A Service of Flagstaff Medical Center and Verde Valley Medical Center “Promoting healthy lifestyles for children and their families while reducing childhood obesity rates.”
Fit Kids Vision “Promote healthy living for children and their families through clinical intervention services, community education, local activities, public events, and policy change efforts in a commitment to reduce childhood obesity rates and the health consequences that affect our Country’s youth.”
Fit Kids Background Flagstaff and Cottonwood (offered at Flagstaff Medical Center and Verde Valley Medical Center) Serves population from Prescott north to Grand Canyon Opened clinic programs in 2009, began community outreach in 2010 2,000 clinic appointments, 970 patients medically referred
Fit Kids Clinical Program Referral made from: Pediatrician, School Nurse, or Self Referral into program Families meet with staff including: Nurse Practitioner, Registered Dietician, Exercise Physiologist, Behavioral Counselor Set goals with each specialty, Fit Kids is at least a 6-month program Graduation occurs when child meets goals and sustains change Long term follow up and re-referral
Fit Kids Community Program (Schools) School measurements in three districts Educational classes to schools, partner with County Health Department to reach all students After-school activities, partner with local running groups Wellness policy input for school districts School fitness tests used to improve school curriculum and avoid cutting needed programs
Fit Kids Community Program (General Public) Fit Kids (All About ME! Series, 5k/10k Fun Runs, Summer Camps) Healthy cooking demonstrations, discounted recreation center days, community events (partner with local City resources) Policy change (internally and externally) Create business partnership to mutually benefit both programs
Fit Kids Leadership Advisory Board City support from Mayors School support from Superintendents Hospital support from Presidents Support from Hospital Boards Community support from Parents
Fit Kids Financial Support Flagstaff Medical Center/Verde Valley Medical Center Grant funders Partner organizations Donations
Fit Kids Need 30% of children clinically referred are being diagnosed as pre-diabetic 31% elementary aged children across two school districts are categorized as overweight or obese Nationally 1 out of 3 children(age 2-19) are overweight or obese (Journal of American Medical Association) RWJF Report: “F as in Fat”, children and adults are not showing improvements
Fit Kids Results 70% of patients have shown clinic improvements in weight, BMI, or BMI percentile in the past year Identified significant drop in students BMI past grade 7 Updating school district policy Offer 4 annual events for community participation Created partnerships and community support towards our goal
Starting Your Own Program Pick your target location and boundary Determine the need (childhood wellness, adult education, etc.) Use of County resources and hospital data will help guide you Select your population (all children, all adults, specific groups, etc.) Determine your budget Choose your curriculum and staff Set goals/objectives
Starting Your Own Program Choose your partners carefully (who can/is willing to help) Market your efforts (media, press, community outreach) Work within your organization to engage families Continue to improve, evaluate the program’s success, modify as needed
Starting Your Own Program You can use the Fit Kids of Arizona program as a model for your program We would be happy to assist you Contact Matt Leversee at 928-214-3585
Let’s Make a Difference! Thank You