SSHRC: What is it? Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Federal government granting agency Allocates research $ to masters, doctoral, postdoctoral, and faculty researchers
Why are there 3 Doctoral Awards? One application, three possible awards • Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships (JAB CGS): $35,000 a year for up to 36 months SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships: $20,000 a year for 12, 24, 36, or 48 months Also: Some CGS recipients may be considered for the honour of having their scholarship named a Canada Graduate Scholarship to Honour Nelson Mandela, should SSHRC deem their application to be aligned with at least one of five themes championed by Mandela: national unity; democracy; freedom and human rights; leadership; children’s participation in society; and children’s health.
Supplements Aileen D. Ross Fellowship: A $10,000 supplement is awarded yearly to a SSHRC doctoral award recipient conducting poverty-related research in sociology. Queen’s Fellowship: A $10,000 supplement is awarded yearly to a SSHRC doctoral award recipient entering a Canadian Studies program at a Canadian postsecondary institution. At the time of application, candidates registered in the first year of, or who intend to enroll in, such a program are considered eligible You must indicate your desire to be considered for a supplement from the appropriate drop-down menu in your application form. You must also provide an explanation of why your research should be considered for a supplement.
SSHRC: Can I apply? Yes, if … You are: a citizen or permanent resident of Canada; applying for support to pursue your first PhD (or equivalent); pursuing doctoral studies in the social sciences or humanities; not have already received a doctoral-level scholarship or fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) or SSHRC to undertake or complete a doctoral degree; and not applying in the 2017-18 academic year to NSERC or CIHR. NB: at the time of application, you need not be assured of admission to a degree program.
SSHRC: Am I competitive? Yes, if … You have a minimum overall average of 80% in each degree You have two people who can write *excellent* letters of appraisal You have research publications or public scholarship You can tell the general public how your research project might affect their lives
SSHRC: How do I apply? Everyone needs: the web-based Doctoral Award application form, completed, printed, and signed the program of study (maximum two pages) bibliography and citations (maximum five pages) research contributions (maximum one page) official and/or certified copies of all undergraduate AND graduate level transcripts two completed letters of appraisal in sealed envelopes (maximum one page each) the Departmental Appraisal the completed, printed, and signed Consent to Disclosure of Personal Information form the Application Checklist
SSHRC: How do I apply? Some will need: supplement justification (if applicable, maximum one page per supplement) joint or special initiative justification (if applicable, maximum one page per initiative) allowable inclusions (if applicable, maximum one page) official letter to confirm part-time study and/or leave of absence (if applicable, maximum one page each)
SSHRC: How is my application assessed? Research Potential, shown in: the program of study and its potential contribution to the advancement of knowledge; relevant professional and academic experience, including research training, as demonstrated by conference presentations and scholarly publications; two written evaluations from referees; and the departmental appraisal (for those registered at Canadian universities) 2) Academic Excellence, shown in: Transcripts Awards Distinctions 3) Communication, Leadership, shown in: Program of study Relevant experience
SSHRC: When do I have to do this? Your department will have an EARLIER deadline so they can write the departmental assessment letter. Ask them for that date – that is the one you are working toward The deadline for fully completed applications to be submitted to SGS is November 13: your dept. or unit will forward applications to SGS
SSHRC: What’s the hardest part? Figuring out how best to follow all the SSHRC instructions AND highlight your qualifications at the same time Ensuring your letters of reference are excellent formulaires/index-eng.aspx Writing the Program of Research
SSHRC: I need more help! Good. SSHRC FAQ page: read it, print it, keep it with you! questions_frequentes/doctoral_awards-bourses_de_doctorat-eng.aspx Tech support – any questions/problems with the web forms, contact SSHRC: Proposal Writing Workshops: contact Gail Lamkin to register ( October 3 and November 7 10:00 to noon IIC 2014 Consult widely Get your supervisor and letter writers to edit your program of study AND proofread your forms Have your peers read through everything – they can spot places that don’t make sense