KLOE Slow Control Architecture Fabrizio Murtas, INFN LNF Paolo Valente, INFN Roma and INFN LNF KLOE DAQ KLOE Slow Control DAFNE Control System KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
DAFNE f-factory Two interaction regions Separate e+, e- rings to minimize beam-beam interactions, 510 MeV + 510 MeV Beams cross at 12.5 mrad angle Injection during data-taking DAFNE parameters Design 2002 Max. bunches 120 51 Lifetime (mins) 40 Bunch current (mA) 20 L, single bunch (cm-2s-1) 4.4 1030 1.5 1030 L, peak (cm-2s-1) 5.3 1032 0.75 1032 f per year (109) 15 0.9 KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
KLOE experiment General purpose detector : ~4 m diameter & ~4 m length. Superconducting Coil of 6 KG. Lead-Scintillating Fiber Calorimeter 5.000 ADC & TDC Channels 5.000 HV Channels. 1.536 LV Channels (Thresholds, Preamp, Pulse) Helium Drift Chamber stereo cell geometry 12.500 Sense Wire 760 HV Channels 1.728 LV Channels (Threshold, Dead and Width Time, Preamps, Pulse) KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control functions - 1 The KLOE Slow Control is an hardware/software system to monitor and control: High voltages used for detectors Low voltages, thresholds and pulsing systems on FEE crates Power supplies of all VME crates Fast readout of VME scalers for monitoring of Trigger rates Background counters Front End Hardware Slow Control KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control functions - 2 Some systems have to be integrated in the Slow control, due to different architecture and/or different hardware Remote monitoring of DC gas system and its alarms Remote monitoring of the KLOE magnet control system Integration with data coming from DAFNE accelerator controls Other Control Systems Front End Hardware Slow Control KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control functions - 3 With time more Slow Control functions were added: Log of all Slow Control parameter to the KLOE DB and storage of main detector parameters directly in the events Communication with Run Control for parameters setting at run initialization Other Control System Front End Hardware Slow Control events DAQ, Run Control, Database KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control functions - 4 The monitoring of the slow control parameters is essential for the good running of the detector: a simple and efficient user interface has to be provided to the operators and experts Other Control System Front End Hardware Slow Control User interface events DAQ, Run Control, Database KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Used technologies The Kloe Slow Control System has been realized using as much as possible common Standards : VME Crate and CPU, as already used by the rest of DAQ System CAENet Serial System to connect different crates controllers for HV, LV, and power supplies TCP-IP for communication between main slow control and other control systems (Gas, Dafne & Magnet, using LabVIEW) SQL for main slow control database communication (Offline) SNMP protocol for inter-processes communication Web Server for information distribution We will describe all the components of the system and its architecture KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control hardware DAFNE Control Front End Hardware Slow Control User interface DAQ, Run Control, Database Slow control hardware KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
CAENet interface VME Temperature/Gas Interlock Daisy chain Daisy chain V288 CAENet V288 CAENet VME KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
HV 720 channels 5000 photomultipliers Drift chamber HV 3 SY527 crates HV cards 6 wires 720 channels Calorimeter HV 21 SY527 crates 5000 photomultipliers KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control levels Commands & monitoring Storage VME Interface Commands & monitoring User level Slow Control machine High level process High level Low level process Storage VME CPU Serial links (CAENet protocol) V288 Low level Low voltages & PS High voltages Hardware level KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Low level process Hardware Interface 5 Process level: manage commands, call level 4 4 Configuration files read/Log and statistics write 3 Detector parameters structure handling 2 CAENet slaves read/write operations 1 CAENet operations Send_command/Read_buffer 0 V288 CAENet Board addressing, VME read/write Hardware KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow_hvdc Slow_hvemc Slow_emc 5 main monitoring processes continously run on the low level machine (L2AX12 in the dedicated VME crate): L2AX12 Slow_hvdc Slow_dc Slow_hvemc Slow_emc Slow_daq CAENet Chamber HV Chamber LV Calorimeter HV Calorimeter LV Crate PS KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Logging and history Hardware Low level process Different kind of log and history files produced by each monitoring process: Log file: standard output and errors from process Error file: errors and failures from hardware level Status file: current values of all monitored parameters History file: values of relevant monitored parameters Different logging time intervals: 15 seconds for