WIRELESS ELECTRONIC NOTICE BOARD USING GSM Internal Guide: Prof. P. S.R.Krishna By: K. Kiran Kumar Reddy V. Kumar Dutt P. Anup Kumar S. Sandeep Prabhu
INTRODUCTION Notice board is primary thing in any institution or organization or public utility places like bus stops, railway stations or parks. But printing and pasting various notices day to day is a tedious process. People are now adapted to the idea of the world at its finger-tips. The use mobile phones have increased drastically over years. The GSM technology is used in this project. GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication. Due to this international roaming capability of GSM, we can send message to receiver from any part of the world. It has the system for SMS-Short Message Service. This will help us in passing any message almost immediately without any delay just by sending a SMS which is better and more reliable than the old traditional way of pasting the message on notice board. Using various AT commands is used to display the message onto the LED display board.
COMPONENTS REQUIRED MAX232 GSM Modem SIM Power Supply LED Microcontroller AT Commands EEPROM MAX232
WORKING PRINCIPLE The GSM module used consists of a SIM card of some number. The message transmitted by any number to this number is received and saved in the memory of the SIM card. This module works with the AT-Commands. The RxD and TxD pins of this GSM module are connected to the TxD and RxD of the microcontroller respectively so that the information (here message) is transmitted . The message received by GSM module is retrieved by the microcontroller by using suitable AT-command. The message is transferred to the display board when the AT command “AT+CMGR” is
CONCLUSION The display boards are one of the major communications medium for mass media. Local language can be added as a variation in this project. Also we realize that this project saves time, energy and hence environment. Cost of printing and photocopying is also reduced as information can be given to a large number of people from our fingertips.