed Ideas for Math -Take a picture of an assessment to be completed -Students can record themselves or a partner counting to 100 -Use the PicCollage App & have the students take pictures of different shapes in the classroom (Ex: Go find 5 circles in the room) Send straight to Seesaw -Teacher, video yourself for Morning Message
Ideas for Reading/Language -Record students reading a decodable reader -Students can use the draw option to rainbow write their sight words -Send students a read aloud (YouTube Kids) After they listen to the story have them draw a picture of the setting/characters on Seesaw. They can then add a recording describing their picture
-Special Events (birthdays, parties, field trips, etc) Ideas for “Memories” -Photos/Videos of…. -Special Events (birthdays, parties, field trips, etc) -Special Projects/Presentations -Super Star Day! -First…..lost tooth, counted to 20, zipped jacket, tied shoe, etc -Just a selfie to brighten Mom and Dad’s day!
How will the students complete the assignment and send it to me?
First, you must enable item editing.
Your students will log on using the QR Code that you printed. They WILL NOT need to scan it everyday.
Here is what your students will see after they are logged on.
They will click on the 3 dots
Click on copy & edit
Click on their name. We will be Fake Student #1
Students can use the keypad and Emojis to complete the question. Then click the green checkmark TWICE.
Once the student clicks the checkmark it sends back to you. The parents CANNOT see their work until you approve it
Before you click “approve” you can grade the item by writing directly on the item, by leaving a comment, or by leaving an audio recording.
Today we will leave a comment. Then click post
After you post, click the X
Then you can approve it by clicking the green checkmark.
Once you approve the students’ work, it will go directly to their parents’ devices. The parents will also be able to leave comments/audio messages for their child to see/hear. All parent comments/audio messages Must also be approved by you before it goes to the student. You can click approve it or trash it.
Thank you!! Any Questions?