The problem with Packaging It’s not RUBBISH! The presentation consists of 14 slides, each with teachers’ notes. The notes are designed to help you present some key ideas and hold discussions about some of the issues with the children. An assembly about waste
What is waste? Many of the everyday things we do create waste. Waste is stuff that gets thrown away. A lot of our waste is packaging from things we buy, like plastic wrappings, boxes and trays. You have choices about what happens to this waste… What is waste? Waste is something that someone doesn’t need or want anymore. Many of the things we do every day create waste. Ask the children to suggest things that people do everyday that create waste. Write their answers on a board. Remind them that it's not just what we put in our bins or the litter you see on the streets. 2
… but we don’t always make good choices. We all have choices about our waste... … but we don’t always make good choices. Ask the children this question: Is waste a problem? Most of them will probably agree that it is! Some things to think about Some UK councils send landfill by sea to other countries In countries such as India and China, some children and young people have to sort through rubbish in landfill sites to find rags or other things they can sell for recycling. They are trying to earn enough to live on. Photo: Brijesh Patel GD*7531770 (A*1582853) 3
Waste choices Put it in the bin and it goes to landfill. Reduce your use, Recycle, Reuse, Compost. It's up to you Highlight the choices we make every day, whether to recycle or send to landfill: You finish the orange juice at breakfast. What do you do with the carton? (recycling box) Your socks have got holes in them. What do you do? (mend them or maybe use them to make a handpuppet. Otherwise put into clothes recycling bank) You made a mistake and your drawing is spoilt. What do you do with the paper? (recycling box) Your auntie gives you a new mp3 player. What do you do with your old one? (charity shop, or small electricals part of your local recycling centre) You're getting a new mattress. What do you do with your old mattress? (landfill) Think about your waste at home and school… How could you help keep things out of landfill? 4
Imagine if your family was so poor you had to root through rubbish Because we throw away so much, some of our rubbish is shipped overseas to be dumped in poor countries! They can’t afford to cover it with soil, so it stays there for ever, and some people even live amongst it! Imagine if your family was so poor you had to root through rubbish every day to find things to use or sell to buy food. This is life for many children in poor countries.
This is the Recycling Centre in Huddersfield. All of this waste was collected by Huddersfield families in their green bins and will be sorted and recycled. See how much we can save from landfill!!
So what’s the problem with packaging? You tell me!
… Don’t you agree, this is all a terrible WASTE!! When you go shopping, encourage your family to choose products with less packaging.
2 different families went out for a meal… What do you think about their choices? What will you ask your family to choose next time you go out?
What changes could your family make to reduce waste What changes could your family make to reduce waste? Talk to your family. Let us know what you decide. You could post your ideas in the ECOteam bag downstairs. What shall we do at our school to reduce waste? What is the majority of the school's waste? (Food? Paper?) Make a list of the suggestions from the children and staff, on ways to reduce waste. (Do they mention leaving a clean plate at lunchtime?) Which ones are new ideas? What could we improve and how can we do better? © 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation 10
The End