Mervi Laitinen and Jenni Lehtimäki The Wolf Problem Mervi Laitinen and Jenni Lehtimäki
Wolf in Finland 19th century: The goal was to destroy the entire population (Threat to livestock and children) early 20th century: Wolf exists only in Eastern and Northern Finland Population in Finland stays small 1973: Wolf was placed under protection Today: 100-150 wolves in Eastern Finland Livestock= karja, place under protection= asettaa suojeluun
Wolf in Finland Extremely endangered (EN) - Hunting:Poaching and licensed - Fragmentation of territories - Degreasing of prey 27 % of finnish people take wolves with a grain - Wolf avoids contact with people and hardly never attacts Poaching=salametsästys Fragmentation=pirstoutuminen take sometihing with agrain= suhtautua varauksella licensed= luvan varainen
Problems with wolves Attacks on livestock - Especially on sheep Attacks on pets - Dogs
Problems with wolves Most of all: Bad attitude! - Is only the killing of the wolves good enough? But..
Some studies show that.. Wolves hunt domestic animals even there is wild ones on offer Wolf control (means killing the wolves) have few effect to damages. Killing works only if we can direct it to individuals who has specialised to domestic animals - This is almost impossible Domestic animal= kotieläin
How to solve the problem? Damage prevention Livestock Electric fences against wolf attacks In Spain electric fences stop 97% of the attacks prevention=ennaltaehkäisy
Night-time losses can be reduced by putting livestock in pens Livestock guard dogs: the Anatolian shepherd, Maremma etc. pen=karsina/aitaus
Radio tracking collars and "wolf vests" for hunting dogs Avoidance of wolf territories when hunting with dogs radio-tracking of wolves Radio tracking collars and "wolf vests" for hunting dogs Pet dogs Keeping dogs in fences and in the house at night wolf vest
Changing attitudes toward wolves Wolf control Shooting licence only for wolves that cause damages Lonely wolves or pairs hunt livestock or pets more often than packs Changing attitudes toward wolves In Sweden money is given for damage prevention No compensation payment for livestock losses outside reindeer management area people are more tolerant Compensation=korvaus Reindeer management area=poronhoitoalue
Changing attitudes toward wolves Forming large nationalparks wolves could live in peace, further from settlement Wolf tourism jobs for local people
Your turn! Get in groups of four Two of you are old men from Eastern Finland with sheep farm And the rest of you are young biology students who want to save the wolves Discuss about your opinions and try to find the way which please you both! Then tell it to all of us