Stewartville High School Biology 1-The Nature of Life Stewartville High School Biology
Stewartville High School Biology 2-The Chemistry of Life Compare and contrast organic and inorganic molecules Explain the importance of water to living things, specifically in making mixtures and solutions Identify the polymers and monomers of the major organic molecules Demonstrate a clear understanding of how enzymes affect the reaction time of a chemical reaction Describe how temperature and pH affect enzyme activity Stewartville High School Biology
4-Terrestrial Ecosystems Understand the role climate plays in determining biomes Compare how latitude and altitude affect biomes Explain how biotic and abiotic factors determine biomes Demonstrate understanding of a species niche and how a niche is defined by the competitive exclusion principle Explain the role of both consumers in a predator-prey relationship Differentiate between the three types of symbiosis Compare and contrast primary and secondary succession Identify the major biomes in the world by analyzing the yearly temperature and precipitation from a climatogram Describe how a microclimate can exist in a larger biome Stewartville High School Biology
Stewartville High School Biology 4.4-Aquatic Ecosystems Demonstrate freshwater succession and explain causes that would increase rates Describe the different regions of the marine ecosystem Define the different parts of aquatic habitats State the internal and external parts of the squid and describe its function Compare the primary productivity of aquatic and land ecosystems Describe succession in a whale-fall community Stewartville High School Biology
7-Cell Structure and Function Explain the history and development of the cell theory Distinguish between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells Describe the major functions of cell organelles and explain how they work together Describe the design and function of a cell membrane and wall Compare and contrast the cell transportation methods of diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, and active transport Describe the different levels of cellular organization Demonstrate proper use of a compound light microscope Demonstrate proper slide preparation techniques Stewartville High School Biology