1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Warm up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e54m6XOpRgU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abgJD054sds
What do you know? Write down the first 5 things that come to mind when you think of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Essential Standards: What is the process of bone formation? What are the structures of the long bones? What are the structures of the skeletal system? 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Microscopic mature bone cells Bone formation Identify the osteocytes. Osteo = bone Cyte = cell Microscopic mature bone cells 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Bone formation Ossification – new minerals deposit to form bone Discuss the process of ossification? How do we know ossification occurs? Example 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Bone formation Ossification – Minerals replace previously formed cartilage. Infants bones are soft and pliable because of incomplete ossification. As bones ossify, they become hard. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Bone formation How do we know ossification occurs? Long bones grow in length and ossify from the center to the ends. Give examples of ossification. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Bone formation 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Bone formation 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Discuss their possible function based on appearance. Types of Bones Discuss their possible function based on appearance. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Types of Bones Long bones Found in the arms and legs 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Types of Bones Flat bones Bones of the skull Ribs 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Types of Bones Irregular bones Spinal column 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Types of Bones Short bones Wrist 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Structures of long bones Identify structures of the long bones. Compare spongy bone to compact bone. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Structure of the long bones Compare structures of the long bones. Discuss the importance of having both types of bone tissue. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Processing Read pages 157-165 Worksheets 1 and 2
Day 2 Warm up On your vocabulary list, mark the words as followed: Green- Words I know Yellow- Words I sort of know Red- Words I have no idea what it means
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Axial Skeleton The axial skeleton is blue Includes- thorax, spinal column and skull. Located in the center of the body. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Axial Skeleton Ribs- 12 pairs Ribs and sternum (breastbone) Ribs-1-7 true ribs 8-10 False ribs- attached to cartlidge Of the rib above. Floating ribs- 2- No anterior attachment
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Axial Skeleton Skull frontal view Identify the structures of the frontal view of the skull. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Axial Skeleton Skull lateral view Identify the structures of the lateral view of the skull. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Axial Skeleton Skull superior view 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Axial Skeleton Skull lateral view 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Axial Skelton Hyoid Bone What is unique about the hyoid bone? It is not attached to any other bone. Located above the Adams Apple 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Axial Skeleton Spinal column Identify the structures of the spinal vertebra. Vertebral Structure 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Axial Skeleton Spinal column Cervical- supports skull 7 Vertebrae-C1-C7 Thoracic- Protects vital organs- 12 T1-T12 Lumbar- Lower back- Support 5 Vertebrae- L1-L5 Sacrum- 5 fused vertebrae Coccyx- Tailbone- 3-5 fused bones 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Axial Skeleton Spinal column Identify the vertebrae in this x-ray. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Appendicular Skeleton The appendicular skeleton is beige Arms, legs shoulder girdle and pelvis. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Appendicular Skeleton Shoulder girdle Clavicle (collarbone) and scapula (shoulder blade) 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Appendicular Skeleton Shoulder girdle Identify the structures of the shoulder girdle and upper extremities. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Appendicular Skeleton Pelvic girdle Identify the structures of the pelvic girdle and lower extremities. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Appendicular Skeleton Pelvis Sacrum, Ilium, Ischium and Pubis Attached together by cartilidge 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Appendicular Skeleton Pelvic girdle Identify the structures of the pelvic girdle and lower extremities. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Appendicular Skeleton Pelvic girdle Compare the male and female pelvis. Copyright Pearson Education, Inc. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Processing Finish labeling worksheets 1,2 and 3- cut out and glue in notebooks Skeletal System Quiz Study bones for quiz tomorrow Test corrections
Warm-up Bone Quiz
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Joints: Diarthroses 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Joints- take notes in notebook Diarthroses = moveable joints Four types Ball and socket Hinge Pivot Gliding 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Joints Ball and socket One bone has a ball at one end The other has a concave socket Allows for the greatest range of motion Ex: shoulder and hip 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Joints: Diarthroses Example of a ball and socket joint. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Joints Hinge joint Move in one direction 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Joints: Diarthroses Example of a hinge joint. Elbow, knee 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Joints Pivot joints Bones that rotate across each other Examples- finger joints, wrist and elbow 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Joints: Diarthroses Identify the pivot joints in this x-ray. Identify other pivot joints. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Joints Gliding joint Bones with flat surfaces that slide across each other 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Joints Example of gliding joint Carpals and tarsals. Where are these located? 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Joints Amphiarthroses Partially movable joints 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Joints Synarthroses Immovable joints Connected by fibrous connective tissue Examples- sutures in the skull that are fused. 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Bursa and Synovial Membrane Fluid-filled sac that is lined with the synovial membrane 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
Bursa and Synovial Membrane Capsule that encloses a joint Manufactures and contains synovial fluid 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system Essential Standards: What is the process of bone formation? What are the structures of the long bones? What are the structures of the skeletal system? 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system
1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system The End 1.02 Remember the structures of the skeletal system