Did you know ?
India has world's largest number of professionally qualified women. India has largest population of working women in the world. India has more number of doctors, surgeons, scientists, professors than the United States
In India violence against women is a common evil They are subjected to physical and mental violence. India has 45 Million widows Women of India are not given proper care, which results in higher level of malnutrition among the women which results in poor health of women
She is Abused !!!!! She is Discriminated !!!!! She is Abandoned !!!!! She is Homeless !!!!!
“I need help”
CAN YOU Restore Them?
Rescuing Restoring Protecting Empowering Equiping Rehabilitating Reintegrating
Now Abayashram has a total number of 38 inmates Since 1996 Now Abayashram has a total number of 38 inmates Rehabilitated 186 vagrant woman
Discharge and Follow up Medical Care Rehabilitation Skill Orientation Discharge and Follow up
Now these three things will remain: faith, hope and love Now these three things will remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love 1 Corinthians 13:13
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