OUTCOMES Future of Australia’s Cities and Towns National Summit on the Future of Australia’s Cities and Towns OUTCOMES “Sustainable management of our Cities and Towns”
Australian Cities & Towns Diverse, vibrant inclusive communities This means providing “liveable communities" for all ages and all economic means. This must be a community led discussion… Globally competitive Quality jobs talent retention technology economic Reduced ecological impacts Energy & resource managed zero waste zero pollution Enhanced equity of access Free flowing Walk and cycle access Access to services Affordable housing Good quality design Open spaces Built form & structure
S t r a t e g i e s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Develop National Shared Vision Develop long term economic/environmental/social goals to achieve sustainable cities and towns. Develop political & community commitment by answering the ‘What’s In It For Me’ question 1 Integrate Governance Develop an inclusive national governance framework to articulate an agreed strategy for cities and towns to achieve agreed sustainability outcomes S t r a t e g i e s 2 Foster & Improve Information Base Improve the existing national spatial database and access to it 3 Develop National Settlement Strategy Manage population growth, change and distribution to ensure resilient, sustainable and functional communities 4 Mobilise Active Citizen Engagement Establish a national program to inform and involve citizens in order to create a dialogue across competing interests and to enable the aspirations of the community to guide the future of towns, regions and cities 5 Improve Infra- structure Improve delivery and use of infrastructure 6 Sustainability Audit (tax, funding & charges) Audit and connect the taxation, charging and funding models to deliver sustainability objectives 7 True cost pricing Investigate implications of true cost pricing of land, infrastructure and natural resources 8
Action Framework Scorecard Australian Cities & Towns Strategies “Sustainable management of our Cities and Towns” Action Framework Scorecard Australian Cities & Towns 1. Develop a shared National Vision & Policy Framework 2. Establish Benchmarking framework 3. Establish Office of Sustainable Communities 4. Develop National Info Exchange & Analytical Tools 5. Actively engage the Community 6. Ensure Sustainable Transport infrastructure improvements 7. Provide equitable access to technology & connection 8. Develop a National Settlement Strategy 9. Develop key national sustainability initiatives 10. Develop a National Infrastructure Funding Program Livable neighborhoods Social, economic and cultural All ages, all economic levels Community led Diverse, vibrant inclusive communities Quality jobs Talent retention Technology Economic Globally competitive Energy & resources managed Zero waste/zero pollution Reduced ecological impacts Free flowing Walk and cycle access Access to services Affordable housing Enhanced equity of access Open spaces Built form & structure Good quality design Strategies Develop National Shared Vision 1 2 Integrate Governance 3 Foster & Improve Information Base 4 Develop National Settlement Strategy Mobilise Active Citizen Engagement 5 6 Improve Infra- structure Sustainability Audit (tax, funding & charges) 7 True cost pricing 8