fast changing variables (general status) 1 minute or 5 minutes for slow changing variables (thresholds, HV settings, gas parameters) Hardware VME+CAENet KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Inter-process communication The Slow control implements the online template It uses the KLOE message system: Processes and their relevant variables are mapped in a SNMP1 tree A private SNMP daemon runs in every node: cmdsrv (command server) Variables are periodically updated, so monitoring tools can access them Commands implemented as setting of SNMP variables SNMP traps used for asynchronous notifications 1 Simple Network Management Protocol http://www.simpleweb.org cmdsrv cmdsrv UDP KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Program interface The interface of the Low level monitoring processes is realized using the message system of the KLOE DAQ Commands can be sent and data can be received from any machine in the online farm KLOESLOW Program High level program Command Low level process cmdsrv Output L2AX12 Hardware VME+CAENet KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Program interface Commands: Output Hardware UPDATE SET GET SWITCH VERIFY MANUAL Low level process INIT START PAUSE RESUME END EXIT Hardware VME+CAENet MONITORING Log & History Send commands is implemented by directly setting internal process variables In the same way, Output receive is implemented by directly reading internal process variables Variables are set/read by accessing shared memories (through the message system) KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
DAFNE Control Front End Hardware Slow Control User interface DAQ, Run Control, Database User interface As user interface we have chosen a set of Web pages, displayed by a Web Server and produced by CGI programs We use Apache Web server CGI = Common Gateway Interface KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
User interface Client (Web browser) Web server Firewall protection Internet Client (Web browser) CGI Interface CGI program Web server HTTP protocol DATA Firewall Firewall protection Password protection IP address protection KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control software - 1 Web pages Web server KLOESLOW CGI programs cmdsrv Low level processes L2AX12 Hardware VME+CAENet KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
User interface examples DAFNE Control Front End Hardware Slow Control User interface DAQ, Run Control, Database User interface examples KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Main web page Low level processes Main menu KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Processes monitoring Calorimeter Drift chamber Detector Status Process Comm. Status Detector Status Status Started KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Chamber HV It is possible to produce the map of all the channels It is possible to locate and switch on immediately the channel in trip KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Chamber HV 0.0 mA 0.1 mA 0.2 mA 0.3 mA 0.4 mA Dinamic map of the current for all drift chamber channels KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
HV control Process and HV status Switch on/off Change settings Command output KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Calorimeter HV Voltages of all the 5000 photomultipliers KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
HV control Process and HV status Switch on/off Change settings Command output KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Chamber LV Test pulse Threshold, dead time KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
LV control Process and LV status Set threshold Set pulsing and veto Command output KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Calorimeter LV Details KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
FEE crates L2 crates power supplies FEE crates power supplies KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
FEE crates Voltages & currents monitoring Fans & temperature Switch on/off KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Nano-amperometer “faster” Slow control device: Nano-amperometer built and installed on 4 HV channels of the chamber, monitoring 4 x 12 wires in the very inner layers Current to frequency converter (logarithmic) scaler Logarithmic accuracy (better at low current) CAENet communication: max. readout speed 150 ms Measured currents used to monitor machine background in the inner part of the chamber Clear evidence of current peaks induced by DAFNE injections, in excellent agreement with all other background monitors Monitoring process, integrated in the general framework KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Nano-amperometer 4 HV channels, very sensitive to machine background KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Currents in first layers Chamber ch. 1 Current [mAmpere] 1 day e+ and e- currents [Ampere] KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Communication with other control systems Front End Hardware Slow Control User interface DAQ, Run Control, Database Communication with other control systems KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Other