Save the Children, Save the Future A Jesus & mary school road safety project - lebanon
Our Ideas First meeting of the year, we discussed with Mrs Lena Gebran, founder of Kunhadi, the problems plaguing Lebanon’s roads and traffic. The most important and crucial one? Child safety in cars.
Our Initiatives We tackled different areas through teams: Research Team Social Media Team I.T. Team
Social Media Team Created Facebook and Instagram pages for our team Posted child safety-related images and posts daily on both
IT Team Met with Mr Ramzi Abou Rahal to devise a survey made of 7 questions regarding child safety in cars Closed the survey once it had reached almost 400 responses Represented the responses in graphs that illustrate how much people really knew about the topic
Information Collection The survey questions: Question 1: If you don't have a car seat for your child, you can _________ Correct answer: Buy one before you begin your trip
Information Collection Question 2: Kids cannot sit in the front seat before they are __________ Correct answer: ten years old.
Information Collection Question 3: You should use a booster until your height is _____________ Correct answer: 135 cm
Information Collection Question 4: The safest place for a car seat is ___________ Correct answer: in the middle of the rear seat
Information Collection Question 5: While a car is moving, it is illegal to_______ Correct answer: have body parts outside the window
Information Collection Question 6: The seat belt should be used in the __________ Correct answer: front seats and rear seats
Information Collection Question 7: For a child to stop sitting in a rear- facing car seat, he/she must ___________ Correct answer: Have a body mass greater than that of his head, and be older than one year old
Awareness Video We wanted to raise awareness in a fun yet impactful way, and we found that the best way to do so would be through music. We were inspired by Singing Dentist, who parodies popular songs to make them about dental care. We therefore changed and created new lyrics for Ed Sheeran’s “Shape Of You” to push parents to look into safety measures for their kids. We then created a video for it which we posted on our Youtube channel. Link:
Interview We thought that a TV appearance would spread the word about what we’re advocating to a bigger audience. Therefore, we appeared with Kunhadi on a talk show where we briefly discussed our project and our cooperation with Kunhadi. Link:
Conclusion Children are suffering at the hands of adults driving recklessly or not paying attention on the road. In fact, one of the leading causes of death among children is car accidents. The proper use of car seats for infants reduces this risk of death by 71% and by 54% for toddlers. The future depends on the newer generations, and it is therefore our job to protect them and care for them and ensure their wellbeing. It’s crucial that we take the initiative and make the world safer for children and avoid any more unnecessary deaths, and so we hope that many will follow our steps in doing so.