Management of offices and space and related matters EP/AGS-SI : Claire Gibon, Isabelle Mardirossian, Kathy Pommès
Agenda SI input . General information related to space management including databases; . Introduce the concept of workspace; . Update related to the request for additional functionalities requested to the INDICO team for the management of burotel and meeting rooms. SE input . Provide your feedback on: the impact of the meeting rooms new policy in the daily management of your groups and experiments meeting rooms; the management including the registration procedure of all your offices and secondary offices. 16/05/2017
Review of the databases Review of HRT database We found 13410 persons recorded in EP 693 MPE (Staff, Fell) 12114 MPA – For international collaboration (User, COAS, PJAS) 68 MPA– For exchange of scientists (SASS, CASS, VISC, GPRO) 134 MPA– For training Students (DOCT, TECH, ADMI, SUMM) 30 MPA– For training Trainees (TRNE) + ( 191 EXTN – External, 143 ENTC – Contractor’s personnel, 30 PART - 5 TEMC – Temporary personnel ) Except 2858 do not have offices registered 16/05/2017 Department
Review of HRT database In total 2858 Présence Group w/o office ≤ 20 % ADO, UAT 507 AIP, UAI 243 CMO, UCM 413 DT 2 ESE 3 SFT 4 SME, UAD 38 UC3 35 UFT 143 UGC 122 UHC 10 UIS 210 ULB 24 ULD 31 UNT 61 UOP 30 URD TOTAL 2019 Présence Group w/o office ]20 % ; 50 %] CMO, UCM 162 ESE 2 SFT 1 UAD 9 UAI 79 UAT 161 UC3 7 UFT 49 UGC 16 UHC 3 UIS 11 ULB UNT 6 UOP URD 34 TOTAL 550 Présence Group w/o office > 50 % ADO,ADT,UAT 121 AGS 1 AID, AIP, UAI 19 CMG, CMX, UCM 107 DT ESE NU 2 SME, UAD 4 UGC 15 UIS 10 ULB UNT URD 6 TOTAL 289 In total 2858 16/05/2017 Department
General information related to space management Review of Gesloc database CERN infrastructure consists of 19306 identified locals 4544 offices (EP : 1981) 143 burotels (EP : 127) 872 laboratories ( EP : 372) 991 Storages (EP : 175) 274 conference rooms (EP : 92) …. Except 5530 are not affiliated to any department : stairs, corridors, star points …and offices, laboratories, storage areas, storage, assembly areas, workshops 16/05/2017 Department
Identified as belonging to EP Review of Gesloc database Utilisation CERN Identified as belonging to EP Offices 275 59 Laboratories 29 3 Storage areas 28 14 Storage 194 38 Assembly areas 79 16 Workshops 15 …. TOTAL 5530 16/05/2017 Department
Concept of workspace or could be called “non-reservation-based room” ‘A space reserved for a group in order to do informal meetings. This room is not equipped with any audio or video equipment and is not managed via Indico.’ How much per group? How many m2 per room? 16/05/2017 Department
Status of the Indico/Burotel requirements On 15 th of May «Bonjour Isabelle, Nous avons obtenu le recrutement du fellow qui est en cours de selection. Apparemment il ne pourrait commencer qu’en Octobre. Ceci dit, nous comptons toujours commencer à travailler sur les réservations en Septembre. Cordialement, Thomas» 16/05/2017 Department