monitored systems: Gas Serial lines (flow meters, analyzer) Digital I/O (valves, pump) Analog I/O (temperatures, pressures) Gas PC A sophisticated gas system was realized in order to run the drift chamber in closed loop as well as in flushing mode Gas analysis for isobutan content, oxygen and water content measurement Realized in NI LabVIEW: need to integrate in the general Slow control framework! KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Gas system General status Pressures, flow, contaminants Alarms, errors and log KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Other monitored systems: Magnet Serial lines (power supply, cryogenics controls) Digital I/O (valves for cryogenics) Analog I/O (sensors) Magnet PC Superconducting coil of the KLOE magnet from OXFORD Instruments Cryogenics and power supply full custom control and monitoring Realized in NI LabVIEW: need to integrate in the general Slow control framework! KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Other monitored systems: solution Hardware Control program Gas PC Hardware TCP/IP socket Slow Control Control program Data servers Magnet PC TCP/IP socket Spy data KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Other systems: DAFNE DMA Low level VME GUI Hardware device Optical links High level CPU User interface tasks VME CPU RAM Dumper Storer Distributed, RAM, Real-time database DMA DB KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
DAFNE controls KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
DAFNE/KLOE common DB DAFNE info KLOE info Dumper KLOE Storer Slow Control Storer NFS cross-mount Slow Fast Slow Fast User task User task KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Other system: offline other data sources: Collection of data from other monitoring system (online and offline farms) Collection of data from monitoring programs, PHYSMON, running online reconstruction on the experiment data KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Other systems For each “system” external to the Slow control, but monitored by it, a dedicated DATA SERVER runs on the high level machine, in order to continously collect data: From TCP-IP process From the DAQ message system From access to data storage on disk 2 Listen for TCP connection or Read status 1 Configuration files read/Log and statistics write 0 TCP/IP socket routines / Read routines KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control software - 2 Web pages Web server KLOESLOW CGI programs Data servers Low level processes Other systems L2AX12 Hardware VME+CAENet KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Data collection & synchronization Slow_emc calorimeter LV Slow_hvemc calorimeter HV Slow_dc chamber LV Global.fast: refresh every 15’’ Slow_hvdc chamber HV Slow_daq power supplies GASserver chamber gas Global.slow: refresh every 60’’ MAGserver magnet … PHYSMON event online reconstruction TRGMON trigger monitor DAFNE database KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control software - 3 Web pages Web server KLOESLOW Global CGI programs Data servers Low level processes Other systems L2AX12 Hardware VME+CAENet KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Other functions… Fast-Ethernet The slow control high level CPU is also the server for the diskless L2 VME CPU’s (OS download and NIS) KLOESLOW Fast-Ethernet L2AX01 ... L2AX10 + L2AX12 L2AX13 + 2 spares 10 DAQ chains Slow control Trigger KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control – DAQ communication DAFNE Control Front End Hardware Slow Control User interface DAQ, Run Control, Database Slow control – DAQ communication KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control – DAQ communication At run initialization: set thresholds & channel veto for chamber, calorimeter from Run control to Slow control To have a quick run initialization, a single INIT command is sent to a intermediate process, Slow-RC Slow-RC distributes the appropriate commands to low level slow processes Commands through KLOE message system (cmdsrv) KRUNC Run Control cmdsrv cmdsrv Low level processes Slow-RC L2AX12 Hardware VME+CAENet KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control – DAQ communication ONLINE FARM builder builder cmdsrv KRUNC cmdsrv Run Control During the run, the Slow-RC process sends all the relevant detector parameters to the Run Control (every 15’’) Detector parameters are then stored by the builders in the event data structures cmdsrv cmdsrv Low level processes Slow-RC L2AX12 Hardware VME+CAENet KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control software - 4 ONLINE FARM KRUNC Run Control builder builder DB Web pages Web server KLOESLOW Global CGI programs Data servers Low level processes Other systems Slow-RC L2AX12 Hardware VME+CAENet KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Architecture - 1 Architecture - 1 Detector Operator User Interface Hardware Low level software High level Architecture - 1 Architecture - 1 Operator Fire, Gas Leak, Water Hardware Alarms Slow Control Detector data L2 filesystem DAFNE Gas Magnet LV,HV,PS serial VME, CAENet L2 Detector VME KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Architecture - 2 Operator User Interface Slow Control Online farm Hardware Low level software High level Architecture - 2 Operator Slow Control Online farm Run Control Detector data L2 filesystem Run Condition + Software Event data DB LV,HV,PS L2 Run DB Calibration DB KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
