Hymn #270: “I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go” 1. It may not be on the mountain height Or over the stormy sea, (Chorus) It may not be at the battle's front I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord, My Lord will have need of me. Over mountain or plain or sea; But if, by a still, small voice he calls I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord; To paths that I do not know, I'll be what you want me to be. I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine: I'll go where you want me to go.
Spencer W. Kimball “Write your personal history. Tell the whole story of your life. Include places you have lived, jobs you have had, Church callings, clubs or volunteer work, recreation, situations and activities you liked, disliked, or were proud of— anything you can think of.” (“Finding a Job,” 1985)
Getting to Know Yourself Make a list of: Where you have lived Jobs you have had Church callings Clubs or volunteer work Recreation Situations and activities you’ve liked or disliked Accomplishments you are proud of Anything else you can think of
Doctrine and Covenants 46:10–12 10 And again, verily I say unto you, I would that ye should always remember, and always retain in your minds what those gifts are, that are given unto the church. 11 For all have not every gift given unto them; for there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God. 12 To some is given one, and to some is given another, that all may be profited thereby.
Spencer W. Kimball "Many employers begin an interview by saying: 'Tell me about yourself.' If you're not prepared for that one, it can really throw you. What are interviewers really asking? First, they want to know how you'll handle the question, to see how fast you can think. Second, they want to know what makes you the person they've been looking for. Everyone has assets that would be valuable to an employer, but the employer won't find out about them unless you can communicate them to him.” (“Finding a Job,” 1985)
Me in 30 Seconds During the small group portion of the meeting, you will create a “me in 30 seconds” statement by writing three to five sentences that explain who you are. Some of the activities during the small group portion of the meeting will help you identify your strengths and accomplishments. You will use this information to help you create your “me in 30 seconds” statement.
Film Maker “Cammon Randle got his first video camera when he was only eight years old…. ‘I’ve always been interested in movies and how you can tell a story by showing it,’ he says.… Starting with small … projects when he was nine, Cammon kept filming and editing through high school. He eventually decided to go to BYU and major in media arts. He has worked on films like The Best Two Years, a film about missionaries in Holland, and on some commercials and TV shows. Recently, he worked on The Work and the Glory, a film based on Church history …. He says the secret to getting where you want to go is hard work. ‘People can see when you’re working hard and you’re doing your best, and they like that.’” (“Behind the Scenes,” Shanna Butler, 2005)
Farmer Talon Hobbs of Franklin, Idaho wants to go into his family’s business of farming. He loves the clean air, the animals, and the outdoors. “At 18, he has learned from his father how to do virtually every job on the farm. ‘My dad tells me what I need to get done, but I can choose what I do throughout the day. It’s really quiet. You’re not stressed. You get to have your quiet time. That’s what I really like about it.’ … Ironically, the only way that Talon Hobbs will get to own part of the family farm and the outdoor life he craves is by getting more indoor learning. ‘I’ve always wanted to farm, even when I was little. I wanted to have some of my own animals, but Dad didn’t want me to get too tied down. He wanted to give us the opportunity to go to college. I plan to go into animal science. I’d like to take some plant science classes, and learn how to add to the farm and make it better. I’ll need to learn some small business management. I figure it’s better for me to take classes than struggle my whole life trying to figure it out.’” (“Choosing the Outdoor Life,” Janet Thomas, 2009)
Small Group Activities Identify Your Gifts and Talents Choose three accomplishments. Group members will use “possible skills or traits” to identify items necessary for that accomplishment. The participant who shared will write down the first ten traits mentioned.
Small Group Activities I Am, I Have, or I Can Statements Select two or three skills or traits Use the skills or traits to write sentences beginning with, “I am..., I have…, or I can…” Me in 30 Seconds Use what you have written to create a “me in 30 seconds” statement 3–5 sentences Include personal traits and work-related skills
Doctrine and Covenants 11:28 28 Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am the life and the light of the world.