FACS 56 life management the communication process
the communication process clear communication is the basis for harmonious living can you think of a time in the last week where UNCLEAR communication made your life more difficult?
participation activity: building what you hear please listen to all the directions carefully before you begin: …get into groups of 3 …send one person to get your supplies …get 20 toothpicks, 20 marshmallows, one ziploc bag & one paper sack …as a team create a 2D design using up to 10 toothpicks & up to 10 marshmallows— the design must lay flat on the table …as you create your design, set aside the same number and color of marshmallows & toothpicks that you are using in the bag …wait for further instructions
participation activity: building what you hear please listen to all the directions carefully before you begin: …place your design in the paper sack provided & close the sack …now designate each member of your group as one of the following: builder, messenger, explainer …listen for further instruction…
the communication process one way communication— a message is sent, but no apparent feedback is given examples? two way communication— when one person sends a message to another and that other person responds If both people recognize & attach at least a similar meaning to the message, they reach understanding
the communication process when two people communicate orally one person is a sender & one person is a receiver sender— puts his/her thoughts into words & actions (encoding) message— thoughts & actions—includes spoken words, gestures, facial expressions receiver— interprets (decodes) the message
communication is a continuous two-way process the communication process verbal message nonverbal encoding decoding communication is a continuous two-way process sender receiver verbal feedback nonverbal
the communication process decoding dependent upon receiver speaking same language as sender decoding accuracy can be measured by feedback interference (noise, inability to decode, lack of trust or rapport, receiver preoccupation) diminishes effectiveness
nonverbal messages sent with: facial expressions tone of voice eye contact body language posture amount of physical space between sender & receiver http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfDWQG47pAQ
participation activity: quiet line up the object of this activity is to form a single file line with the person whose birthday is closest to January 1st at the front and the person whose birthday is closest to December 31st at the back and everyone else in birthday order in between NO ONE MAY TALK DURING THE ACTIVITY you have 60 seconds to plan your strategy—no discussion of birthdates allowed—and then absolutely no talking or mouthing of words…you may use any other method of communication