User interface examples DAFNE Control Front End Hardware Slow Control User interface DAQ, Run Control, Database User interface examples KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Main web page Low level processes Data server processes Main menu KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Processes monitoring Calorimeter Drift chamber Detector Status Process Comm. Status Detector Status Status Started KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
KLOE & DAFNE summary General KLOE status General DAFNE status Trigger rates from Event reconstruction from Slow control Luminosity estimate Beam position and E Chamber noise Calorimeter noise Calorimeter timing KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Background monitor Fast feedback from noise counts in the calorimeter endcaps KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Other monitoring Simple Web interface to run database for run lists queries for Raw files Reconstructed files (streams) Simple Web monitoring of reconstruction jobs running in the offline farm and of tape library status KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Reconstruction monitoring List of reconstruction jobs List of CPU’s and their status KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
DB web interface List of runs and general Information DB Links to reconstruction information in DB Cross section counters KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
DB web interface Reconstructed files: general information and links to detail Reconstructed parameters summary KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Log and History KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
User interface: ROOT presenter ONLINE FARM presenter presenter KLOESLOW Global Presenter: all quantities in the global database can be histogrammed ONLINE in the last 1-24 hours or HISTORY charts spanning long periods Based on ROOT libraries from CERN. KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
ROOT presenter Menu & draw classes General draw class Read DB classes ROOT libraries KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
ROOT presenter The presenter can produce charts with the trends of: Slow control variables showing the status of the detector, such as LV, HV, gas parameters DAFNE accelerator parameters (such as the currents or lifetimes) Offline quantities, such as noise estimate, luminosity estimate, background rates, beam boost and energy, etc. Very useful for luminosity/background optimization Important for global monitoring of the status of the detector Automatic update of the time charts Help by Zhou Yongzhao KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
ROOT presenter e- and e+ currents from accelerator controls Luminosity estimate from large angle Bhabha events Trigger rate KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
ROOT presenter Very easy graphical interface with ROOT characteristics (zoom, etc.) KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Running KLOE in automatic 2000-2002 runs: Run control, Slow control, Histogram monitoring 2 shifters 2004 run: Slow control-Run control integration, Automatic run start-pause-stop, automatic reset of DAQ errors. Only 1 shifter for general monitoring Alarms largely remotized, call experts when needed ? KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
KLOE remote control Automatic data taking in Run Control of hardware alarms KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Alarms There are watchdog processes, checking the status of all monitoring processes both in the high level machine (KLOESLOW, running the data servers and the Web server) & in the L2 machine (L2AX12): generate alarms restarting automatically missing monitoring tasks For critical errors, such as problems on the chamber gas systems, SMS alerts e-mail alerts GSM AT modem commands serial link e-mail Watchdog Detector data KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Slow control software - 5 ONLINE FARM KRUNC Run Control builder builder DB presenter presenter Web pages Web server KLOESLOW Global Watchdog CGI programs Data servers Low level processes Other systems Slow-RC Watchdog L2AX12 Hardware VME+CAENet KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
Architecture - 3 Architecture - 3 Detector Operator User Interface Hardware Low level software High level Architecture - 3 Architecture - 3 Operator GSM WebCam Fire, Gas Leak, Water Hardware Alarms Slow Control Alarms Online farm Run Control Detector data L2 filesystem Run Condition + Software Event data Gas Magnet DB LV,HV,PS serial VME, CAENet L2 Run DB Calibration DB Detector VME KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18
谢谢 ! KLOE Slow Control Architecture – Fabrizio Murtas, Paolo Valente - 北京 2004.5.17-18